How did you get on?

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
Off down to Berkshire this cold and frosty morning for a club fixture on a commercial, not really my cup of tea but I'm doing well in the club league and need to keep up with the points..
Parked up in the carpark and immediately recognised skippy's catfish swim on the first lake, we were on the back lake so no cats thank god...


Set up 11' ultralite with a waggler and a light feeder rod with a maggot feeder. Plumbing up I was surprised it was only 3' deep...
It was slow to start with on the magg and wagg line but constant pinging loose maggots soon resulted in some bites. Roach mainly but a few small carps too.
Stayed on the waggler all match and caught carp constantly but none much bigger than 3lb, great fun on the light rod and 3lb line to an 18 on 0:09 bottom.
At the end I had 10 carps and bits for 21lb:7. Just a few ounces short of the section win...


30lb won today..

23 fished...
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The Runner

Well-known member
Feb 4, 2006
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Isle of Skye
Had old mate down from up North for our annual fishing weekend while his wife and her sister have their annual Xmas shopping one; as has become customary we had one day planned for the Thames and one for the Colne.
Probably did them the wrong way round. Yesterday was Thames day, decided Laleham or Runnymede would be non starters as cold and clear, and completely the wrong tide for Kew or Richmond so headed off a bit further afield to Wallingford. River had a bit more pace on it than expected, and the day had that murky light that roach love so it was a bit of a surprise when we got there to find that the two anglers already present hadn't had a bite in over an hour. Walked up another fifty yards or so and set up a 4BB stick on the 17' Carbonactive, didn't bother with pole as had heard that you would need to get the fish on top quickly and out even quicker to avoid them being Gnashed. Mate set up similar as well as a waggler rig for down the middle, and a pike rod.
Pouch of loosefeed, straight in and straight down with a roach, next put in same and then chomp as it reached the surface and first pike bite off of the day. Picked up a few more before it dried and started catching again by going out another five yards, mate catching on waggler so looking good. And pretty good is how it stayed apart from the rain which started late morning and never let up, neither of us having bothered with a brolly. Caught roach off and on all day, a few quiet spells with the pike unsettling them , mostly fish around 9 or 10 to the pound , odd better one and each of us had one around the pound.
And mate's pike rod saw plenty of action, seven of them up to 9lb as well as another one lost and a couple of dropped runs .
Ended up with just short of 150 fish, all roach apart from two dace and a lone silver bream, for probably around 16lb, mate had about 12lb but as he was quick to point out, it would have been a lot closer if he hadn't had to keep putting the waggler down to attend to the latest pike run....And had nearer 50lb if you included the pike,
Nice waitress service on the bank as well; mate's daughter who now lives in Newbury, turned up at lunchtime in the worst of the rain with her boyfriend, a selection of pies and cakes and a big flask of soup.

On to today, a bit of a late start as we'd been to my stepdaughters birthday bash last night...Colne likely to be hard, low, clear and a sunny day etc so we considered a change of plan to the canal at either Thorney Lane or Ricky for roach on the punch but in the end decided on the Colne anyway as we'd caught enough two ounce roach for the weekend yesterday. Went about halfway down the old free stretch, river horribly low and with the sun right on it for most of the day. As hard as expected, only a dozen fish between us and very frustrating as there were almost certainly a lot more there. Long gaps between bites but when you did get one it was a proper herring dace.

All in all a good weekend

Alan Tyler

Well-known member
May 2, 2003
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Barnet, S.Herts/N. London
Returned to the pit I'd prospected on Thursday, bright sun and a frost making me fear the worst, but a new moon, meaning dark sky all night and no easy feeding for pike, buoyed me up.
Petrol-Splitter went for the South bank, to avoid peering into the sun; I went for a "point" swim on the North, where I could switch sides as the sun moved.
The lake bed being like a mountain range, and unknown to me, I stuck (mostly) to the near bank, the feature I can rely on, unless I have a very wet "bad day".
I cast a smelt to the left, a roach to the right, and sat down for a sandwich, only to realise that while I was being organised and making economical butties rather than blow six quid on a pair of "meal deals", I had forgotten to have any breakfast. The butties did not survive till lunch-time.
Nor did the smelt; an eight-pound+ pike made off with it, and made my day worthwhile.
Petrol-Splitter had had two by this time. I was sunbathing by now (well, I'd taken off my hat), and shortly after when lunch should have been, another smelt was snaffled by an almost-seven pounder.
The roach, which had been ignored all morning, was retired and replaced by a mackerel, which fared no better. The nearest I came to another bite was a juvenile moorhen lifted up my float in the hope that something so large and lurid might be edible. The comedy gods of angling failed to produce the appropriate bite, and a tweak of the line persuaded the bird to move along.
P-S. ended up with four jacks to my two proper pike (am I in the mire if he ever reads this) and all on roach; nary a touch on smelt. Explain that. (PLEASE!).
As I packed, I had a kingfisher fly-by with added "Bosun's whistle" fanfare. I'll take that as a good sign, till proved otherwise.

