How did you get on?


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
800l of compost, are you filling in a pit?:eek:

Are you saying I have too many pots? I do in fact but I fill them all with begonias as they flower all summer until the first frosts , are drought resistant and do not need dead heading! I know I make a better Gardner than an angler:)

If I was tempted to fill in the fishless lake I have recently visited I would not be using John Iness no 3!!!!
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Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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Spent 6 hours on a biteless River Wye today along with plenty of others.

An amazing few days. Shortly after my 12 barbel on wednesday the river rose at a tremendous almost unheard of rate. From 1ft above summer levels to nearly 12ft! Overnight.

It also dropped over 2 degrees in temp. All that Taffy water. Glad they got well taxidermied today!!

thames mudlarker

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2016
Reaction score
Life is slowly coming good. My tackle shed / man cave mini fridge has been a Godsend, cold beer, milk for tea and bait.

So I woke this morning with a bit of a spring in the step and arrived at the Yeo full of the joys. The weather was such that I could see it was going to break today, that rain would arrive. Could I time it to stay dry or did I really mind getting wet? I decided on the latter, at least until the Bayou broke or similar.

Similar to last week except today I opted for the 14ft Normark Titan 2000 and DAM coffee grinder closed face carrying 2.6lb main. A wire stemmed Drake stick float carrying 5 no. 6 shot to a Drennan maggot 20 to 1.1lb trace.

With the bait apron filled and a succession of most pleasant dog walkers and joggers, the fishing was slow and the sun definitely AWOL today but it simply didn't matter - not to me anyway.

The odd small roach picked up the bait before a mini dace joined in, more roach and then a skimmer around 6oz. Obviously, not large but I can't remember the last one I caught on a river. It'd make SKippy jealous, almost certainly.

Small roach again before a chub around the pound mark made itself known. Again not huge but it stood out amongst the minis I had hooked so far. Again, although the fight was not exactly toe to toe it was fun and it whetted my apetite for bigger and better things and I actually thanked that fish as it went back.

I stepped up to two red maggots to see if it might make a difference. No - was the simple answer. The bites were sporadic and often unexpected, I'd get one as soon as I dropped in, then the next run would give a bite at 15 meters. There was no hard and fast pattern but it was, simply, enjoyable.

The time flew and I decided that my next trip here might well involve a feeder rod and some bigger baits to see if I can't winkle out some bigger specimens. I think I might try a grain of corn, I have a feeling that might up the ante.

So I packed up and was soon back at home with a big mug of tea and an even bigger smile. I know Winter has its place but, to be honest, I've had enough of driving to and from work in the dark and am looking forward to lighter evenings. That said, my warm and comforting cave has seen me tying pole rigs and oiling reels like a looney so it's not all bad, is it?

All the very best to everybody for the last couple of weeks of the river season. Hope it brings all you'd like. :)

Absolutely a terrific little right up :thumbs:

Luv yer tackle description and classic set up, brings music to me ears,

Loverly trotting rod and those DAM reels ain't to sad eaither when used in the right hands which I'm sure they are :)

Well done on today's session and look forward to hearing a few more :thumbs:


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset
Thank you very much for your kind words. My hope is always to put smiles on faces and to, hopefully, spur on those who, temporarily, can't get on the river bank.

The change of scenery has been a big help and kickstarted my fishing and certainly my enjoyment of it and I just hope my writing reflects that.

I love reading everyone else's write ups too and would take this chance to encourage everyone to have a go at writing up your day. I've learned quite a few things from chaps writing on here and put them into practice, often with much improved results.

Thanks again - glad you enjoyed it and hope you can write about a real lump before season's end. :)

thames mudlarker

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2016
Reaction score
Ok the hayfever beat me in the end but despite this I did enjoy my forage the other side of London fishing the tiny River Cray for the first time. Due to cutting my time short I probably spent more time driving than fishing, such is the m25 but it was pretty good for a Friday and I got back in one piece which as we all know is the main thing.

As for the fishing well the Cray at Hall place wasn't the worst place to spend the day although with it so sunny it was dog walker central and I mean they were everywhere. The river itself was a funny little thing, extremely shallow where I started and I actually caught all my fish in a foot of water in small holes under trees - my kind of fishing. You could see where some work had been put in to increase flow and oxygen which was good as I walked down the river with my gear, it was that shallow. Downstream it deepened up quite a bit but was very slow and I couldn't buy a bite, local knowledge would have helped but my return of 21 dace and 1 chub wasn't bad for a few hours.

