Paddler caught out on film displaying true attitude...


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May 19, 2005
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The area where I live has had a big problem with pikies this year, perhaps you could allow them to camp on your garden as they would only be enjoying the world they were born into wouldn't they?

It probably wouldn't bother him because he doesn't believe in your right to be a land and home owner. He is against private ownership of of both.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
Well, I simply inherited my plate by swopping cars, the plate was purely not sought after, it was just stuck on the car.
It would be a cert for any villian in a james bond movie.
Offers in a SAE please.


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2011
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West Oxfordshire
Maceo, you are flattering your self if you think that I am holding any kind of a grudge against you. Your convoluted and often illogical arguments are nothing more than an occasional irritaition. You certainly do not mean enough to me for me to get upset about any criticisms you might have of my behaviour or preferences. Like most others here, I have more important concerns than the bleatings of an under achiever. However, when you brag about how you will endanger the lives of other road users because of your petty and irrational attitude, then I feel obliged to inform others of what you have said. After all, there is a possibility that others here might have to share the road with you and that they could be endangered by by your stupid actions simply because you don't like people who have personalised plates.

As to why those you call by the name on their plates get upset, I have no idea but I would suggest that you ask one of those you approach in that way just why they get upset. It seems to be pretty pointless in asking me because I do not have my name on my plates

To be honest, I can't remember what I said I'd do to personalised number plate cars - you'll have the remind me. How was I going to put road users' lives at risk? It doesn't sound like the sort of thing I'd do after 40 years on the road without an accident, claim or conviction of any type.

One thing I do with cars with personalised plates is not let them out if they're sitting at a junction. You couldn't get a fag paper between my old Astra and the car in front in those cases. They have to sit there and wait. That's not dangerous, it's just tilting the scales back in our direction a little bit. "Getting a bit of our own back" as we underclass/under achiever/benefits scrounger/terrorist sympathiser/poor people like to say.

As for the talk about letting people into my house (or my landlord's house to be more accurate) is of course absolute nonsense. We're not talking about people's private living space, we're talking about vast swathes of forests, beaches, rivers and countryside that are supposedly "owned" by someone.

I just don't see how you can "own" a beach or a forest or a river or a mountain. It's a god-made natural feature that belongs to everyone.

It's a good job you rich folk can't bottle up the air and put it in giant gasometers and declare it private and for your own use exclusively, because I'm sure you wouldn't hesitate.

And if poor people like us were to grab a sneaky lungful, I bet we'd be set upon and marched off to the police for "theft" of the private air.

To talk about "theft" when it comes to someone paddling their canoe down a river is similarly laughable. Theft is when I knock you over the head with some pool balls in a sock and steal your wallet. It's not when someone paddles or fishes in a supposedly private river. For me that's more a case of the dispossessed reclaiming what is their right by birth.
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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
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To be honest, I can't remember what I said I'd do to personalised number plate cars - you'll have the remind me. How was I going to put road users' lives at risk? It doesn't sound like the sort of thing I'd do after 40 years on the road without an accident, claim or conviction of any type.

One thing I do with cars with personalised plates is not let them out if they're sitting at a junction. You couldn't get a fag paper between my old Astra and the car in front in those cases. They have to sit there and wait. That's not dangerous, it's just tilting the scales back in our direction a little bit. "Getting a bit of our own back" as we underclass/under achiever/benefits scrounger/terrorist sympathiser/poor people like to say.

As for the talk about letting people into my house (or my landlord's house to be more accurate) is of course absolute nonsense. We're not talking about people's private living space, we're talking about vast swathes of forests, beaches, rivers and countryside that are supposedly "owned" by someone.

I just don't see how you can "own" a beach or a forest or a river or a mountain. It's a god-made natural feature that belongs to everyone.

It's a good job you rich folk can't bottle up the air and put it in giant gasometers and declare it private and for your own use exclusively, because I'm sure you wouldn't hesitate.

And if poor people like us were to grab a sneaky lungful, I bet we'd be set upon and marched off to the police for "theft" of the private air.

