TAC annual summer match 26th august

tuolumne fisher

Well-known member
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
venue is the thames at walton bridge KT12 1QW
2 matches start at the same time
1900 till midnight, one rod
1900 till 0700, two rod overnighter
juniors are welcome if accompanied
cost for adults is a fiver, juniors are free
the matches are not pegged, you draw your number and walk to your chosen swim
silverware for juniors is best overall weight in the 7 till midnight, and best overall weight, and best specimen [percentage of the british record] in the overnighter

adult silverware is best overall weight, and best specimen in both the 7 till midnight and overnighter
tackle prizes will be awarded as well

if you dont want to take part, but wanna stop by and say hello, you'll be more than welcome, we'll be there all night with the kettle on, and will need the company to stay awake