Do Fish Feel Pain?


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2009
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I think fish can feel pain , i don't think routine catch and release causes a massive amount of pain , but that is just my guess , as fish are a lower order animal that causes me no moral dilemma. i have never live baited , and I have no problem with those that do, but I think I would probably fel too sorry for the prey fish.

if fishing were catching fish then leaving them to die slowly on the bank in what I thought was a massive and elongated amount of pain I would probably stop angling.

What I am trying to explain is the question was do fish feel pain , any pain , and so I would have to answer yes , in the strictest sense, if the question was is hooking a dog the same as hooking a fish then no , of course , I don't think it is.

Fish can feel pain and remember it , which is why some are difficult to catch.

Fish on the edge of conciousness - I mean't if on a scale an amoeba was 1 and a person 100 then a fish ould be a 10 maybe a dog 70 , a chimp 90 and a canoeist - 89 :) just kidding.

I think we will have to agree to disagree,

But they don't feel pain. :D :D :D


Oct 4, 2012
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The only pain that has been proven on here has been in the ar*se:D

Jeff Woodhouse

Moaning Marlow Meldrew
Jan 2, 2002
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Subtropical Buckinghamshire
and a canoeist - 89 just kidding.
Glad you've retained (or recovered) your sense of humour. ;)

PS: In fact is a chimp is about 95 since he's about 95% related to us humans... An orang utan is about 97% which is why we see so many ginger haired people... Just kidding...

The only pain that has been proven on here has been in the ar*se
Hence the P.I.T.A. I refered to in a previous post... :)


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2008
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this one word to me proves you are not an angler, the rest of your posts show you dont give a flying one about US anglers. i really wonder why anyone replies to you tbh

You highlighted my use of the word "THEY" in the sentence - "give anglers a way (they) can justify their" etc etc...

Not totally sure but I am guessing your apparent horror at my use of this word was because you think it implies I am not inlcuding myself as one of those anglers ? in other words if I had used "we" rather than "they" it would have been ok ?

If thats the case then you REALLY are reading far too much into things and just for your happiness I can confirm I was including myself in the "they". There you go, that was easy wasnt it.

I am interested in something, perhaps you can entertain me for a moment on this ...

You see, I cant help but wonder, given your apparent hawk eyed-ness as to spot such a tiny word in all those I have written...its strange you have not picked up on the avalanche of abuse I have taken particularly from one particular poster....personal insults, swearing, childish jibes at every opportunity really MUST have spotted it. Take a little skim back through the thread, I am quite sure you will see it.

Does it not strike you as perhaps something you could also have commented on as well ? does appear a little bizzare you are apparently blind to the foul mouthed expletives and personal comments showering down at me but by heck your going to pick me up on the word "THEY" in a post.

Strange ?
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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2013
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You highlighted my use of the word "THEY" in the sentence - "give anglers a way (they) can justify their" etc etc...

Not totally sure but I am guessing your apparent horror at my use of this word was because you think it implies I am not inlcuding myself as one of those anglers ? in other words if I had used "we" rather than "they" it would have been ok ?

If thats the case then you REALLY are reading far too much into things and just for your happiness I can confirm I was including myself in the "they". There you go, that was easy wasnt it.

I am interested in something, perhaps you can entertain me for a moment on this ...

You see, I cant help but wonder, given your apparent hawk eyed-ness as to spot such a tiny word in all those I have written...its strange you have not picked up on the avalanche of abuse I have taken particularly from one particular poster....personal insults, swearing, childish jibes at every opportunity really MUST have spotted it. Take a little skim back through the thread, I am quite sure you will see it.

Does it not strike you as perhaps something you could also have commented on as well ? does appear a little bizzare you are apparently blind to the foul mouthed expletives and personal comments showering down at me but by heck your going to pick me up on the word "THEY" in a post.

