Is this an Ide?


Ron 'The Hat' Clay (ACA-Life Member)

Yes, it certainly looks like one.

What a coincidence, I had two yesterday, 1lbs 7oz and 2lbs 1oz.

They first gave me the impression of being chub/roach hydrids.

They fought very poorly. A 1 lb roach I caught went much better.

Matt Brown

Oct 15, 2005
Reaction score
This one came in easily on No.3 pole elastic but went nuts out of the water. It lept out of the landing net twice and was difficult to hold for the photograph!

Ron 'The Hat' Clay (ACA-Life Member)

Mine is a personal best. I don't think I've ever caught an ide in my life before.

I wonder if 2lbs 1oz is a DVSG record?

And what pees me off is I forgot to take me blinkin camera.

mark williams 4

I can't believe we've been so stupid as to allow Ide into UK waters - personally, I'd want the EA to demand any waters holding them are Rotenoned.

It's only a question of time before they're in the rivers - another brown rat to upset the ecology, with no knowing what the result will be.

Will we ever learn?

Mark Wintle

Well-known member
Dec 10, 2002
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Azide the Stour
They are in the rivers; had one at Barton Court (Kennet) last October. One of the records came from the Test.

Tony Rocca

I too think we are very stupid to have such fish in our waters. Apparently the match boys like them as they are good winter feeders.

Looks like you needed some factor 15 on those arms Matt ;O)

Dave Powell

New member
Dec 31, 2003
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Yes, I can confirm they are in the rivers. Loads in the Calder around Wakefield and I hear that they're further up.


Matt Brown

Oct 15, 2005
Reaction score
I've heard they are are in the Don and attached canal system. I'd rather they weren't swimming freely in this country.

Tony, you're right about the need for factor 15. I'm pinker than a lobster.

ED (The ORIGINAL and REAL one)

You should have worn your Team Daiwa long sleeved coat .....

Ron 'The Hat' Clay (ACA-Life Member)

I don't like the idea of ide being in the river systems either.

I was talking to Tim Ridge who is a member of the DVSG. He was telling me that they are rife in the River Hull in East Yorks.

Not only that but these fish are extremely predatory when they reach a certain size. Maybe what we should be doing is knocking them on the head!!

No wonder the roach fishing in some waters has deteriorated.

Oh and whilst I am about it, I think it's very wrong to try and encourage catfish in this country. They even have a "Catfish Conservation Society".

What the heck for, may I ask with tears in my navy blue eyes? They tell me there are catfish in The Trent. Well if I ever catch one it's going one way - under the hammer!

Tony Rocca

There are a lot more Catfish in the Trent than most think Ron, I know of a spot way down the Tidal thats throwing lots of small ones out, they will grow.

Sean Meeghan

They're (Ide) definitely in the Calder around Brighouse and I've had one from the Aire. Stable doors and bolting horses?

Peter Jacobs

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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In God's County: Wiltshire

The only reason I am breaking my sef-enforced 'no FM rule' is because you are in danger of talking as much KRAP as Tony Rocca!

"No wonder the roach fishing in some waters has deteriorated" - Ron, you know a lot better than that!

Firstly, take a good look at both Norway and Sweden where the Ide (Vederbuk) live in perfect harmony with; Roach, Dace, Chub, Carp, Tench, Crucians, Bleak and just about any other freshwater species you care to look at in both rivers and stillwaters. Mostly, in Scandinavia the Ide migrate into the brackish waters of the Skagerak t ofeed on the plentifull marine life there, once back in the rivers they reverte back into quite harmless fish that are no more carnivorous than a decent sized Chub.

"Ide are liked by the matchmen because they feed in the winter?"

Mr Rocca, you are so full of sh!te that you stink!

Have you ever caught an Ide?
Probably not as you seem to be so myopically focused on the Barbel that any other fish becomes bloody invisible.

Whether or not your carefully (un-dyslexic) comments are aimed at winding up the DVSG or not is a matter of conjecture, although not all that much!

Get a life or pi$$ of back to your over-coddled, binocular Barbel sites!

In short, don't go away mad, just please, go AWAY!

Matt, why on earth would you 'rather they were not swimming freely in this Country?"

The Ide (Vederbuk) is a fish that provides much-needed sport in our (seemingly) dying rivers, and any fish that might revive the proper sport of river fishing is quite welcome in my book.

Ye Gods, why Bother!

Ron 'The Hat' Clay (ACA-Life Member)

Peter I understand where you are coming from, as I know you have spent a great deal of time in Scandinavia.

But to my mind, the UK is not Scandinavia and the way I see it, we do not need another exotic species - and ide ARE an exotic species in this country - competing with my, and I hope our, beloved roach and chub.

You see I have this thing about protecting and conserving our own indigenous species. From an angling point of view we have all the species we need to keep any true angler challenged when he goes fishing. I want to see more organisations like a "Roach Conservation Group" for example, rather than a whole load of people who want to conserve an interloper like catfish, or ide for that matter.

Matt Brown

Oct 15, 2005
Reaction score
Peter, I'm glad you're posting on FM. Keep it up.

I'd rather ide weren't swimming about as I'd prefer our native stocks to stay balanced (whatever balanced really is!). I feel there have too many species introduced to the detriment of others. This especially true with the proliferation of carp.

I remember seeing pictures of ide in an old Angling World Holidays brochure (probably mid 80's) and wishing to go and catch some. I would rather they were an exotic species that I would have to travel to in order to catch.

I'm not too bothered if people wish to stock or fish for them in enclosed commercials, but I would rather they weren't out in the 'wild'.