The flow picked up a little during the day but that was when the sluice gates opened up - my nose :rolleyes: you managed to find me local little river :D

It's certainly not the best and easiest rivers to fish especially at hall place :rolleyes:

One of the very reasons why I don't fish at hall place is because of all of those dog walkers and letting em run around in and out of the river, this really pees me off when I see this especially during the spawning season and half of the dog owners ain't got a damm clue about the river :mad:

You mention a little further down stream it gets a little deeper but couldn't buy a bite, from hall place I presume you must of walked through the little metal gate and onto what looks like a mowed grass strip along the river with a few willow trees on the opposite bank and a nice little trotting glide with reeds,
I walked this stretch on Monday just gone and the river looked in reasonable condition, this bit of deeper section you can get some half decent roach, chub and good size dace from there.

As you can probably tell that the river you ideally need to rove about to find the fish and the bit actually in the sports ground of hall place fishing under the big willow trees can sometimes produce a few chub etc and also right up by the sports hall upstream literally as far upstream as you can go you may of seen a little foot bridge but at present is blocked off because of building contractors,
Shame you couldn't stand on the bridge because there's a big shoul of huge dace there that can normally easily be seen, I'm talking some 12 oz to 1 lb :thumbs:

When I first started to fish that little river I admittedly used to fish hall place and that particular little deeper stretch you fished but to be honest I personally don't fish that section no more mainly because of the dog walkers, can't be doing with that and also far to much dog doo-doo for my kinda liking :eek:mg:

I've now got other sections of that river that I've been fishing and taking quality roach upto a staggering 2 lb odd which is incredible for such a little suburban river like this and it's free fishing and very little fished ( except for hall place ) :D....lols

Well done on yer session mate,

Be lucky

---------- Post added at 21:55 ---------- Previous post was at 21:43 ----------

That's a nice looking float Steve and that strange shaped fish next to it - that must be bang on half a pound :D

Na weighs a lot less than that, I'd say it's a little shiny baby Ray that's lost it's tail :D.....lols
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thames mudlarker

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2016
Reaction score
Spent 6 hours on a biteless River Wye today along with plenty of others.

An amazing few days. Shortly after my 12 barbel on wednesday the river rose at a tremendous almost unheard of rate. From 1ft above summer levels to nearly 12ft! Overnight.

It also dropped over 2 degrees in temp. All that Taffy water. Glad they got well taxidermied today!!

Unlucky Graham, nothermind mate, always another day :)

Mmm.....but dropping water temps in flood water has never been good, hopefully there's still a bit of time left when conditions are a little better towards the back end of the season :thumbs:

thames mudlarker

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2016
Reaction score
Can we expect a report here regarding your latest fishing exploits any time soon Stuart?

Hi Peter,

Yea sure mate, that's not a problem,

To be honest Peter I've not been out for a good few weeks now, basically since the start of the new year almost :(

Reason being is due to family matters as I'm a career for me wife and also have been hit really hard in the pocket since Christmas, I normally have a few things to do which sought of pays for fishing amongst other stuff but the last 2 months has been really dier with nothing about if you get me jist,

I've got bundles to pay out for at the moment as my boys wedding is coming up soon and ain't gonna be cheap and have only really just got on top of things since the new year, I've not had a beginning of a year like it for years, is blimmin hard at the moment to tell the truth and in fairness is one of the reasons why I've not actually been out on the bank as most of me club waters are a little away from me over the other side of Kent,

There's been a few times when I could of gone on the rivers but each time they've all been up to much with flood water :(

Had a little wander along me local river Cray last Monday and looked reasonable but was only a flying visit so to speak as I was passing through Crayford.

Well at present if all goes to plan I'm hoping to get out onto one of me chalk streams within the next week or so to try and track down some quality roach before the season is out :D

If I can manage to get out and the conditions are suitable I'll definitely put up a report ;)

Speak soon
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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2016
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Had a couple of hours to burn yesterday so decided to take my 6 year old lad to a local gravel pit for a spot of piking.
He wasn't too interested in the fishing and spent the first 30 minutes chucking stones in the next swim before he started making murmurings about being bored...