To talk about "theft" when it comes to someone paddling their canoe down a river is similarly laughable. Theft is when I knock you over the head with some pool balls in a sock and steal your wallet. It's not when someone paddles or fishes in a supposedly private river. For me that's more a case of the dispossessed reclaiming what is their right by birth.

How does that work for someone who has worked hard all their life and managed to buy a modest stretch of water and then finds himself besieged by paddlers knowingly paddling outside the PRN ?

Or someone who has bought a house with river access outside the PRN Who finds paddlers at the bottom of their garden ?

I have sympathy with your views but it's not such a binary problem
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Peter Jacobs

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Dec 21, 2001
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In God's County: Wiltshire
Moderator Hat . . OFF (i.e. personal comment)

You couldn't get a fag paper between my old Astra and the car in front in those cases. They have to sit there and wait. That's not dangerous, it's just tilting the scales back in our direction a little bit.

. . . . erm, no it is not, it is simply being a plonker as Delboy would have said

Theft is when I knock you over the head with some pool balls in a sock and steal your wallet.

. . . erm, no it is not, that is causing actual bodily harm while committing an act of theft, and would be prosecuted accordingly

Paddling on private property is theft of fishing rights and should always be reported to the Police who are obliged to take action providing the crime code is noted when making the complaint.

Note: the correct code to inform the Police is: 116/11

Moderator Hat . . Back ON (i.e. personal comment completed)


Well-known member
May 19, 2005
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One thing I do with cars with personalised plates is not let them out if they're sitting at a junction. You couldn't get a fag paper between my old Astra and the car in front in those cases. They have to sit there and wait. That's not dangerous, it's just tilting the scales back in our direction a little bit. "Getting a bit of our own back" as we underclass/under achiever/benefits scrounger/terrorist sympathiser/poor people like to say.


Thank you, that is the very point I have made. Simply because you dislike someone who exercises a right that exists, you hate those people and inconvenience them whenever you can - even though it means that you have to drive dangerously close to the vehicle in front of you to do so, endangering yourself, your passengers and the people in the car in front of you. If you feel that you have to tilt the scales in your favour from people who have had, at some time in their lives, a couple of hundred quid to spare on something like personalised plates, you really are in a sad situation.

I think that you have proved the point several of us have made and I really think you ought to do what a lot of people are doing these days and emigrate. I am sure that the man you respect so much - Fidel Castro - will be pleased to ensure that your living standards will match those of the majority of Cubans, though not the standards of the richer ones with personalised plates of course.
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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
One thing I do with cars with personalised plates is not let them out if they're sitting at a junction. You couldn't get a fag paper between my old Astra and the car in front in those cases. They have to sit there and wait. That's not dangerous, it's just tilting the scales back in our direction a little bit. "Getting a bit of our own back" as we underclass/under achiever/benefits scrounger/terrorist sympathiser/poor people like to say.

I think you need to grow up and stop using the roads as some sort of class war sword in a silly attempt to make yourself feel better.

I am not rich, in fact I am at the opposite end of that scale, my internet is paid for by my son or I wouldn't have it, my car is a motability vehicle it just happens that the last 2 letters of my registration number end with my own wow!

---------- Post added at 10:00 ---------- Previous post was at 09:57 ----------

As for the talk about letting people into my house (or my landlord's house to be more accurate) is of course absolute nonsense. We're not talking about people's private living space, we're talking about vast swathes of forests, beaches, rivers and countryside that are supposedly "owned" by someone.

I am surprised that you allow yourself to be used by someone that will make a profit from your rent that you pay to a landlord that does own the home you live in, or will when you have finished paying the mortgage for him.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
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Thank you, that is the very point I have made. Simply because you dislike someone who exercises a right that exists, you hate those people and inconvenience them whenever you can - even though it means that you have to drive dangerously close to the vehicle in front of you to do so, endangering yourself, your passengers and the people in the car in front of you. If you feel that you have to tilt the scales in your favour from people who have had, at some time in their lives, a couple of hundred quid to spare on something like personalised plates, you really are in a sad situation.

