New Look FISHINGmagic


Carp Angler

if you change your screen resolution to 1024x768 you should be able to get everything onto one screen.
Not much cop unless you have at least a 17" monitor, but hey, get with the times.

Paul Williams

I don't want a 17" monitor, i want the site to work properly.....all good things come in small packages.....i'm a prime example!! :eek:)

Carp Angler

But look at the quality of the threads
(when we find the missing ones)
it's the content that counts, that's where other sites are starting to fall behind, they all want to talk about shite, whereas the threads on here are actually worth reading.

Dave Johnson

agree with that Rik, look at the drivel weve just been spouting on msn..........dare ya to paste it into a thread......
Get with it Paul and get that balti done.
god, you will be on carbon rods next....

David OLoughlin

Luckily I don't appear to have any major probs - I have the advantage of having a big one though (19")! It looks busy but I presume that comes with the deal of having a good site as advertising puts chicken on the table.

Just looked at an American site, discussions appear to be either covert or not so covert advertising (despite being banned), or lead to God (Praise be the Lord! 'there I was fishing winning a tornament & suddenly realised that God was showing......etc etc).

Birds Nest

Tsk Tsk.... Might have been an ides to run this in some sort of test enviroment B4 going live with it... To iron out the probs.... But Hey what would i know..

Robin Tapp

OK things should fit on an 800*600 monitor, and also there should be no lost threads they're all here now there was briefly a time when there were two servers and the dns was transferring where the odd thread appeared to disappear. But nothing should've disappeared. If it has please tell me what has disappeared so I can look into where it is.

Paul Williams

Much better today!!!......but i'm with Birds nest on this one!! least now i can navigate around the site and see it!!
One more little thing i don't like.....when i post on a topic it shows "New" on the threads list....even though i'm the poster.....the old site never did that!!.......Robin can you make Dave Johnson disapear.....snigger.

Carp Angler

It still sayd "NEW" on the higher level but when you go into the section none of the posts have new against them.

Robin Tapp

Yeah we're going to try and work on a better new system, I'm just not sure how we're going to do that one for you guys yet.

Carp Angler

It worked on the old site........
(how many times have you heard that in the last wek?)

Robin Tapp

It didn't work very well on the old site though. As soon as you went into one thread all new tags would disappear we're hoping to come up with a remedy for this. But it's quite a large task!

Del Jarman

Can't say as I like the new layout of the list of threads, i.e. the date & times in a line. This makes it realy cramped, still I know you can't please everybody.

Del Jarman

If you look at the list of topics i.e. carp, coarse etc. the date & time of the last posting are listed one below the other. In the list of threads they are on one line apart from am/pm. this is what Iwas refering to.

Robin Tapp

I think this depends on your screen resoultion we've fitted as much as possible into the 800*600 resolution but there may be some crunching as we now have pods on both sides it takes up a bit more room than the last version of the site.

We'll see if we can improve this at all

Paul Williams

Call me slow....but it's just dawned on me why you have done it this for rent!!......i can accept that, we all have bills to pay............and great prizes (potentially ;o)) to pay for.