Strange ?
not strange at all to me tbh, i picked up on that word for the reason i have suspected, you are not really an angler and could not give a flying one about our hobby/past time. you keep going on and on about fish feel pain yet say you fish for them. the anti's will be on the phone to you soon asking you to join them in a march against us. i dont agree with abusing people on the net but i also dont agree with the whole fish feel pain cr@p that i believe it to be.

i also dont see why a SO CALLED angler would go on and on trying to convince US ANGLERS that fish do feel pain. do you really think that it helps on here for you to be going on so damn much?

the whole forum knows you think fish feel pain and most are wondering why the hell you are 1)going on and on and 2) why you fish if you truly believe that? (if you really do fish)


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
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not strange at all to me tbh, i picked up on that word for the reason i have suspected, you are not really an angler and could not give a flying one about our hobby/past time. you keep going on and on about fish feel pain yet say you fish for them. the anti's will be on the phone to you soon asking you to join them in a march against us. i dont agree with abusing people on the net but i also dont agree with the whole fish feel pain cr@p that i believe it to be.

i also dont see why a SO CALLED angler would go on and on trying to convince US ANGLERS that fish do feel pain. do you really think that it helps on here for you to be going on so damn much?

the whole forum knows you think fish feel pain and most are wondering why the hell you are 1)going on and on and 2) why you fish if you truly believe that? (if you really do fish)

you know this type of post is so tiresome - God Forbid someone has a different point of view - The Antis are already all over us / them / anglers because of the PR debacle over Keith the seal. Besides who cares if they do , I will carry on fishing anyway.

As for them and us , read through this forum if you think Anglers actually means US we cannot even agree about the correct type of hooklink to use let alone close season , otters or any of the other myriad things PEOPLE on fishing forums argue about.

For the five people who insist on telling me that they could not fish under those circumstances good for you enjoy the moral high ground but make sure you restrict your surfing to those parts of the web that agree with your beliefs do not google any of the following

"Norwegian research do fish feel pain" OR
"K.P. Chandroo, I.J.H. Duncan, R.D. Moccia" OR

I could just keep going page after page and so I am sure could those who disagree with me.

sam vimes

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
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North Yorkshire.
For the five people who insist on telling me that they could not fish under those circumstances good for you enjoy the moral high ground but make sure you restrict your surfing to those parts of the web that agree with your beliefs do not google any of the following

"Norwegian research do fish feel pain" OR
"K.P. Chandroo, I.J.H. Duncan, R.D. Moccia" OR

I could just keep going page after page and so I am sure could those who disagree with me.

It's not a matter of moral high ground. I don't for one moment think I'm morally superior to anyone. It's purely a personal choice in what you choose to believe and how you justify your actions to yourself.
It's not even a black and white thing, it's far too complex for that.

I may not understand your and Philip's stance, but I accept your right to have it. Whatever allows you to keep on fishing, good luck to you.


Oct 4, 2012
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you know this type of post is so tiresome - God Forbid someone has a different point of view - The Antis are already all over us / them / anglers because of the PR debacle over Keith the seal. Besides who cares if they do , I will carry on fishing anyway.

As for them and us , read through this forum if you think Anglers actually means US we cannot even agree about the correct type of hooklink to use let alone close season , otters or any of the other myriad things PEOPLE on fishing forums argue about.

For the five people who insist on telling me that they could not fish under those circumstances good for you enjoy the moral high ground but make sure you restrict your surfing to those parts of the web that agree with your beliefs do not google any of the following

"Norwegian research do fish feel pain" OR
"K.P. Chandroo, I.J.H. Duncan, R.D. Moccia" OR

I could just keep going page after page and so I am sure could those who disagree with me.

But can you not see you are doing more harm than good to a already berated angling cause just to satisfy your own view.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
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But can you not see you are doing more harm than good to a already berated angling cause just to satisfy your own view.

So what should I do mate , ignore Martin Salter's question ? He raised it after all ?


Oct 4, 2012
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So what should I do mate , ignore Martin Salter's question ? He raised it after all ?

Is he god or something then that you have to try to answer a question that you have no answer for one way or the other.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
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Its obvious that the two sides will never agree and this is becoming boring.