Then my float disappeared and things got exciting!
Got him to grab the landing net and stick it in the water while I fought the pike in.
He was doing all right until it surfaced in front of him mouth and gills flaring.
He's never seen a pike before, and started backing off up the bank in a panic taking the net with him (probably didn't help that I'd told him earlier that we were fishing for sea monsters :D)
Once he got over the initial shock he actually did a decent job as net man, and was very interested in our capture. He particularly like the teeth, though he never got too close...

After that he was much more engaged and we managed another hour or so before he finally wanted to leave claiming that must be the only fish in the place.
When we got home he did the classic "we caught a fish and it was this big!". We'll make an angler of him yet!

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2014
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... I seem to be having problems with trout completely swallowing my hooks - I've tried different types, sizes and different baits but it seems to happen regularly....... Anyone got any tips that might help me avoid this?...

Apart from the suggestion to use circle-hooks - which could be worth a go - I've reduced the amount of deep-hooking by hair-rigging baits.

We 'suffer' on local rivers with a plethora of greedy trout which will grab almost any trotted or free-lined bait from under the noses of chub, roach or even carp - at this time of year it seems to cause more of a problem because they are technically 'out-of-season' and shouldn't be messed-about with before safe return!

Hair-rigged bread and worms seem to get taken freely but result in more lip-hooking since you seem to get good bite-indication before the bait gets totally swallowed!
Tight Lines!


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
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On another planet you managed to find me local little river :D

It's certainly not the best and easiest rivers to fish especially at hall place :rolleyes:

One of the very reasons why I don't fish at hall place is because of all of those dog walkers and letting em run around in and out of the river, this really pees me off when I see this especially during the spawning season and half of the dog owners ain't got a damm clue about the river :mad:

You mention a little further down stream it gets a little deeper but couldn't buy a bite, from hall place I presume you must of walked through the little metal gate and onto what looks like a mowed grass strip along the river with a few willow trees on the opposite bank and a nice little trotting glide with reeds,
I walked this stretch on Monday just gone and the river looked in reasonable condition, this bit of deeper section you can get some half decent roach, chub and good size dace from there.

As you can probably tell that the river you ideally need to rove about to find the fish and the bit actually in the sports ground of hall place fishing under the big willow trees can sometimes produce a few chub etc and also right up by the sports hall upstream literally as far upstream as you can go you may of seen a little foot bridge but at present is blocked off because of building contractors,
Shame you couldn't stand on the bridge because there's a big shoul of huge dace there that can normally easily be seen, I'm talking some 12 oz to 1 lb :thumbs:

When I first started to fish that little river I admittedly used to fish hall place and that particular little deeper stretch you fished but to be honest I personally don't fish that section no more mainly because of the dog walkers, can't be doing with that and also far to much dog doo-doo for my kinda liking :eek:mg:

I've now got other sections of that river that I've been fishing and taking quality roach upto a staggering 2 lb odd which is incredible for such a little suburban river like this and it's free fishing and very little fished ( except for hall place ) :D....lols

Well done on yer session mate,

Be lucky

---------- Post added at 21:55 ---------- Previous post was at 21:43 ----------

Thanks Stuart that's the sort of local info I needed before I set off but sometimes the fun is going in blind so to speak. Did go to most the places you mentioned and actually went further down below the next weir. Glad there is fish down there as it reminded me of the River Brent :( especially after seeing that dirty great big outflow by the metal gate. Probably had it in my head it was polluted down there, although I can blame the hayfever for not catching much as everything must have heard me coming :D


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2010
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300 yards from the Wensum!
Yesterday i managed a few hours quiver tipping on the upper Wensum in the blustery cold with the river in nice condition, albeit pushing through. Eventually had two small roach and a chunky gudgeon (they always make my day) after switching to maggot after a couple of hours on bread. Nice not to blank but hard work.

Afterwards took a look much further upriver in Fakenham and to a section where the EA has put fishing platforms in at a free stretch above the mill. Theres probably five or six, all well made. Only trouble though is the reach is so heavily silted that theres only about 2ft of water at best off any of them!. So i shan't be trying those spots any day soon.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
Having done the chores i.e filled my garden pots( well most of them) I half heartedly thought of going fishing but the wind has really got up blowing a heavy drizzle before it so I have decided to stay home and watch either the rugby or the footie! The forecast for the week ahead does not look promising :(


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2013
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Market Drayton Shropshire
poped out this morning .

only the local cut had a few nice perch on worm tails but gave up with the way the wind was blowing a blue hoolie so packed in , would have liked to keep on but the wind was getting stupid hope it is better on Wednesday .

