

Frank "Chubber" Curtis

I used Amino Natural pellets for the first time on Sunday and was disappointed with them. They were so soft that even using a pole I had to resort putting them on a hair rig and I never got a touch.
Strange thing is I was feeding with Swimstim koi pellets and the fish were getting their heads down on them but didn't show a bit of interest in the hook pellets only in plain luncheon meat.

Richard Wilson 3

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Oct 24, 2003
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I tried them last friday on a new water,didnt have anything though, i hair rigged 2,then tried 1 with some maize but still blanked.

Mark Wintle

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Dec 10, 2002
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Azide the Stour
Try Xpander pellets, 6mm; Scopex, Strawberry, BAM. See Commercials 4 (Home page on here today)there is a pic of the tub. They stay on the hook well, and I've had chub, dace, carp, koi, tench, bream, roach, crucians on them. I use them for both river and stillwater fishing. Truly excellent.

Spoddy Dave

Thanks for the replies.
I posted this before i saw your Article Mark.
Good read,lots of good information.

I will try the Xpander pellets,if they stay on river fishing they must be good.
Going to avoid the swimstims for now.

Peter Bishop

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Apr 13, 2006
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One or two fisheries I know have banned green swim stim pellets on the basis they apprently contain a proportion of an anti biotic which is fed to Koi ornamental fish to keep them healthy. When I stayed with Ian Heaps last summer he confirmed it saying he wouldn't allow the pellets on his( beautiful) fishery. His logic was that if the carp became diseased he would try and treat them with an anti biotic in the water but if their imune system was already used to it they would become untreatable. I dont know if that makes sense. I am sure one of you erudite gents will put me right if it doesn't.

Fred Bonney

It makes sense Peter,I think.
If antibiotics, are given just for the sake of it, or just in case!.
The problem with antibiotics,is that the viruses around around us, eventually become immune to them.

Ian Cloke

That's interesting to know Peter, do you know the other fisheries that have banned green swim stim pellets?? I wonder how many other fishery owners know about this???

Spoddy Dave

They are not banned anywhere around here as far as i know just hemp(why hemp i don't know),but as you say Ian do the fisheries know they contain this anti biotic.

Peter Bishop

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Apr 13, 2006
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Apart from Ian Heaps place, Hampton Springs in Cheshire. Have discussed it with Will Fair who is fish breeder and he is aware of the content. Apparently the pellets were originally intended for 'pet' koi carp but because they were such a good attractant the content was left the same when they were marketed for use by anglers. That said some of the owners of commercials couldn't give a toss, because the penny wouldn't drop until they got an infection.

Ian Cloke

"That said some of the owners of commercials couldn't give a toss, because the penny wouldn't drop until they got an infection."

Let's hope they can see what they are risking, before any disease gets into their fishery.

Not wanting to hijack this thread, but, should pellets have ingredients listed on the packaging? Or at least any ingredient that might have a medical side effect (not sure if that's the best way to phrase it? but you know what I mean, I hope?) I think that Peter has shown a good reason why they should!!!!

Peter Bishop

New member
Apr 13, 2006
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Ian, that is a great shout. If it is a legal requirement to show what the content is of food packaged for human consumption, perhaps fish pellets should show the proportion and type of oil, plus any added chemicals or preservatives. Caring anglers too could make their own considered judgement but I doubt the manufacturers would conceed. At the end of the day all we apparently need to know is are they another miricle attractant that will focus hoards of big fish in our swims. I seem to have inadvertantly opened another thread here! My apologies to Spoddy Dave who only asked a simple question!

Spoddy Dave

Its fine Peter.
You brought in a very interesting point,which i am surprised hasn't been aired before.
As for the manufactures revealing their secret recipe's no chance.

Ian Cloke

Dave, I think if fisheries demanded a list of ingredients, they would. Or if fisheries started banning certain pellets/paste etc... It would make the manufacturers rethink perhaps????

Danny Lancaster

Maybe a simple "Antibiotic Free" label should be enforced? That way manufacturers recipes can remain Secret, but fishery owners can be confident that the ingredients used are not detrimental to fish health.

Spoddy Dave

You would think bait manufactures would consult with some fisheries first before adding the ingredient,or perhaps they have,and had the thumbs up.
Or its such a small amount that added,it wouldn't be a problem if they have to be treated for a more serious infection.

Ian Cloke

It would seem that they have more than a negligable amount in them, if they have been banned by some fisheries already. I'm going to ask some fishery owners, if they know of the antibiotic content. If they do or don't, I bet they will be able find out more than we can about the amount.