Why Do I Go Fishing?


Stuart Bullard

Only just caught this thread. Been made redundant so I dont get so much time on the PC. Why do I go?? Well, most reasons mentioned apply, however one addition.

Having played competitive sport for all my life, I have always wanted to do something where I can improve. Being too old for football, golf and cricket (to improve) I picked something I enjoyed as a kid and that age would not be too much of a hinderance to improving. It was either fishing or bowls........nuff said really!!

And boy, there is a lot of room for improvement.....

andrew jackson

I was too fat for active sports and too ugly to get a girlfreind. Also fishing suited because I was used to not having anyone to speak to. Then the mills and the pits closed down. Oh yes and my dog got run over. What has my old dog getting killed got to do with starting fishing? Well it was a shame to waste all those maggots.
Seriously though, It is hard to say, I just love it all, and dont realy know where that passion came from. For me it was just as if fishing was in my blood. Even though nobody in my family fished I just knew, even at an early age that it was something I just had to do. I could fill an whole page telling you all what I like about fishing, but I suspect, being afflicted the same, you already know.

Chris Bishop

Best thing I ever read on this was in the foreword to a sea fishing book.

To fish is to explore another world, the bloke said - or words to that effect.

Del Beckett

Fishing? Something you either love or hate and I love it.There is something special about going out on your own to a secluded water,forget any aggro you may have and just sit inthe peace and quiet of the countryside and talk to the birds or the fish.(sad ain,t it)Still it makes me happy