I think that you have proved the point several of us have made and I really think you ought to do what a lot of people are doing these days and emigrate. I am sure that the man you respect so much - Fidel Castro - will be pleased to ensure that your living standards will match those of the majority of Cubans, though not the standards of the richer ones with personalised plates of course.

So we shouldn't discriminate against people based on arbitrary factors like their number plate ? Totally agree with you.

I am sure no one on here would do anything like that.

Isn't this getting a bit political ? Doesn't bother me but I'd rather we didn't fall out.


Well-known member
May 28, 2010
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Cloud Cuckoo Land
You are tolerant of law breakers then?

The only thing that was ruined was the anglers day, ruined by an illegal act. You have no idea how long the angler may have spent building that swim up how much bait had cost him how much the club card to fish there is have you? the club is not cheap to join and having paid to fish there the least the angler can expect is to enjoy his day without it being spoiled by a selfish paddler breaking the law.

I cant see a fight taking place, are you watching the same video, all I can see and hear is aggression from the paddler towards the angler

Just one other thing, how many other anglers had their day spoiled by 1 selfish illegal paddler as he went down the river?

Only one word is needed in response to this post: GUESTING!


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
Only one word is needed in response to this post: GUESTING!

HA HA I have been waiting for that, my escapades were carried out on land owned by the sort of person that maceo dislikes, it was many years ago and was also on water that no anglers had paid to fish, if you care to look you will find that many more on here have done the same even a mod has said in another place that he wasn't adverse to a bit of guesting. None of what I did impinged on anyone.

I have since fished the water legally with a friend that worked on the estate.

By the way there really is no need to shout


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2011
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West Oxfordshire
Benny – you’re right that it is getting political. I like this site and it’s been very useful for advice and info. I don’t want to get into a political discussion and risk getting banned or falling out with people of opposing views.

I would just say though that when I talk about getting up close and not letting personalised cars out at junctions, I’m talking about a stationary queue of traffic, so there’s nothing dangerous about it. It’s entirely up to me whether I choose to let a car sitting at a junction out into the traffic flow. When it comes to giving way to pedestrians, cyclists, busses, learners or “my people” in old beaten up cars similar to my own, then you won’t find a more courteous or generous driver on the road. However I’ll be damned if I’m letting some yuppie in a brand new pearl white Range Rover with personalised number plates get out in front. They can sit and wait. Perhaps one of “their people” will be along in a while and let them out.

Ray Daywalker Clarke

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Apr 28, 2007
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When it comes to giving way to pedestrians, cyclists, busses, learners or “my people” in old beaten up cars similar to my own, then you won’t find a more courteous or generous driver on the road. However I’ll be damned if I’m letting some yuppie in a brand new pearl white Range Rover with personalised number plates get out in front. They can sit and wait. Perhaps one of “their people” will be along in a while and let them out.

I find that rather narrow minded. That person in the Range Rover might have been in the same position as you a year or so ago. He or she, might have worked their nuts off, hours on end to change their life around, nothing wrong with that. Do you do the Lottery ??? if so, and you won millions, i doubt you would keep your old banger.

I am no different to you, I work, F**king hard for what i have, but if I won the lottery big time, i wouldn't even go and pick my tools up. I work for myself, and I don't give way to Buses or Taxis of any kind. I am trying to get to work to earn money, they are earning already.


Well-known member
Nov 2, 2009
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I find that rather narrow minded. That person in the Range Rover might have been in the same position as you a year or so ago. He or she, might have worked their nuts off, hours on end to change their life around, nothing wrong with that. Do you do the Lottery ??? if so, and you won millions, i doubt you would keep your old banger.

I am no different to you, I work, F**king hard for what i have, but if I won the lottery big time, i wouldn't even go and pick my tools up. I work for myself, and I don't give way to Buses or Taxis of any kind. I am trying to get to work to earn money, they are earning already.

Agree with yer sentiments, Ray, I take my g/daughter to school by car every morning and sometimes pick her up later and nobody, least of all bus drivers and taxis :mad: will let anyone out never mind me. Pet hate of mine bus drivers.

