"What close season mate"


nick austin

I dont understand?...(i'm not a river fisherman "bivvie boy" maybe, i certainly wouldn't KICK any fish!, and am glad to catch anything), but in these matches that supposedly target certain species (eels), hoe can you guarentee you wont catch anything else?.better to leave the water alone for a couple of months i think.
There seems to be an unhealthy divide developing between river fishing and still water fishing when we should be sticking together and championing our sport as one!.

Ashe Hurst

My comments arnt aimed at bivvie boys, but at all of us anglers.

we have all seen things going on that are agaist what its all about.
Certain people, as in any walk of life spoil it for others and give others a bad name. We are then Tared with the same brush.

Is this Eel match and its rules in breach of that areas EA bylaws?

Does it realy need to be held out of season?
Or is it a demonstation against the close season?

can they gaurantee not to catch other species? NO.

Is it going to cause bad PR???

Stu Black


Unfortunately, this "eel match" is not in breach of the areas rules, so long as they use specific size hooks and baits they are legal.

It is just a demonstration against the close season by people who stand to make money out of doing it away.

The plan is that they will catch other species and weigh them in, in an "unofficial" wiegh-in.

And yes in my opinion its going to show our sport in a negative manner.

Andrew Thomas

Any more negative than fishing on a still water today or tomorrow?

Stu Black

Yes, because fishing a still water is not bending the rules or pushing the boundaries. It is completly within the current law, not deliberatly flouting it.

Dave Slater

I agree with you Stu. These people really piss me off. I am sure you are right. It will show our sport in a negative manner.

Fred Bonney

Andrew,see my 2nd posting 20th,re. temperatures.
After you've 'engaged brain',that is ;0)

Fred Bonney

I agree with both, Stu & Dave,just because the law doesn't suit them,the laws an ass.Which is why I refered to the example of speeding.Too many people in this country, are prepared to flout rules and regulations and then winge about it when they get caught out.

Ashe Hurst

again this week, lots of people fishing a river, next to a main road in full view of every one.against the law.

local lakes open. people fishing, fish spawning, within the law.

yes ive fished lakes when the rivers are closed. but im within the law.

If the close seaon on rivers is lifted, I hope not, people will fish them.
am i a hypocrit for fishing lakes yet wish the close season to stay? maybe yes, but im within the law.

Lets keep it simple and stay within what the law says on the close season.
i fully understand that this will be a ongoing argument.

If the law is changed and the close season on rivers lifted, then let each of us use our own judgment.
Fish and be within the law, or take time out. we all have freedom of choice.

I like many others may not agree with what the law says , but it is a law within a democratic system.

We are all Anglers, We are all individules and all have different values, belives whatever. However we must all have one common belive and strive to stick together.

We must all protect our right to fish.

There are people out there that want their belives impossed on all people, whatever they are or do and that is not democratic, it is not right and it is not law. Infact it isnt far from a dictatorship.

Is this what we want? NO
is this what the public want? NO

How far will these people go?
Ban hunting.
Ban fishing.
Ban livestock farming.
Ban pets.
Ban Zoos.
Ban conservation.
Ban medical research.
Ban competion/sport.
Ban ciggies.
Ban alcohol.
Ban Sex.

OK they are a minority group, but PC says they must be reconised.
Let them be seen and reconised for the facist, dictators they want to be.

We dont impose our pastime, sport, way of life on others. Yes we may talk about it and strive to educate others, but we dont tell others that they must agree, or that by law they become anglers and forsake all other pastimes or sports.

Nuff said.

Les Clark

Fishing last sunday,first day of a 3day stint,this bloke came up to me,tinny in hand,"any luck mate?" no,a lot showing but it looks like their getting ready to spawn.
"I hear that when their spawning you can scoup them up in your landing net?" What for? "may get a 30lb"

What the hell are people like that fishing for,they should be swinging from tree`s.
they pay out megger money on top tackle,top bait?and they want to scoupe out a spawned out 30lb with a landing net.
This may sound unfair,but one of my sons died 6yrs ago,and when i come across scum like this,i think,why should you live when
my sons dead,sorry may be a bit over the top
but thats the way I feel.