How did you get on?

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
Sorry about that last post, it helps if you upload photos before writing a report :eek:mg:
Up early and off to Cambridge for another silvers only match at the venue I fished 3 weeks ago. Drew a deep peg this time @8 to 12' deep on my 8 and 11m lines.


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Decided my top 4 rig @11m was too much hassle so plumped for a line @8m. One at 10oclock and one at 2. Fed both lines with a bit of groundbait and fished maggot on the deck. Slow start with tiny perch intercepting the bait and some blade roach. Then 2 big skimmers cheered me up a bit as I dropped them in the net with a kerplosh...
By 12 midday it was decidedly hot and I had to shed a few layers of clothing but the bites slowed. Struggled for the last few hours with short runs of roach interspersed with long waits for bites.
Ended up getting totally battered on both sides and weighed in a disappointing
6lb 15.

Not sure of the winning weights but I think some were nearly 40lb...

Not one of my better days and TBH probably my own fault for not preparing rigs etc.

jon atkinson

Well-known member
Mar 12, 2013
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Is it wrong to go fishing on Mothers day? Personally, I've never put much stock in the concept & I certainly wouldn't expect anything from my lads on Fathers day [although with both of them living in Queensland that would be pretty unlikely...]. Anyway, I went... Sidings Lane pit was the chosen venue having given the summery weather due consideration. The water here is pretty clear, but it's quite deep & surrounded by trees & more importantly for a misanthropic g*t like me, it doesn't see too much 'traffic'! On arrival, there was just one 'ald fella' fishing & there were a number of small carp mooching around the surface - something that I hadn't seen here previously. However these were not what I was after. I had a quick chat with blokey who had been there for an hour on the pole. He had taken a few roach & a couple of skimmer but reckoned that he needed pinkies to get a bite.

Personally I've always had complete confidence in the humble maggot, so have never actually considered buying pinkies. Anyway, I set up the feeder [sleeper] rod with flake on a B911 #12 and then put in with single red on the waggler on an F1 maggot #20 on a 1.12 hook length.

I then enjoyed a steady stream of roach in the 1 - 4oz bracket plus a few perch to a similar scale, then finally...

My first of the year; not exactly a monster & bearing a battle scar or two, but at 5 - 6oz this was to prove the 'highlight' of the day & certainly gave a good account of itself.

Proceedings were then interrupted briefly by a lunatic springer spaniel going for a paddle :eek:mg: However as Sidings Lane is within a nature reserve with very much a public right of way it goes with the territory. Besides, one of our two is a springer so I know exactly what they're like. Suffice to say he won't EVER be coming fishing with me!

In the meantime, there had been diddly happening on the feeder, so I switched to sweetcorn... again nothing - I'd been here before, so I switched to a maggot feeder with a couple of caster that had turned from among the maggots on the hook & within 5 minutes I was in to another small roach... and another...

I also had the usual pair of robins hopping around by my feet in anticipation of the maggots that they 'knew' would be coming their way - is anybody able to resist feeding them?

By home time I had perhaps a couple of dozen roach, 4 small perch, 1 skimmer & of course 1 crucian. All relative tiddlers, but it was such an enjoyable day to be out & with the sun so bright / water so clear I was just grateful to be catching.

I hope that all who made it out this weekend managed to put a few in the net :w

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
Just seen the results from yesterday's match and apart from one angler who packed up early, I came last.
Had I tied some light shallow rigs and given it a go I may have fared better?

For my laziness and incompetence I have today awarded myself a Crabtree bad angling award:doh::doh:


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
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Not sure I want to pick up (another) Crabtree bad angling award but I caught a lot less than he! " sessions - 1st - one bite one fish; and a bream at that!
2nd try - a few more bites, most of which were complete sail aways and 'unmissable'. Out of all of those I ended up with a few small roach and rudd and a single crucian. Need to improve.

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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Never mind Simon. It happens.
I'm braving myself for three tench sessions on the trot.
Anything better than 0 -0 -0 will be a bonus:rolleyes:

john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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Never to late to try a new method( to me)
I caught my first two carp to about 8lb. on a zig today. I have been meaning to try for some time.
To experiment I went to an easy venue. I knew I could get some interest in white bread slop so I zigged ( is that a proper word?) a white boilie and fed slop over it.
This summer when the water warms more I will try a harder venue for bigger quarry.


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
Never to late to try a new method( to me)
I caught my first two carp to about 8lb. on a zig today. I have been meaning to try for some time.
To experiment I went to an easy venue. I knew I could get some interest in white bread slop so I zigged ( is that a proper word?) a white boilie and fed slop over it.
This summer when the water warms more I will try a harder venue for bigger quarry.

I've yet to zig but I have popped up, I wonder when a pop becomes a zig? :) or does a snowman act as an intermediary?

john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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I've yet to zig but I have popped up, I wonder when a pop becomes a zig? :) or does a snowman act as an intermediary?

Dunno!! But Guessing I would say it becomes a zig when its a long way off bottom unlike a pop up which is just off bottom.

