Safety lead Clips


Budgie Burgess

Stu,I think it happens more in carp fishing because of many factors,these include the tackle,tactics and angling conditions.But these are all down too what I believe is the main reason.Carp are simply big and powerfull.Do you know what I mean or do I need to expand?

Dave I think it is great that the well being of all fish is important.But the problems the carp angler has are simply not present in other areas of angling to the same degree.

It is also very hypocritical that SOME carp anglers will lecture other species anglers about the well being of their chosen fish yet when they catch them by mistake whilst carping they treat them with such scorn.It all boils down to the main reason for a lot of the disenchantment a lot feel towards MODERN/INSTANT carp anglers-Their automatic asumption that because they fish for carp they are instantly superior to other anglers.

Stuart Dennis

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Oct 10, 2005
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That would be why the term 'Noddy' upsets most matchmen then! I must confess to not have come across much superiority via carp anglers versus matchmen, although I no doubt imagine it exists. In my mind as long as the matchmen are aware we are superior, then all is fine with me!

Stuart Dennis

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Oct 10, 2005
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I don?t get too upset by instant carpers though Budgie, because the majority move onto another fad just as quickly and leave the sport. The ones that stick around, tend to get the message and as long as we can continue to drive our practices home then we should all come out on top.

Gary Knowles

I know what Budgie is getting at (I think !)

To be honest I find it an absolute outrage that SOME carp angler use unhooking mats, klinik, soft meshed sacks, etc. Then will literally handline a bream or other fish in, unhook it on gravel (or often rip the hook out), then throw it back in, or worse still drop it in the nearest pond or drain so it won't interfere with their 'superior' carp fishing again.

If thats not elitist crap then I don't know what is the ultimate in hypocrisy !!

Dave Rothery

thing is gary, they only do it for carp because the video told them to, they can buy the latest "poser" unhooking mat etc..w*nk*rs exist in all branches of the sport.

Bill Maitland

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Mar 24, 2003
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For me, in this day and age, everyone should use an unhooking mat for any species that needs to be laid out of the water to be unhooked.
People who don't, are either too tight to buy one, or, don't care about the fish.
or both !!

Gary Knowles


Hopefully by raising the fact that 'safety clips' are, by and large unsafe on forums such as this. It may open peoples eyes.

Unfortunately as we all know there are people who will never see what they don't want to.

What do you suggest ?

Maybe I'll put a short article on my thoughts together on this issue for FM. Maybe more people will see what I'm getting at that way

Stuart Dennis

New member
Oct 10, 2005
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What do I suggest? well, as stated on my posts previously, educate as we go through, inform where we can and get you hot and bothered enough to react passionately as you are and write an article on here!

You are the writing expert mate, you've got the name in the industry, you are a well respected author in the anglig mags and you're well respected for your opinions. Go for it mate and let me know if you need a hand!

Gary Knowles

Well respected by who ?????????????

OK, I'll pen something for FM and see if it snowballs.

why do I get the distinct impression though I'm about to hung out to dry.

I'll write the article Stu, and you can 'Sex up the dossier' !

Dave Rothery

probaly not gary, as we actually agreed with you (well apart from cakehole, and he dont count!)

Mike Lee

What's wrong with putting a tail rubber on the lead side of the swivel and then just pushing the lead swivel eye onto the tail rubber?

Isn't this the original 'semi-fixed lead'?

Have I missed something here but I can't recall ever losing an end tackle to a bream, tench or chub whilst carping.

Lately (I believe I've said this before) I've been fishing a lake that lends itself to a baitboat prsentation. No casting then!

Surely barbel anglers are switched on enough to understand that they're most likely to catch with a light, moving bait than with a fixed static one. ie not using carp gear.

Aren't they?

Dave Rothery

yeah mike, but most barbel anglers are fiko failed carp


Like I said earlier I do now see Garys point after Graham explained but I fish my beads so loose that Ive had trouble on long cast with losing leads ,I feel that the swivels supplied are to big and I use the next size down and therefore I feel that if a fish is to small to dump the lead then it is also to small to give me a run and take me into a snag,to snag the lead if you see what I mean.

What else is around to replace it with and keep a semi fixed system ?

Stuart Bullard

".......and you can sex up the dossier". You having a laugh Barney?

I have to admit to being a bit confused. I cannot remember the type of "safety" clips I have used, but I was pretty adamant that I felt happy using them before adopting (from a fish safety viewpoint). The last time I gave this any thought was when I started any form of carp fishing beginning last year. So now this thread concerns me.

Am I assuming that by not using them you more serious carpers do not rely on any bolt rig effect?

Budgie Burgess

Wot realy worries me is that a lot of people buy these products and blindly use them without testing them first.Worries me even more that they then preach to everyone else about using them.BUT what ultimately worries me is that tackle manufacturers still get away with selling products that dont do what they are meant to!Was it on FM or AN about two years ago that we had a cracking thread about tackle that was crap?


I must admit to having a bit of tunnel vision,I have tested time and time again my end tackle(I've even a thingy for testing my knots everytime I tie one)but I did not think of mr roach taking my bait !