''The price of fame''.

Steve Pope

Well-known member
Jul 11, 2000
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Tempted to respond to this one.

I doubt if there is any angler out there who has become universally famous just by being an angler.

I doubt even the most well known of faces gets stopped in Waitrose ( Well he's famous!) and is asked for an autograph.

Being recognised on the bank and perhaps having your name recognised in unusual places does happen - but only because the other person is an angler and takes note.

I've always taken a view that recognition, because thats what it really is, comes from what you put back.

The more of that you do, and its over a good number of years, then the more likely you are to be offered sponsorships etc.

That is something many younger, aspiring anglers should take on board.

The more you write the more people notice you. I have had many people say to me I've read your stuff on FM and enjoy it, that brings me to another point as writing is a hot topic on here, these people will tell you face to face, they won't post on forums!

If we are honest we all like to be recognised in some way, its human nature, I am always wary when people say that don't care . Of course its nice to be told positive things, it spurs you on, gives encouragement.

The key is to never let it go to your head because that is just plain daft!


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2015
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Tempted to respond to this one.

I doubt if there is any angler out there who has become universally famous just by being an angler.

I doubt even the most well known of faces gets stopped in Waitrose ( Well he's famous!) and is asked for an autograph.

Being recognised on the bank and perhaps having your name recognised in unusual places does happen - but only because the other person is an angler and takes note.

I've always taken a view that recognition, because thats what it really is, comes from what you put back.

The more of that you do, and its over a good number of years, then the more likely you are to be offered sponsorships etc.

That is something many younger, aspiring anglers should take on board.

The more you write the more people notice you. I have had many people say to me I've read your stuff on FM and enjoy it, that brings me to another point as writing is a hot topic on here, these people will tell you face to face, they won't post on forums!

If we are honest we all like to be recognised in some way, its human nature, I am always wary when people say that don't care . Of course its nice to be told positive things, it spurs you on, gives encouragement.

The key is to never let it go to your head because that is just plain daft!
Most of us have heard of John Wilson and know his face, if i asked you who is the U.S. attorney general, you probably wouldnt know, would you recognise Roger Federer in the garage, i doubt it, as to the people that wont post, i say come on , you enjoy reading it for christs sake contribute, we are all ears.

terry m

Well-known member
Nov 14, 2010
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New Forest, Hampshire
Most of us have heard of John Wilson and know his face, if i asked you who is the U.S. attorney general, you probably wouldnt know, would you recognise Roger Federer in the garage, i doubt it, as to the people that wont post, i say come on , you enjoy reading it for christs sake contribute, we are all ears.

Are you suggesting that John Wilson is more famous/recognisable than Roger Federer?

Steve Pope

Well-known member
Jul 11, 2000
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John Wilson is obviously known throughout the fishing world, but I doubt very much that he moved abroad to escape the paparazzi!

And that is the point, no angler is that well known that he can't step out of the door without being recognised.

However there are a huge number of anglers who are recognised by their fellow fisherman/women. Does that constitute fame? Well I suppose it does to a degree.

I most certainly would recognise Roger Federer anywhere unless he had made a good attempt to conceal his identity.

The point about people not posting is that they are not interested in forums at all but enjoy reading the features. FM is different things to different people, to many it is a place to read news and articles much like a paper.

Many moons ago I would contribute regularly to forums but not now. Facebook is my place of choice and it serves all the purposes I require, and I know that goes for many others as well.

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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Mark W.

I really bought into your comments. Agree 100 pc.

Fame. I am always amazed that some of my past guided customers, sometimes with a general lack of all round skills are within a couple of years " sponsored" by bait companies.

In reality much of the sponsorship is simply some discounted bait, yet they may be held up as famous.

Recently I met a group of anglers fishing a river. They all had to use the same rods, the same bait, the same end tackle all supplied by the Sponsor. If thats what you want to do for your fishing...carry on.

Few make a living, unless like Steve they can use their place in Society to generate additional income from the back of it.

I was lucky in that when I was guiding there were only one or two others and business was good. Now there are loads of "experts" for every river in the country. Again, good luck to them. Fame. World Match champions. Wonderful Writers and some TV stars.

The rest of us are just fishermen. Sometimes lucky


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
Most of us have heard of John Wilson and know his face, if i asked you who is the U.S. attorney general, you probably wouldnt know, would you recognise Roger Federer in the garage, i doubt it, as to the people that wont post, i say come on , you enjoy reading it for christs sake contribute, we are all ears.
I had a look the other night at who and how many were contributing and simply guesting, it worked out at roughly sixty to six hundred respectively.
Food for thought.:confused:

terry m

Well-known member
Nov 14, 2010
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New Forest, Hampshire
Iwouldnt recognise Federer if he stepped on my toe, but John Wilson, i would.

Whilst that may be true, it holds no water as a valid measure of fame.