PG ...


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset
God, I love the internet. By 7.30 this morning, I was up, breakfasted and had sorted out a week in Crete for not much more than a month's diesel. This was soon to have repercussions, please bear with me dear reader.

I took her a cup of tea and mentioned Crete and her eyes, nee whole demeanour, lit up. I was tempted to say "Oh? You wanted to go as well??" but she knows where I live (and sleep) so I kept the silence. The current future ex Mrs H is nothing if not shallow and, as the household duties were done, suggested I take the chance of a quick Yeo session. Who was I to argue? Honestly, if the venues I fish were as shallow as er indoors, I'd never need to buy waders again!!

At the river by 9am, I thought I'd run out the 11ft Drennan Matchpro, a Ryobi Mastermatch closed face (for a change), 2lb main and a smaller Drake 4 no. 6 wire stemmed stick float to the usual 20 on 1.1lb bottom.

I opted for a stretch that looked to be on the very edge of the club book and although I thought I was in bounds, I wasn't 100% certain but the swim did look nice.

Daniel Defoe once wrote about two Englishmen who find themselves shipwrecked in the tropics and washed up on a desert island, frightened beyond measure about the possibility of cannibals. As they walk along the beach, they spot a rotting body hanging in a gibbet cage "and nothing could have given them any greater comfort for they knew, then, that good Christian men had been there before them."

As I looked up, I noted two wagglers hanging forlornly overhead in the trees so, like Defoe, I decided the ground was safe and carried on.

Like yesterday, things were slow but, that said, the river is modestly sized, much reminding me of the Blackwater, but with not half the fish!!

The small roach eventually homed in on the loose maggots, the odd dace got in first and a small perch too. They all reminded me of Northern canal fish, that sort of size. I was, by now, beginning to grasp that my local river, or at least this section of it, is not a specimen water but it is handy, fun and easily accessible for the navigationally challenged!!

Four hours whistled by for about 2-3lbs but the Sunday morning fresh air was great and I keep hoping that there might be some monster gonks (good gin) that I haven't come across yet. Reading Chub on the Block's report that gudgeon always make his day, I couldn't agree more. A decent pint of ale and a Summer evening gudgeon race on the pole is, I think, exactly what I need. Anyone up for a gudgeon fish in get-together?

Till next week - cheers :)

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
No match today so with the forecast dry but a gusty westerly blowing I sat for a while and contemplated where to go? Finally decided to nip down the town to my club stretch of the Colne, mission chub, not had one out this season so far and TBH haven't fished it much due the low levels and lack of colour...

Set up 5bb stick float to 3lb2 float fish line and a 14 Drennan wide gape match hook 0:12 bottom. Around 4' deep out in the flow so I pinched on a bulk of BB's halfway down to a 6 then 8 dropper..I also added a no4 back shot 4" above the float to help steady it in the upstream wind . Fed 2 Apple sized balls of liquy bread and left that to disperse through the swim. Minutes later I pinched on a piece of flake....

Nothing first time down so with a new piece of flake tried my second trot through, about 25yds down the float bobbed then buried.
A reassuring solidness hooped the ultralight over and it was fish on!
My first thought was a big bream as it wallowed a bit before waking up and worrying my drag. A minute later and after a fair tussle up came those familiar white lips on a big gob, a nice chub at 4lb 4oz in the landing net...

Happy with that as I fully expected a blank was on the cards TBH..
I was also impressed with my newish 13' ultralight which dealt admirably with the fish in the current.
Rested the swim while I scoffed my sarnies before starting again. First trot through on flake again another bite which I'm fairly certain was the same fish once I had it in the net...
Mission accomplished I decided to pack up as the wind became wet and I held little hope for improvement.... Nice couple of hours .....

thames mudlarker

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2016
Reaction score
No match today so with the forecast dry but a gusty westerly blowing I sat for a while and contemplated where to go? Finally decided to nip down the town to my club stretch of the Colne, mission chub, not had one out this season so far and TBH haven't fished it much due the low levels and lack of colour...

