If I was in my 20s


David Marrs

I wish you the very best Andy for your trip, I fancy doing a bit of fishing 'elsewhere' but will have to wait a little bit just yet, I am tied to a firm until I retire in 6yrs 2months and 18days, I certainly look forward to reading about your exploits when you get back.

We actually met once, late one summer evening about 10yrs ago on Pophams Eau, whilst I was enjoying a rather unsuccessful session! I'm certainly sure you'll be enjoying a lot more action on your trip than I did that night and I bet the fishin ain't bad either!!!

Have a great time mate, all the very best!

Kind regards,

Frank "Chubber" Curtis

I really envy you Andy. At my age I have to be content with a couple weeks on the Keys each year with an occasional week in Cabo San Lucas but if I was your age I'd be off round the world like a shot.

Have a great trip mate and stay safe.

Nigel Connor(ACA ,SAA)

Frank - I'm gutted for you.Times are obviously hard! ;-)

Good luck Andy & keep us posted.

Nigel Moors 2

Best of luck Andy - this is the stuff of dreams for most of us fools who don't realise when young and free just what is out there. Then the family comes along and well.................

Whatever, the other guys are right - this is definite book material. Don't miss the opportunity to complete the whole experience

brian mills

New member
Jul 10, 2005
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i know im a bit late on this but i can remember this little kid walking the banks of the drains in south lincs and we all thought that he was a pain in the butt then a few years late arranging for him to fish a carp lake and again a few yrs later taking him on his 1st zander trip (well he drove )

all the best ANDY i know you will succeed in banking loads of fish

Mr. Uncredible

It'll make a bloody good book upon his return. If he returns, there might be just too many fish for him to leave them behind!