If you show 100 people from all over the planet a picture of Roger Federer, I reckon somewhere between a quarter and a third will recognise and be able to name him. You will be lucky to find one or two in that 100 that can identify Wilson.

sam vimes

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
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North Yorkshire.
Fame is all relative to the audience. It's exactly why I put "fame" in my post regarding famous anglers. There are famous anglers, at least within angling circles. I'd not expect a non-angler to recognise the vast majority of them.

I tend to avoid the angling press in all its forms. I'm not much for the cult of personality and I've a memory like a sieve. Some of my angling mates reel off names that leave me totally nonplussed. They assure me that these folks are well known. However, even I have been unable to avoid certain names over the years. If they manage to penetrate my indifference and dismal memory, they must be reasonably famous, at least within angling circles.

Trying to quantify levels of fame based on individual perception is rather fruitless. There are any number of TV types that have totally passed me by. There are loads of incredibly popular TV programmes that are watched by millions. The stars of such shows are famous for many. I wouldn't know who lots of them were if they stood in front of me with a name badge on.


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2010
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300 yards from the Wensum!
Trying to quantify levels of fame based on individual perception is rather fruitless. There are any number of TV types that have totally passed me by. There are loads of incredibly popular TV programmes that are watched by millions. The stars of such shows are famous for many. I wouldn't know who lots of them were if they stood in front of me with a name badge on.

I couldnt agree more.

If you asked my wife to name some famous fishermen she could name John Wilson and Robson Greene. She would also recognise Chris Yates and Bob James (probably not knowing their names) because she enjoyed watching PFA on TV, as i am sure many did who werent even anglers. Likewise some time ago anglers like Bernard Venables or Jack Hargreaves may have cut through to a wide audience (particularly Jack Hargreaves). In all other respects, fame in angling is probably comparable to fame in Table Tennis or Badminton but some way behind snooker or darts. As for tennis, cricket, football etc...different ball games entirely.

Ray Daywalker Clarke

Well-known member
Apr 28, 2007
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But Peter, the first capture may have been sheer good luck, the subsequent captures down to hard work and dedication ?


Have to disagree with that, the circus don't put in any hard work to find the venues or the fish. They follow the angling press stories, even walking the banks with a copy in hand to find the swim.

What is fame ???

Because you may recognise someone, does that mean they are famous ???

To a point I know what it could be like having the press follow you around. Having worked for people who are on the TV, Films, Sports etc,etc. I have seen the press hanging outside houses waiting for a photo. But this works both ways.

Lets not forget that when these so called famous people fall out of the lime light, they are quick to have the press around for some B*lls*it story to get them back in the lime light.

There are those that just stay out of the lime light, and when you do see them it is only to promote the new film, album or whatever.

Anglers are Anglers, i don't care who or what they may think they are, just as many of those who i have worked for. They are no different to you and me.

Being a good Actor or Singer ( other than the money) is no different from being a good Bricky, Plasterer, Its a job, and you have to have talent to do any of them well.

nocturnus anglius

Active member
Jan 30, 2016
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I say good luck to anyone who wants to chase that dream, who are the rest of us to argue over the motivations of another. Fishing is still a little cottage industry compared with many other sporting disciplines. I would encourage anybody wanting to get into the sport in a serious way to look at their own qualifications as regards to writing and editorial skills maybe even photography, so at least they have something to offer a company other than fishing itself.
Despite fame, despite any qualification I've always said it's far better your a decent person no matter what field you move into.

no-one in particular

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2008
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Wasn't the carp record broken a few weeks ago. Nothing in the news papers or on the TV news about it as far as I know. Angling just passes the world by; goes un noticed. People just don't care about it, to most we are just a bunch of eccentric nutters.

Steve Pope

Well-known member
Jul 11, 2000
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Ray will be able to relate to this but catching a record fish does not equate to instant fame. You would have to want it and that would mean catching more big fish unless the captor has something more to offer other than that.

Finding 'Fame' in the big wide world just through catching fish is impossible I would say. And I will add to that and say Lasting Fame, because anyone can be 'famous' for five minutes.

Finding 'Fame' in the fishing world isn't difficult as long as;

You catch a few big fish.
You publicise the catches.
You can write about it.
You can talk about it.
You can act because you may be asked to do DVD or TV work or you may move into Youtube.
You can maintain all that for a number of years and expect to receive criticism at best and ridicule at worst and for little return!

Get through that and yep, anyone can be famous in the fishing world these days.

But then there are those who attain lasting fame, long after they are gone - not too many of them I would suggest.

It depends what you actually build a reputation on, if its catching big fish then you have to keep on doing it.

If its for what you put back then thats not so important.

But as in most aspects of life , unless the person has something truly special then fame will be fleeting.

But there is something to be said when you are old and grey and someone comes up to you in Tesco's ( Thats where you go now, not Waitrose because you didn't get rich!) and says I remember you, you were that bloke who.........................

The bottom line is this, if you are one of those who fate has decreed will be famous then fame will find you, I don't think it works any other way.

Ray Daywalker Clarke

Well-known member
Apr 28, 2007
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Steve is right, catching a Record doesn't bring you fame in any way what so ever.

