top blokes



I've met a few along the way but the one that stands out was Martin Bowler, and Hugh Miles.

I was catfishing at Linear a few years back and when I arrived a whole corner of the lake had been cordoned off. My first choice area was occupied but the corner was my second choice. I set up past the cordon where I could just reach the back of my first choice area and a few hours later Martin Bowler rocks up in his van and parked next to me.

We had a chat and it turned out he was filming an episode of Catching the Impossible, after catfish! The out of bounds corner had been baited up for 3 weeks. It was no coincidence we turned up on the same day and we had a good chat... he certainly knows his stuff. Not long after Hugh Miles turned up and although we had a brief chat he had too much stuff to sort out before dark. Nice fella though.

And I had a catfish in the middle of the night. :)

Largely though most modern "superstars" aren't that impressive when you meet them. Some of them aren't even that good as anglers imho, certainly not as good as some people I know.... good salesmen though. :eek:mg: