Slider float fishing


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2012
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Philip, re your above post. Yes how strange, I have already done exactly that - I have made polaris type sliding float adaptors using a swivel pushed into a piece of silicon tubing and into the protubing swivel eye jammed a piece of cotton bud tubing bent at 45 degrees for the line to slide through.

Nottskev has already correctly covered this - although polaris type floats work they are not as sensitive as correctly set up sliders or sliders used in conjunction with a leger weight or feeder.

Keith M

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2002
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I do very occasionally use a sliding float but I much prefer to use a longer rod with a normal waggler as I can see bites while my bait is sinking through the upper layers and all the way down to the bottom, whereas with a slider I usually have to wait until the float settles before I start to see bites.

As I cast I hold back very slightly as it lands so that my line is in a straight line and I count each shot down (watching the float stem) as each shot settles and if there is any delay in the count It’s nearly always a fish intercepting the bait while it is sinking so I can strike at these and catch fish at any depth instead of having to wait till my float settles completely.

I bought my first 17/20ft float rod for fishing this way for a club team match on a deep gravel pit where there was 12ft-plus swims close in. We won the match with me winning the top weight prize because every one else was using either the slider or the leger/feeder and therefore didn’t see any bites on the way down.

Having said that there are occasions when I’ve found the slider comes into its own, but it’s not that often for me.

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