**** Walker / Arlesey


david jones

Does anyone know where the 'Arlesey Lake' that **** Walker fished / invented the Arlesey Bomb for is. (Yes I know its in / near Arlesey!)

I ask this as I live quite near Arlesey, but only know of the Blue & Green Lagoons. I don't think these are the waters in question.

Not overly important, but just one of those questions that pops into mind every so often.

graham teece

I seem to recall that the lake was filled in many years ago.

Ron Clay

In 1987 I spent a few days with on old friend in Arlesy (the longest village in England) At that time Arlesey Lake was still there. It's a Claypit of about 18 acres I would say , very deep and clear you can see the water from the main London rail line just north of the village. It used the be controlled by The Hitchin AC but was in the hands of a private syndicate at that time. I had the privilage of walking around the lake and standing at the famous stumps pitch near to where Walker took most of his big perch in the 50s. I would live to know what has happened to it now.