ian g

Well-known member
Jul 21, 2011
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North Shropshire
Met up with my mate on the Severn below Shrewsbury . No frost here and the river looked great . I was after perch and fished two rods in a nice slack on with minnows as bait the other float fished worms . Setttled in and fishing by 10 am , slow start with just a few knocks on the worm . I'd fished this swim last week for two 2 lb perch but struggled today . I thought of moving and walked the stretch but really fancied this swim . Afternoon and the bites increased , I managed a ruffe followed by a chub around a pound then a few small chub , all on the worm rod . I then managed another chub slightly bigger than the first , the light was fading fast and i struggled to see my float but the fish were on the worm now and I finally managed a perch around a pound . Lovely day to be out and about .


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
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On another planet
Snuck out Saturday as just could not work though the day as it was the weekend after all, mind you by the time I got to the river it was almost 2 o'clock and it seemed like it was getting dark already. Strange wet stuff was coming from the sky and I hoped the river would have added colour and flow as it would be a cert that it would be a trickle the next day.

Any extra flow was minimal and there was no colour but I was happy my favourite dace swim was vacant, so I sat in the mud getting in a right wet mess as not to skyline the fish. Ok tell a lie I forgot my seat in the haste of an impromptu gathering of the tackle earlier, I had the option of standing or keeping low, I chose the latter which meant I could fish the faster water closer in, I was getting wet anyway so mud just adds to the effect, it sure beat staying indoors.

The fishing was hard to start with, I managed to winkle out a few good dace and a couple of nice chub as I listened to the sport on the radio. When the light started to fade though the winter magic began and it was all dace, mind you I was shallowed up and gunning for them, trying to avoid the other species as I was after a 1lb'er, feeding quite heavy for the time of year it was a fish a chuck and I was returning fish in the 12-14oz bracket unweighed. Of the ones I did get the scales out for, one was wobbling just over the magic 1lb barrier and the other two were bang on 1lb 1oz so to get three over a pound was pure dace magic.



peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
Went to the supermarket this morning and noticed the boat which had been moored in my fishing spot had gone..
Shopping done I walked back to the car and thought, what a nice mild day, a proper November roachy day in fact..
I wasn't long back home before I was on my spot with my gear..


The SW wind wasn't as warm as usual, in fact it was chilly as I waited for a bite.
Eventually 2 roach in consecutive casts then nothing. It started to drizzle and the wind got blustery and it wasn't long before I was shivering. Had a couple more roach and a nice dace before I decided I was cold, wet and the warm sofa beckoned...



Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
Cracking Dace Rob, in fact the biggest dace I have ever seen!

Nice roach Simon and your dace looks very acceptable! You seem to be able to fish everyday and at the drop of a hat; admirable!


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
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Snuck out Saturday as just could not work though the day as it was the weekend after all, mind you by the time I got to the river it was almost 2 o'clock and it seemed like it was getting dark already. Strange wet stuff was coming from the sky and I hoped the river would have added colour and flow as it would be a cert that it would be a trickle the next day.

Any extra flow was minimal and there was no colour but I was happy my favourite dace swim was vacant, so I sat in the mud getting in a right wet mess as not to skyline the fish. Ok tell a lie I forgot my seat in the haste of an impromptu gathering of the tackle earlier, I had the option of standing or keeping low, I chose the latter which meant I could fish the faster water closer in, I was getting wet anyway so mud just adds to the effect, it sure beat staying indoors.

The fishing was hard to start with, I managed to winkle out a few good dace and a couple of nice chub as I listened to the sport on the radio. When the light started to fade though the winter magic began and it was all dace, mind you I was shallowed up and gunning for them, trying to avoid the other species as I was after a 1lb'er, feeding quite heavy for the time of year it was a fish a chuck and I was returning fish in the 12-14oz bracket unweighed. Of the ones I did get the scales out for, one was wobbling just over the magic 1lb barrier and the other two were bang on 1lb 1oz so to get three over a pound was pure dace magic.