Any carpers like to comment.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2011
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The Nene Valley
With the rivers ‘shut’ it’s time to check out the local farm ponds, woodland ponds, estate lakes and gravel pits again. I decided on a small (approx 1.5 acres) woodland pond that, to my knowledge, is not fished by others. The only sign (last year and today) was an abundance of muntjac tracks and a lot of feathered stuff. So it’s the mile and a half yomp over field and woodland for a few hours of solitude armed with the Titan 2000, pin, net, shoulder bag and unhooking mat to sit on.


This is the earliest in the year that I’ve fished this pond and it was somewhat lacking in much of the leafy stuff, quite clear and very little marginal growth to fish to. Bait was to be reds over hemp tight to what consisted of the marginal growth (which will be somewhat different of a few weeks time).

The weather at the start was misty, followed by warm sunshine, then a mixture of sunshine and cloud and quite breezy for an hour or so early afternoon. Fished from 10am – 3pm for some decent roach, a few crucians, two rudd and a tench.


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
My apologies, I do tend to digress a bit at times. Like today for example::) I didn't actually fish but did go to look at a venue new to me.

I've just joined the Canterbury District Angling Association (CDAA) and can start fishing as a new member from Saturday. So in the mean time I've been doing a few reccies looking at some of their splendid waters.

Today's trip was to a lake called Stonar near Sandwich. Very different to anything I've fished before in terms of its hugeness, speaking to a guy that has fished it for many years, he tells me it goes to 90ft deep in places with depths of 15ft in the margins!

I'm not interested in the large carp but there is a good head of roach, Rudd and bream going to some impressive size. Watch this space...........

A bloomin large space:eek:mg:



Well-known member
Jan 23, 2013
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Nice day out today, went with mick for a day on the fishery we are members off, got there about eight thirty, felt cool to start with then the cool wind dropped and it warmed up nicely in the sunshine.

It was feeling very spring like.lots of birds singing, curlews flying round and calling, always like to hear the curlews, lovely sound, had a pair of robins with me all day looking for the maggots I threw to them.

Put the carp rod out first as a sleeper, not a touch all day, had all my fish on the float, just one rod length out, fed a few micro pellets, and fished six mm expander pellets over these, had eight bream best three and a half pounds, some of these already showing spawning tubercules and very dark coloured,

Plus sixteen skimmers and small roach, not too bad and should only get better now ?

Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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Third piking trip of last few days,blanked last Friday & Saturday and was greeted by 4C warmth and thick fog on the reservoir this morning so after setting up three deadbait rods I settled back to watch the birdlife - two reed buntings chasing each other,wrens,robins,hedge sparrows and willow warblers.
Had a run on the sprat,connected with a heavy fish which broke the surface head shaking and spat out the hook.Next a run on a herring tail on the middle rod,firm strike,felt a fish which let go - reeled back a up bit of herring and that was it, no more runs.
When the fog cleared and the sun made a lame attempt to break through - first swallows & house martins spotted and a skylark singing over the field behind me.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2010
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Deep in the Black Country
Not posted for a while due to the mediocrity of my fishing. Two sessions on pools since the dreaded closure, couple of hours after work on Thursday resulting in four small Rudd from a council pool and six hours on a commie Sunday. The latter produced about twenty Roach and Rudd to about the half pound mark, ten skimmers to a pound, a couple of Carp the best pushing double figures, a tiny Gudgeon and my first Tench this year, only about a pound but a joy to net.

thames mudlarker

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2016
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My apologies, I do tend to digress a bit at times. Like today for example::) I didn't actually fish but did go to look at a venue new to me.

I've just joined the Canterbury District Angling Association (CDAA) and can start fishing as a new member from Saturday. So in the mean time I've been doing a few reccies looking at some of their splendid waters.

Today's trip was to a lake called Stonar near Sandwich. Very different to anything I've fished before in terms of its hugeness, speaking to a guy that has fished it for many years, he tells me it goes to 90ft deep in places with depths of 15ft in the margins!

I'm not interested in the large carp but there is a good head of roach, Rudd and bream going to some impressive size. Watch this space...........

A bloomin large space:eek:mg:


Hi there mate,

I've also just joined the CDAA aswell and actually done a very big reccie of the stour on Monday just gone and had a wander from Fordwich down towards Chislet lagoon and around the Fordwich lakes,

Certainly done a good few miles :eek: one hell of a long walk :eek:mg: but was worth it, as you already know from fishing at Grove that it's a brilliant trotting water :thumbs:

Can't wait till the start of the season now, I'll no doubt see yer down on the river sometime although I'll mainly be up at the Fordwich end :D

thames mudlarker

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2016
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Good to see you back Stuart!

Cheers Mike, although it's only been a couple of days or so :D....lols

I had an awful lot of unnecessary stuff and old obsolete fishing info that was choka block on me iPad, I mearly temporarily wiped off me profile settings etc as there were a few things that needed to be altered and basically reboot everything, I've had to go through all of me personal photo gallery with almost upto several hundred pics that I've had to sought through aswell as a build up of emails that much important mail ended up in junk mail and spent hrs going through this aswell :eek:mg:

But now everything is upto scratch and soughted :D