One day last year I was picking up my disabled daughter and wife in the city centre a few yards from"Liverpool One" after I indicated to pull over in plenty of time, (on a bend where I was going left and the bus driver to his right, no problems) a bus driver behind me gave me the "****a" sign my daughter had spotted him doing, I did catch up with him. :mad:


Well-known member
May 20, 2013
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North Yorkshire
I do Zen driving: be calm, courteous and patient. The journey's only a little longer and one arrives angst-free. I let anyone out, regardless of status, but particularly the local buses, the drivers of which return the favour often enough to make the practice worthwhile. Even did a 3 point turn for an old couple that were flummoxed by a flood barring their way and had a queue of angry drivers effing and blinding behind them, none of whom had offered any help.

Chill, people; it's the only way. :cool:

Ray Daywalker Clarke

Well-known member
Apr 28, 2007
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I do Zen driving: be calm, courteous and patient. The journey's only a little longer and one arrives angst-free. I let anyone out, regardless of status, but particularly the local buses, the drivers of which return the favour often enough to make the practice worthwhile. Even did a 3 point turn for an old couple that were flummoxed by a flood barring their way and had a queue of angry drivers effing and blinding behind them, none of whom had offered any help.

Chill, people; it's the only way. :cool:

I take your point, to a point, but you won't get a bus or a taxi let you out in London, it is a Rat race and a nightmare. Add to that that they have their own lanes to drive in, they won't bother about cutting you up as and when they want, trust me.


Well-known member
May 19, 2005
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So we shouldn't discriminate against people based on arbitrary factors like their number plate ? Totally agree with you.

I am sure no one on here would do anything like that.

Isn't this getting a bit political ? Doesn't bother me but I'd rather we didn't fall out.

I don't think anyone really wants political discussions here, but of course some cannot resist making attacks of that nature on others. Some make a habit of it over years and then suddenly people have had enough and decide to expose that person's inconsistencies. That is what has happened in this case and the guy in question had set him self up before I became involved in the discussion. The guy openly admits that he will inconvenience those with personalised number plates whenever he is able, so he clearly does discriminate against others on that basis. If he doesn't like his political and social beliefs being discussed then perhaps he should leave them at home and concentrate on posting on angling matters.
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Well-known member
May 20, 2013
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North Yorkshire
I take your point, to a point, but you won't get a bus or a taxi let you out in London, it is a Rat race and a nightmare. Add to that that they have their own lanes to drive in, they won't bother about cutting you up as and when they want, trust me.

Different world entirely, Ray; our place is a one-horse town by comparison. Still, it never hurts to cultivate a bit of courtesy and patience: it eventually finds its way into most aspects of life and makes it less likely that your first response to a situation sees you halfway up the anger scale from the outset.


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2011
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West Oxfordshire
I don't think anyone really wants political discussions here, but of course some cannot resist making attacks of that nature on others. Some make a habit of it over years and then suddenly people have had enough and decide to expose that person's inconsistencies. That is what has happened in this case and the guy in question had set him self up before I became involved in the discussion. The guy openly admits that he will inconvenience those with personalised number plates whenever he is able, so he clearly does discriminate against others on that basis. If he doesn't like his political and social beliefs being discussed then perhaps he should leave them at home and concentrate on posting on angling matters.

You exposed nothing except your own bitterness captain. Obliged to protect the people from my driving indeed!

I had no idea that not letting out posh personalised number plate cars would irk you rich people quite as much. It seems it works beyond my wildest dreams.

I think the reason is because of your bloated sense of self-entitlement. You think because you're driving a £150k limousine, the £150 hooky Astra ought to give way to you and let you out. You're used to swanning through life. For you it's all private members and reserved and executive only, whilst us poor people are on the wrong side of the purple rope or out in the street with our noses pressed up against the window.

Well not on the road mate. I pay my road tax the same as you. That line in the road in front of you means give way and that's what you must do.

You, the rich man, give way to me.