Tench and Bream offer no challenge


Alan Roe

Rick my view was delivered on the basis of the post that I read. It was not having a pop at carp angling or carp anglers you will have noticed that throughout all of my posts I have never at any time taken a swipe at any group of anglers or their prefered species. This may be because I am equally happy to fish for all of them transfering the skills from area of practise to another.

My post was written with a heavy heart as I along with many other have been working to promote unity with the sport in order that we can start to face and resolve some of the many issues that threaten our sport.

What irritated me and I should imagine a number of others including right minded anglers from all species hunting groups be it carp barbel trout or salmon. Was the mentality of the poster who in his own sub ameobic way thought it funny to try and create further barriers to the promotion of unity for his obviously infantile sense of humour.

Dave Crisp

Tnank you everyone that replied SO promply, it just proves the point how petty some of these threads are. I was told by a friend to read some of the messages that spring up and was suprised to see just how rude and aggressive some individuals can get. SO, YES, I did throw in a mindless thread to draw these individuals out. Shame on you, fishing is a well respected sport that attracts many from all walks of life, from the mature fisherman to the young blood that is eager to get his rod dipped in the water for the first time. Who really cares who fishes for what!. Just fish, get on with it, share your experiences and stop slagging each other off for being different to you. Fish are slowly declining in some locations, some species of fish are in danger. Treat your catch with respect and put it back for another day. Don't cram your nets full and let some die or suffer just to 'pose' when someone asks 'How you done today mate' let the catch be your satisfaction. YOU know what you have done and you have enjoyed the moment. Roll on the next one.
Last word now, I am sorry that I used an inflammatory comment to provoke, but read the replies and cringe. Point proven to me!
Keep it clean.


Managing Editor
Feb 23, 1999
Reaction score
Your right Alan, but this type of person, like all infants, thrives on attention, any kind of attention, and as such I reckon the best way to deal with them is ignore them. That hurts them more than anything.


Managing Editor
Feb 23, 1999
Reaction score
Yes, but the other thing your post has proved Dave, is that we have anglers like Alan Roe and co who are passionate about their sport. It also proves that deliberately provocative posts do nothing at all to further the good name of angling.

Stuart Dennis

New member
Oct 10, 2005
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Ok, ok, it could be fair to say that I partake in my fair share of wind-ups and that as general rule of thumb I’m extremely thick skinned and laugh at life most of the time. I’ve been fishing some 26 years now and favour all species (especially the tench) and would love to think that in an ideal world, that if the anti-fishing campaigns kick-off, both the carp fishermen and the coarse fishermen will stand side by side.

Unfortunately, there is a gap and that’s certainly not a good thing, there are enough people out there who believe there should be a divide between both sides.(pathetic really) and there’s those out there who disrespect fish of all species and treat them in a harmful manner. But it’s certainly not the majority.

If we are to support our fishing, then we need to stand together. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and everyone is welcome to their views. However, this forum is viewed by many and comments such as ‘Carp should be exterminated’ is certainly not the message we want to be putting across.

I would like to publicly put this banter straight with Mr. Ron Clay!

Dear Ron, you are doing more harm than good with your continuous bad mouthing of carp and carp anglers. Newcomers to the sport are reading your comments and immediately viewing your so called divide as the norm. If you can sleep at night under the pretence of selling more copies of your ‘Sheffield Angling Star’ by ripping open a seriously damming and negative attitude towards newcomers then so be it. But does the trade off of selling more copies against supporting fishing sit comfortable with you?

We need to unite our different styles of fishing for the times to come. Ron, keep your views to yourself and dialogues of this nature will not rise again. If you need a few extra quid to compensate for your loss of publication sales and just so you can sleep well at night, then give me a shout cos I’m loaded!

Be brave Ron, stand out from the crowd and post to this thread, that you won’t damn our support publicly on this forum. Point your threads and posts towards the upkeep and constructive support that our wonderful hobby deserves!

Live and let live Ron and think about the damage you are causing! By far the majority within our sport stand together and look after one another, don’t deliberately try to prize us apart for the sake of your own personal gain.


Managing Editor
Feb 23, 1999
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<a href=http://www.fishingmagic.com/forum/forummessages.asp?URN=4&UTN=3494&chklast>Go here to continue this debate</A>

Martin Lewis

Well....I read the original post exactly as I'm sure it was intended.....as a joke!

It would be nice to think that we all get along regardless of choice of species.

Neil Wayte

Post natal abortion very good Alan.Thats up there with Supersonic chocolate.