Its awfully quiet?


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Aug 27, 2005
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What, me and brummie on the same side against a circus freak and a peg leg?

Could be a draw........

Paul Williams

Hey Crap angler, the sad stallion bit wasn't meant to go public!!!! and i aint won the lottery!!!!! good job i had all those fish to save the day!!!!!!!and ive just finished my pleansantly plucked pheasant balti!!!!and i now feel pheasantly phull.....

Malcolm Bason

Hey Dave - how did you get on today on the Avon, but be carful if you are throwing yer meat in after dusk there are some wierd people about after dark! I hope you caught a big un - I'm not jealous, I'm not jealous, I'm not jealOUS! Huh! Peg leg indeed! Huh again!

Carp - I wonder how the sheep sha**ers got on today! What's this "sad stallion" bit? Pray tell, go on, go on, go on, I won't tell a soul!

Paul - get to tie any flies with all those pheasant feathers! Is that right then - you are well known as the 'Dudley Donkey', as Sedge points out? A regular on this forum told me that you are not really a Dudley man, but a Brummie! And that all of you are Brummies anyway and that you just sing a bit higher than the rest so they stuck you all in an area of Birmingham where all the foundry's are? Perhaps you might enlighten me on that one!!!


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Aug 27, 2005
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Peg Leg

You are pushing the the record for the most diverse wind up on the list. But unfortunately I think the Crap angler owns that record too.

I did OK on the Avon. Three chub between 2.5lb and 3.5lb, plus a pound roach and some bits. The chub were in "lets bend your rod double then laugh at you striking fresh air" mood. Must have had that 10 times, despite giving them enough line to knit a scarf.

Bloody cold too, so didn't bother with the barbel, despite having my new Fox 1.75lb Specialist with me. OK Crap, give me stick for buying F**.

Carp Angler

Wouldn't dare Coops.
You Boyo's from the Valleys know a good rod when you see one.

Now, about those 'chub' bites you missed.........

Malcolm Bason

All joking aside - I'm glad you caught - o'l peg leg here is gonna try n go fishing next Fri!!!! All being well?? So in the mean time, I will just have to spend more and more time in front of this thing!

Andy Davis

At least someone had a good day:
Went down the canal again, had my permit checked by the bailiff, then he told me that "you can't fish between the white bollards" so I moved and recast to the same spots ! All was going well despite it being quiet, until two blokes turned up with four kids....and started to pike fish...all of them stood in a line, one with a floated dead and the other five with lures...then against all the odds one of the lads caught a pike on the dead bait, I started to watch some kind of horror picture, the pike was bought towards the bank, someone got the net then put it away again as one of the lads decided he was going to "chin" the pike out, but the pike was not happy and kept jumping about and knocking itself against the brick jetty the lad kept hesitating and the pike was more agitated, just as I started up the bank with my net another bloke (who had been piking further down)walked up and lifted the pike put, it was then duly weighed and thrown back into the canal, yes thrown not put. At this point I packed up and went home...before I said something and more than likely got my head kicked in....sorry for the rant but it really annoys me !


New member
Aug 27, 2005
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Andy - I suppose with morons like that you can at least be thankful it actually got back in alive. It's those kind of prats who tend to throw pike up the bank usually.


New member
Aug 27, 2005
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Hey Crapy, when we beat the Taffs on Saturday, I will laugh so loud you will hear me down in Hants and will tell you how Welsh I am. Going to work in Cardiff and taking the p**s on a Monday after an England v Wales match is almost as good as going fishing. Almost.....

Stewart Bloor

Bore da Cooperman...the way you keep going on about the Welsh, methinks you're a Red Dragon in denial....

Malcolm Bason

Personally, I think he's only there for the sheep??? Baaaahh!

Andy Davis

Right, slightly happier today, bought a pair of carp rods last night, explained to the missus it was a bargain, and I whould sell one of the other rods ( no chance)