I wrote the story of the capture for the press, Kevin Willmott was at the Angling Times then. He was very impressed in the way I had written the story, and asked if i had thought about writing. No is the answer to be honest.

Back then I wasn't interested in becoming famous, and i am still not. I reported the capture as i had always been interested in the record list, bought up on it, as back then it was part and parcel of fishing, well to me and my mates anyway. Not anymore, the record list has lost it's meaning for me, due to the fact that not all species are on the list, double standards.

Just to put you in the picture, I was asked if I wanted to attend the First big tackle show at the NEC Birmingham. I went along and took a couple of mates who I go fishing with.

I have never been so Embarrassed, there hanging from the columns of the hall were life size pictures of me holding the Roach, not just one, but several. To make matters worse, i was asked to sign programs by other guys walking round , I did, as i didn't want to come across as an A$rehole, I wasn't and I am not famous.

Could I have become a famous angler?? who knows, maybe, but the point is, I didn't and don't want to. I enjoy doing what I do, if I can help others I am happy to do so.

I help out at a few tackle shows with my local shop, I enjoy it, but i wouldn't want to have to answer to sponsors etc etc. I don't publish any of my catches as i don't want to, and I don't want to be part of the circus. I do my own thing as and when I want, and don't answer to anyone, thats how like it.

Must go the Boss tells me food is ready :D:D


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset
So, er indoors calls the shots then, Ray

Comforting to be part of a true majority group :D

Appreciated reading your words there as I often wonder whether I'd report a record fish were I lucky enough.

Although it's vitally important to maintain the history of fish catching, it sounds a bit of a nightmare. I think I'm grateful my below par abilities will spare me this particular ordeal.....:)

Bob Hornegold

Well-known member
Oct 13, 2005
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Have to disagree with that, the circus don't put in any hard work to find the venues or the fish. They follow the angling press stories, even walking the banks with a copy in hand to find the swim.

What is fame ???

Because you may recognise someone, does that mean they are famous ???

To a point I know what it could be like having the press follow you around. Having worked for people who are on the TV, Films, Sports etc,etc. I have seen the press hanging outside houses waiting for a photo. But this works both ways.

Lets not forget that when these so called famous people fall out of the lime light, they are quick to have the press around for some B*lls*it story to get them back in the lime light.

There are those that just stay out of the lime light, and when you do see them it is only to promote the new film, album or whatever.

Anglers are Anglers, i don't care who or what they may think they are, just as many of those who i have worked for. They are no different to you and me.

Being a good Actor or Singer ( other than the money) is no different from being a good Bricky, Plasterer, Its a job, and you have to have talent to do any of them well.

Good editing again Ray,

One Lucky capture and there are many of those who live on one big fish in a lifetime, but to continually catch Big Fish over a life time, takes skill and dedication.

There are of course followers of the circus, but they are soon found out and dismissed.

There are plenty of hopeless angers who want to be famous, singers, actors and sportsmen, but are they famous or just jumping on the band wagon ?


Ray Daywalker Clarke

Well-known member
Apr 28, 2007
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Good editing again Ray,

One Lucky capture and there are many of those who live on one big fish in a lifetime, but to continually catch Big Fish over a life time, takes skill and dedication.

There are of course followers of the circus, but they are soon found out and dismissed.

There are plenty of hopeless angers who want to be famous, singers, actors and sportsmen, but are they famous or just jumping on the band wagon ?



Not so sure the circus are found out and dismissed. Many of them have got away with it for years. They don't put the hard work into the venue, they will spend plenty of time once on the water, but they have found the venue via the press, and taken the hard work done by others as their own. I have seen it time and time again.

As for dedication, its down to time on the bank, and sadly they will do what ever it takes. Fishing out of hours, fishing where they shouldn't, in others words do as they like, as they don't think rules apply to them.

Yes they will catch big fish, and let the press know about it, along with the BS about the venue they know very little about. I know ( as i am sure you and many others do) anglers who don't report their catches, and are just as good, if not much better anglers, as they are the anglers who put in the hard work in the first place, and catch the big fish.

I just don't have anytime for any of the circus at all.

As for fame, well i think people see it in different ways. I don't see anyone as famous or as a celebrity, they are just doing a job as far as i can see. As for famous anglers, nah, again just anglers like the rest of us.

Bob Hornegold

Well-known member
Oct 13, 2005
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I think any of us who are interested in Big Fish know who the Pot Chasers are, the fame at any costs merchants.

They are regarded as the wannabys of Specimen angling, I have no time for them.

They are but a very small section of Specimen anglers, most good specimen anglers catch continually throughout their lifetime, they do their own work and time on the bank.

Yes there are many who don't publise their captures, that is a personnel choice, other do, it's their choice as well.

Lets be honest about, what would the comic's have to print if they did not have copy, not a lot, match reports, a few features, where to fish ?

I for one would not buy them, so good on em, if they report their captures.
