Unhelpful Tackle shops


Chris Bishop

What happened to having an FM service award for the best..?

Les Clark

I am lucky in the fact that I use about 4 tackle shop`s,who are all very helpfull,as Budgie I use Ashford tackle at Faversham.
The Tackle Tart at Herne.
Blean Tackle and Preimer Bait`s at Ramsgate,
this is not a advert for them,but they are very helpfull,If they were`nt I would`nt use them.
To me politeness and being helpfull is better than a discount.

Budgie Burgess

"To me politeness and being helpfull is better than a discount"

Totally agree.But isnt it a shame we have to rate this so high,surely in the customer service area this should be the norm?

jason fisher

You'll be expecting them to say "have a nice day as you leave next"

jason fisher

what's wrong with the great british method of service with a scowl and as slow as possible please

Les Clark

I know what your saying Budgie,but this day and age it is rare.

Nick Austin

YAC, considering the current fame that Yately Angling Centre seem to be getting recently, plenty of magazine mentions etc, the guys (and gal) down there are really helpful!....it's a shame that they are SO carp orientated and dont spread the range a bit more.
My local shops in Reading are both good too, Thames Valley and Reading Angling, exellent for getting the non-carp stuff for river sessions or lure fishing.....

The worse thing is when you walk into ANY angling shop and it's full of Match Anglers sitting around on the bedchairs, chatting to the staff about how many tonnes of roach they caught in the last match atthe expense of the staff actually serving anyone!!!

YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!!! tehe!

jason fisher

I always find that if you spend a few minutes not getting served you can extract all sorts of info out of those match anglers that are doing the sitting around.

Wolfman Woody

The problem in some shops (we used to have one here) is where mates of the owner gather in a corner and keep the assistants talking too. Everyone ignores you and if you ask for help and information you're treated like a disease.

If you find a shop like this where it is difficult to get any help or attention from any assistants, try taking spools of line and packets of feeders off the shelves and putting them secretively into your pockets. Make sure another customer sees you doing it though, then wait 2 minutes.

jason fisher

now now jeff you don't want to get us all arrested.
the other thing is to absentmindedly wander round until they forget you're there that's the point where they start talking about where they caught all their big fish. you then simlpy go to the spot and catch them all too.
he he

John Hepworth

Called at the tackle shop in Stoney Strattford Saturday, didn't buy much but the chap was very friendly and helpful.

jason fisher

on the subject the most unhelpful thing about clive turner the owner of didcot angling center is he keeps catching great big fish he's in the AT again today with another linear fisheries record the sod.
otherwise the staff there are very helpful and they havent told everyone that they know exactly where i get all my fish from.

Wolfman Woody

Alright this is a story of UNhelpfulness.
I once fancied a nice USA baitcasting rod from ABU, it's not the sort of rod you find in most tackle shops. However, when I was once in my local the ABU rep was in there as well waiting to see the owner. I noticed his book etc. carrying the name of ABU and so I asked if ABU over here could supply that rod.
Surprisingly he said yes, athough he couldn't quote me a price as that was up to the shop, but they could order one. Marvellous, I thought and the money was ready and waiting. A couple of days later I called back into the shop and asked the manager if he could order this rod.
Two weeks passed and I called in again and asked if he had any joy. He told me that they don't do that rod in the UK. This, despite the rep saying they did.
The reason was - he just couldn't be bothered to place a special order and put himself out. Now, anyone following another thread I put up about another rod in the same shop will remember that I bought it mail order elsewhere. If I want any other rods now I either go to J&K in Bicester (very helpful) or go mail order. Rarely do I buy major items in this shop now.

If he ever reads this he'll ban me. Aahhh b*****ks to him

Nick Austin

jeff, you are right about j&K, in fact testementto them is that i often drive up there from reading to pick up tackle that i could probably get locally.

As for matchmen being usefull sources of information....correct....what was in their sandwiches.....what brand of fags do they smoke.....

My favourite lake, whenever i go into a certain shop and ask how it's fishing i'm always told..."well they need to put more fish in there!"....."great" i think that means theyv'e been chucking in the groundbait and still still not catching...time for a breaming session!

Simon Hume-Spry

i recently have been teaching my friend andy to fish and hes just about plucked up the courage to go to a tackle shop on his own last month he went in to a tackle shop walkers of trowell in notts he said as he looked around the two guys behind the counter just stared at him the whole time no offer of help nowt just stared at him needless to say he walked out without buying anything not very encourageing for a new angler makeing his way an all that since then i have took him to a local smaller tackle shop where there is coffe on offer and he is now a recognised begginer and is helped out as such when goes in .but it can be very intimidateing at times in some shops i feel i have to lower my self when i go in ask questions i know the answer to just to try and get in with the cliqe these shops seem to have its any wonder they sell anything at all and while where on the subject last month i watched a well known nottingham gangster walk in to unamed taclke shop and walk out with ?900 plus of match fishing gear no money changed hands !!

Nick Austin

I think it's true to say, that if ever there was a sport that's FULL of bullshiXXers and cliques it's Angling!...

There are many REALLY great people around, dont get me wrong....but you seem to find them on the bank, rather than sitting around in shops trying to make people feel insecure i find!....