Safety lead Clips

Bill Maitland

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Mar 24, 2003
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I don't do any sea fishing and its still livebaiting to me, so I guess not.
Fish care is always top prority to me no matter what and my rigs are always as safe possible, but you could pick holes in anyone's rigs.
I wouldn't risk my life for a fish but have gone in the water a couple times over the years to free one, only because I regarded it to be reasonably safe.

Dave Rothery

so whats the difference between using a peeler and a worm/maggot/slug?

Dave Rothery

moved away from the lead clip thing here haven't we.....i think we're just supplying "anti" ammo....

andrew jackson

Its not realy an exersise in picking holes or pointing fingers, more constructive critisism and an exchange of oppinions. As it has been said in a early post on this thread in the wrong circumstaces (with the exeption of freelining) any set up can become a tether rig. All we can do is reduce as much as we can the chances of it happening.

Bill Maitland

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Mar 24, 2003
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None mate, its a fair point, maybe if i sea fished I would, so i can't say. My best mate pike fishes and has no qualms about putting a treble trough a 4/5/6oz roach,
Also he uses 4/5/6oz carp for his catfishing
I don't care what anyone says that sticks in my throat, and if you can do that you can't knock a clip that may be, I say again may be, a risk.

Bill Maitland

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Mar 24, 2003
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I just think its double standerds, thats my point.
I don't even use the clips thats being discussed, I have said what I use and how, earlier in the thread.

ED (The ORIGINAL and REAL one)

I've been reading this thread and just taking it all in ----

Surely you are arguing over 2 different things here

Livebaiting is a style/method of fishing which you choose to use or not to use

These so called safety clips are an item of tackle which seem to be wrongly sold as being safe for fish which evidently unless its a carp or large fish on the end that gets snagged they are not

It seems to me that instead of arguing with each other about the ethics of whether to livebait or not you should be trying to come up with a safer (to all fish)safety clip

Mike Lee

Dave said '.....i think we're just supplying "anti" ammo....'

Yes Dave. We are.

So lets put this thread where it belongs.

It's been thoroughly aired and there's enough info and ideas for all to make up their own minds where they stand.

Hopefully, if this thread had made some look again at their rigs from a slightly different perspective then it has done some good.

Budgie Burgess

I take the points made about the dangers of going in after a fish but Bill summed it up by saying acceptable risk.Despite the various views aired on this thread it is indeed good that people are looking at their rigs from a fish safety point of view.When we were having trouble with cut offs and the worry of subsequently tethered fish on the valley waters we had some right old rows about how we could overcome it and also the ethics.It was by this that some big advances in long range carping were made.When bowstring was first sugested as a snag leader most of us pissed ourselves laughing but within a couple of weeks we were all on it! The first time I showed some one outside of the valley the CV rig they told me they hadnt seen as many beads on a flattie rig! Threads like this will always wander a bit but I for one have found it interesting.

Gary Knowles

I livebait..

I have commented on the 'safety' clips...

Therfore I'm a hypocrite...

Just a small point though Bill, If your going to take your views to the extreme. Isn't ANYONE who intentionally set out to catch a fish of any species, then comments on fish welfare on any subject a hypocrite then ?

Looks like we'd better close off the forum then to suit Bills views !!

Bill Maitland

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Mar 24, 2003
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I'm a great admirer of your writing, but you made some strong comments about the clips and you are entitled to your opinions, as am I.
I was not having a pop at anyone personally, as I said, I just thought it was a case of double standerds.
I have some great discussions with my mates on livebaiting but that is another issue.
Your point is a good one, and I can't argue with what you said.
I didn't set out to offend anyone!!

Les Clark

Bill,as you say ,everybody is entitled to their opinion,and as for offending anyone,I can only speak for myself,no i`m not offended,i get a bit hot under the coller,but so what,at the end of the day,we are all fishermen with opinion`s and mates,I hope.

Bill Maitland

New member
Mar 24, 2003
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Absolutely Les,
Its not the first time a thread has got a bit hot, and I'm sure it won't be the last.
Cheers mate!!

Gary Knowles


Firstly thanks for your comments about my writing, it's always nice to get positive feedback.

I'm not in the slightest bit offended, honestly. You get to be pretty thick skinned if your brave (or stupid) enough to put your true thoughts into print - I'm afraid it comes with the territory.

I'm afraid if were honest we all (fishermen) have double standards when you think about it. It's just that we all draw the line at a different point.

Carry on debating Bill, and by all means voice your opinion. It's exactly that which makes internet forums such a great medium.

Been a great thread this and I'm really looking forward to cakeys findings.

Stuart Dennis

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Oct 10, 2005
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Is it me? or is this thread becoming a little too sensitive?

Bill, your views are valid in my eyes, your initial way of pushing these views was perhaps a little harsh, but hey, shit happens! Just because you've somehow managed to put a couple of sensitive noses out of joint, don't stop putting your case forward matey.

Debates are great, heated debates are sometimes even better, but others on here taking offence of others opinions is a different case altogether. After putting your case forward, you've been nothing less than professional where others may ahve thrown tantrums!