Jerry , blanker don't read it then , if Tinker and I were in a pub you wouldn't lean across and say sorry mate your conversation is boring, just don't read it.


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2008
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(if you really do fish)

Yes I really do fish. And I really do think people like you however good meaning you think your being...your not. Your attitude in my opinion poses a far bigger risk to angling as you playing right into the anti hands. I have explained why several times already on this thread.
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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2013
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you know this type of post is so tiresome - God Forbid someone has a different point of view - The Antis are already all over us / them / anglers because of the PR debacle over Keith the seal. Besides who cares if they do , I will carry on fishing anyway.

As for them and us , read through this forum if you think Anglers actually means US we cannot even agree about the correct type of hooklink to use let alone close season , otters or any of the other myriad things PEOPLE on fishing forums argue about.

For the five people who insist on telling me that they could not fish under those circumstances good for you enjoy the moral high ground but make sure you restrict your surfing to those parts of the web that agree with your beliefs do not google any of the following

"Norwegian research do fish feel pain" OR
"K.P. Chandroo, I.J.H. Duncan, R.D. Moccia" OR

I could just keep going page after page and so I am sure could those who disagree with me.
any one of us could write something and have it for all to see on google. i could do a write up explaining that a carrot feels pain, then you could search "do carrots feel pain" and you would find my write up. the bottom line is as anglers we need to be very careful what we say and do. for me if you truly believe a fish feels pain the you are out of order fishing for them, that is my honest opinion. but if you or phillip truly think that little of fish to fish for them even though "they feel pain" why put it all over the net for the antis to have a war against tus anglers that truly believe they dont feel pain?


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2009
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Jerry , blanker don't read it then , if Tinker and I were in a pub you wouldn't lean across and say sorry mate your conversation is boring, just don't read it.

Its going nowhere other than round in circles, it may eventually disappear up its own ar$e. I thought it was an interesting thread but it has now become stale.


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2008
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any one of us could write something and have it for all to see on google. i could do a write up explaining that a carrot feels pain, then you could search "do carrots feel pain" and you would find my write up. the bottom line is as anglers we need to be very careful what we say and do. for me if you truly believe a fish feels pain the you are out of order fishing for them, that is my honest opinion. but if you or phillip truly think that little of fish to fish for them even though "they feel pain" why put it all over the net for the antis to have a war against tus anglers that truly believe they dont feel pain?

Most of the posters on this thread appear to be in agreement that fish feeling something.

Instead of JUST putting the boot into me and Benny how about you expand on what YOUR opinion is exactly.

Do you think they feel zero or do you think they feel something and if so what ?


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2013
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Most of the posters on this thread appear to be in agreement that fish feeling something.

Instead of JUST putting the boot into me and Benny how about you expand on what YOUR opinion is exactly.

Do you think they feel zero or do you think they feel something and if so what ?
i do not for one minute think fish FEEL PAIN, as what we know as pain, as in something that hurts you, yes i believe they know something is wrong as in a sense of something, thats it as far as i am concerned. a friend of mine was livebaiting for cats with a lip hooked perch (i do not livebait by the way. hypocritical maybe but i dont like it) anyway in the morning he brought the fish in expecting to release it as you do with lip hooked livies but this one had taken a roach that was to big and the roach was stuffed down its throat and it had killed itself. if a fish has a 2/0 hook through its lip ALL NIGHT and either 1) is released alive and kicking or 2) has killed itself by trying to eat a fish to big for itself then to me that is not something that is feeling pain


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2008
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(i do not livebait by the way. hypocritical maybe but i dont like it

I cant let that go with all the grief you gave me. Yes it is hypocritical..VERY hypocritical. You not the only one...another poster...the one who swears allot, throws personal insults and childish jibes also said this.

Care to expand on it ? ...why is livebaiting out for you if fish "dont feel pain" ?


i could do a write up explaining that a carrot feels pain, then you could search "do carrots feel pain"

I think I might have a definitve answer to that one at least... ;)
