River Greta


john conway

Section of Fishery or river stretch:...Fourlands above Burton-in-Lonsdale
Time fished:...18:30hrs to 20:30hrs
Weather conditions:...Bright and sunny light breeze
Water conditions:...NSL and clear
Air temperature:...15.2C
Water Temperature:...14C
Bait:...Snipe & Purple, Black Pennell, Partridge & Orange and other spider patterns plus a couple of Nymph patterns.
Method:...Wet Fly, point & 1 dropper
Results:...3/4lb brownie
Brief description of the session & remarks:...Never fished this section of river before. Nice brownie fell to a size 16 Partridge & Orange. Lots of fish topping at dusk. Very nice part of river, I'll be back.

john conway

Section of Fishery or river stretch:...Fourlands above Burton-in-Lonsdale
Time fished:...18:00hrs to 20:30hrs
Weather conditions:...Overcast light breeze
Water conditions:...NSL and clear
Air temperature:...11C
Water Temperature:...12C
Bait:...Pheasant Tail Nymph, Partridge & Orange and Greenwells Glory.
Method:...Wet Fly, point & 1 dropper
Results:...6 small brownies around 6"
Brief description of the session & remarks:...Small hatch around dusk quite a lot of movement, plenty of pulls & plucks as well as the 6 small brownies all of which fell to a size 16 Partridge & Orange fly on the dropper. Pleasant evening could do with a bit of water now?

john conway

Section of Fishery or river stretch:...Fourlands above Burton-in-Lonsdale
Time fished:...18:30hrs to 21:00hrs
Weather conditions:...Overcast & breezy
Water conditions:...Very low and clear
Air temperature:...NT
Water Temperature:...NT
Bait:...Pheasant Tail Nymph, Partridge & Orange and a couple of dry files.
Method:...Wet Fly, point & 1 dropper, last hour dry fly.
Results:...2 small brownies around 6"
Brief description of the session & remarks:...Hatch of May flies around dusk quite a lot of movement, but only one pull on the dry fly. The 2 small brownies fell, one to a size 16 Partridge & Orange fly on the dropper and the other to the Pheasant Tail Nymph on the point. Pleasant evening could do with a bit of water now?