Set up 5bb stick float to 3lb2 float fish line and a 14 Drennan wide gape match hook 0:12 bottom. Around 4' deep out in the flow so I pinched on a bulk of BB's halfway down to a 6 then 8 dropper..I also added a no4 back shot 4" above the float to help steady it in the upstream wind . Fed 2 Apple sized balls of liquy bread and left that to disperse through the swim. Minutes later I pinched on a piece of flake....

Nothing first time down so with a new piece of flake tried my second trot through, about 25yds down the float bobbed then buried.
A reassuring solidness hooped the ultralight over and it was fish on!
My first thought was a big bream as it wallowed a bit before waking up and worrying my drag. A minute later and after a fair tussle up came those familiar white lips on a big gob, a nice chub at 4lb 4oz in the landing net...

Happy with that as I fully expected a blank was on the cards TBH..
I was also impressed with my newish 13' ultralight which dealt admirably with the fish in the current.
Rested the swim while I scoffed my sarnies before starting again. First trot through on flake again another bite which I'm fairly certain was the same fish once I had it in the net...
Mission accomplished I decided to pack up as the wind became wet and I held little hope for improvement.... Nice couple of hours .....

Nice one well done Peter, good couple of hrs Chuubing there :thumbs:

I do luv a good bit of Chub fishing along with the roach, proper river fishing :D

Speak soon

Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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Piking again yesterday on a windswept cloudy morning,being a Saturday a few other members turned up eventually to brave the increasingly windy conditions.
Just after 9am I had a bite and played a very strong pike into the net where unhooking was simple as I was using a single hook with just a sprat for bait.
Weighed in at 16lb 8oz although it is the second time I have caught it this winter,the last time it weighed 14lb 12oz.
Back to bird watching - buzzards,kingfishers,red kites,lapwings and all the usual smaller birds
including the male bullfinch again and still singing beautifully.
Then the rain came and then I went home.

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
Reaction score
You know you are getting on a bit when you've got two mates who want to go on the Wye with you tomorrow and......
You look at the falling river temperatures.
The forecast of rain wind and possibly thunderstorms and think........

Please don't come!!!!!!!:eek:

Thimk of me as you are having your bacon sandwiches.

jon atkinson

Well-known member
Mar 12, 2013
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I wasn't sure that I was going to get out this week end as I had been allowed a lads day out yesterday; our HQ is in Carnforth & a few of my colleagues are based in the lakes & support Barrow AFC so their drawing the 'mighty' Tranmere Rovers in the FA trophy seemed a pretty decent excuse for a few pints, a spot of lunch, footy followed by a few more pints :w. Ordinarily I wouldn't dare suggest that I follow such a day of decadence with a fishing excursion, but when my beloved suggested that a trip out was OK as long as I was back by 17:00 to give her a chance to get her bouldering 'fix' who was I to argue?? The only snag was not having had a chance to sort bait; last weeks maggots were now casters, but rather too far along given the milder weather over the last week. On the plus side, perhaps this would be the kick up the a**e required to get me to give worm / bread a proper go.

I opted for Blackbrook Basin optimistically hoping for tench & crucian but realistically thinking I'd be happy with a few nice roach. The great thing about this venue is that despite its suburban locale, it is completely surrounded by woodland & is a total haven for all manner of birds, so even if they aren't biting...

I set up at the far (shallow) end with double caster on the feeder (sleeper) rod in a small bay surrounded by reeds. A wobble on the tip whilst I was still setting up my waggler rod resulted in a roach of around 6'' - this seemed promising, but just like Barrow AFC drawing first blood yesterday (FT TRFC 5 - 1 Barrow AFC) this proved to be a false dawn... that was it on the feeder - not a further sniff on caster, worm or bread :(

The waggler fared little better; nothing on worm, nothing on bread. In 'desperation' I scaled back using a few straggler maggots from amongst the casters & eventually managed a few small roach but on balance it was not my finest 5 hours :eek:

The birdlife however was excellent; all manner of tits, chaffinch, bullfinch a nuthatch plus what a thought was a waxwing but it flew off before I could get a positive ID plus a majestic Buzzard doing that lazy, circling gliding that just looks so effortless...

I really feel that I should try to get another river session in before it's too late but the next couple of week ends are looking pretty crazy :eek:

Tight lines y'all...