Wow. Real beauties, and it's only november!

sam vimes

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
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North Yorkshire.
Late out of bed, dismal weather, something in the post that demanded my attention. It wasn't until after 1400 that I looked out to see a cloud bank rolling away leaving clear sky and light winds. Knowing that I won't have chance to fish in the next two days, I grabbed my gear and headed to the river.

I had my first run through at 1500. By 1600 I'd had four grayling and a trout. By 1615 I added about ten minnows and lost the will to carry on.

Back home to make some pheasant soup/stew to clear some space in my freezer for some more free protein.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2010
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Deep in the Black Country
Snuck out Saturday as just could not work though the day as it was the weekend after all, mind you by the time I got to the river it was almost 2 o'clock and it seemed like it was getting dark already. Strange wet stuff was coming from the sky and I hoped the river would have added colour and flow as it would be a cert that it would be a trickle the next day.

Any extra flow was minimal and there was no colour but I was happy my favourite dace swim was vacant, so I sat in the mud getting in a right wet mess as not to skyline the fish. Ok tell a lie I forgot my seat in the haste of an impromptu gathering of the tackle earlier, I had the option of standing or keeping low, I chose the latter which meant I could fish the faster water closer in, I was getting wet anyway so mud just adds to the effect, it sure beat staying indoors.

The fishing was hard to start with, I managed to winkle out a few good dace and a couple of nice chub as I listened to the sport on the radio. When the light started to fade though the winter magic began and it was all dace, mind you I was shallowed up and gunning for them, trying to avoid the other species as I was after a 1lb'er, feeding quite heavy for the time of year it was a fish a chuck and I was returning fish in the 12-14oz bracket unweighed. Of the ones I did get the scales out for, one was wobbling just over the magic 1lb barrier and the other two were bang on 1lb 1oz so to get three over a pound was pure dace magic.



After your roach and these dace Rob, you should be thinking about the Drennan Cup :)


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
I had a day Trentside today hoping for a zander, even two with a bit of luck . Arriving at nine am tho it was
so so clear it was possible to see the bottom several yards from the bank which didnt bode too well but with no turning back I was set up with two baits , one up and another downstream inside a half hour of my arrival.
After a few hours I was thinking along with another zander angler that maybe the silverfish had moved away from the area and the zeds had followed on behind them.
Not to sure how right we were but gone dark we both left fishless .
Still, a pleasant day to be out despite a little rain earlier in the afternoon where the highlight birdwise was a little egret flying low upriver on the far bank, at first glance We thought it was a barn owl but the wingbeat was a little too fast and as it cleared the far bank willows it seemed the wingbeat theory was correct.
I really ought to stay longer into an evening next time out.


Active member
Nov 16, 2017
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North Wales
Being the New Kid on the block, it’s appropriate I should show willing, so here is my “How did you get on” (which is my favourite thread) my fishing is predominantly for Barbel from the River Severn around and below Shrewsbury, so particularly at this time of the year I look for a falling river with rising water temperature. No such luck this week, the river had levelled out with the temp dropping, however I was encouraged by the report on Sunday from Ian g, together with a few reports of fish being caught in the area nothing outstanding but the promise of a fish or two, so I ventured down towards Cressage area, one of my favourite swims is a 20-minute walk from the car park but well worth it just for the peace & tranquillity together with a choice of Swims. Because of the falling temp I collected a pint of maggots on the way sadly these did not work being plagued by small fish sucking them, so I used Halibut pellets on one rod and meat on the other. Limited success I landed one 4lb 2oz Barbel in great condition on the pellet. I am sure it’s no surprise to anyone that Halibut pellets are the main diet of Barbel despite the number of exotic baits on the market, On the stretch of the Severn from Montford Bridge to Buildwas at numerus venues I have caught at every location without pre-baiting and at the first attempt.


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
. I am sure it’s no surprise to anyone that Halibut pellets are the main diet of Barbel despite the number of exotic baits on the market, On the stretch of the Severn from Montford Bridge to Buildwas at numerus venues I have caught at every location without pre-baiting and at the first attempt.

I managed to source a pack of lamprey pellets made by Andy Clitheroe a couple of years ago, he no longer makes them and I don't think anyone else does, not for commercial gain anyway.

The pack is still sealed and just waiting for the day I find a spot on my river where the elusive barbel can be found.

Neil Maidment

Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
Much tougher day yesterday down on the Stour. Levels have slowly dropped another inch or two and the colour has almost all gone.

I was happy they were in the general area so I kept the feed going in on a regular basis. The first chub of around 4lbs+ eventually turned up after almost two hours of feeding and trotting.


I scaled down to a #20 which did the trick with four more finding the net, the best was probably around 5lbs. Had I lost this one, I would have sworn it was a very big chub. It was such a dour, heavy fight but the poor ****** had virtually no tail.


I did contrive to lose a couple, one of which was a very nice chub indeed, but it rolled off the hook in front of me. not happy.

More rain please!


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2017
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Mid Wales
Met up with my mate on the Severn below Shrewsbury . No frost here and the river looked great . I was after perch and fished two rods in a nice slack on with minnows as bait the other float fished worms . Setttled in and fishing by 10 am , slow start with just a few knocks on the worm . I'd fished this swim last week for two 2 lb perch but struggled today . I thought of moving and walked the stretch but really fancied this swim . Afternoon and the bites increased , I managed a ruffe followed by a chub around a pound then a few small chub , all on the worm rod . I then managed another chub slightly bigger than the first , the light was fading fast and i struggled to see my float but the fish were on the worm now and I finally managed a perch around a pound . Lovely day to be out and about .

Any tips on how to fish for perch on the Severn, river perch are on my "to catch" list, but lacked the confidence to try, so far?
I've plenty of water I fish above and below Shrewsbury, do you look for slacks with cover, bankside swims? How do you fish the lobworm (I shall probably avoid small deadbaits/livebaits due to pike), on the bottom, trotted or maybe popped up off the bottom? Any other tips, I've never had a perch from the Severn in over 20 years - but then not using the right baits or methods - I think it is time to change that :)

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
8 old codgers turned out today for our match on the GUC Wendover arm at Tring. This is a short arm off the main canal and is both narrow (11m) and shallow (3-4').
At the bridge 6 OC's favoured the flour mill side and myself and one other fished the waterworks side. It was a walk off and I pulled number 1 from the draw bag and made straight for the gusher, a clean water outlet from the waterworks..


This outlet gushes for a minute then stops for another then gushes again and is an obvious fish holding feature..


Bait selection today ....


With a nice tinge of colour and a very mild day it looked good for a few fish.
I set up my light canal waggler with just 2 no10's and a no11 dropper shirt button style for a slow sinking effect and started on punch. It wasn't long before I had my first roach on the drop so I shallowed up the rig so it was 6" off bottom. More roach followed until I noticed fry leaping out so I thought perch and changed to double white pinkie. Both perch and roach kept coming before I hooked a lump which wallowed for a couple of seconds before dashing off and my 0:06 Hooklink parted.. Stepped up to 0:08 (2lb) Hooklink and a B611 stronger hook. Maggot or double pinkie kept me very busy with plenty of bites until a boat came through. Being shallow, 3' only it kicked up the silt and turned the peg to chocolate. No bites for 20 minutes until it settled down and it was business as usual.. No more lumps but after 5 hours I felt I'd done ok.
Weighing in the scales hovered around 5:10 and 5:11 so 5:10:8 was called and noted. Funnily enough another angler had exactly the same weight so we shared the first place..
Second weight was just 1:10 with others struggling to reach a pound...

My net...



Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
Just back from another crack at the perch but a different venue with a much better reputation than where I've been fishing. For some reason I really wasn't up for it today but with 14 C forecast I felt I really ought to get out.

Nice enough venue ( Royal Berks) and certainly looked perchy. Best of all it almost constitutes " down the road" for me and does not involve the M25. At all...not even one junction.

Having only fished the place once many years ago I was a bit bewildered but the owner showed me a couple of spots so I thought id give them a go. I've also been given some pointers by Graham but I thought id save them for a longer session....only having around 3 hours today. Graham did say the roach there like a prawn and he wasn't wrong....damned things drove me nuts.Trickled red maggot in and fished prawn over the top. Had plenty of interest from the roach but hard to hit them on a big prawn and size 10 hook.

Anyway....i had 3/4 respectable roach, an F1 about a pound which had me going for a moment and 2 big skimmers (howl!)before the float went bob, bob, bob and dived under....classic perch bite and I bloody missed it ,

Fortunately 10 min later I had another very positive bite and this was a decent perch....2lb 2oz and enough to make me want to go back and have another go. They go to over 4lb in there by all accounts and whereas I'd be perfectly content with a 3 pounder the chance of a 4 is very appealing.

Didn't tell the BF what I was up to. I'd like to surprise the lazy great lump.
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