
Well, I am glad everyone is OK with the set up. However it would be interesting to see what happens when/if something does happen that requires its members to vote.

Are there no formal processes at all that enable members to change things or set policy? Surely you cannot have a society that sets policies, points of view or stategies without getting some form of formal agreement?

I stress this is not a dig at BS as I have had no dealings with them whatsoever, I am just intrigued that you can run a members organisation in such a way. In fact I am surprised its legal!!

Wolfman Woody

It's not surprising that when a committee vacancy comes up, some willing "volunteer" get co-opted in. Usually there's no big rush of volunteers either, it's usually a case of,"Two of everything you should have? Well you'll do anyway"

However it did surprise me that the committee weren't re-elected, if only en-bloc, at the conferences, just to show that democracy is still alive and working. It's one of the smaller least significant reasons why I'm no longer a member.

ron lander 2

I am a BS member. I joined a few years ago - not for the politics but for the fishing. There is very very little about the BS I would change. We have good fishing (most of it is in fact underfished compared to other similar stretches), secure parking and I can go whenever I want because there are no matches.

Everybody I have meet has been very friendly, just like the FM fish-in I went on four or five years ago.

And its not just barbel fishing, the stretch I fish most weeks has chub 6lb+ and bream over 10lb. In winter its also popular with BS members for the pike fishing.

I have complete confidence in the committee and they have my full support for closing the bulletin board. It belongs to the members. Hopefully, now it cannot get hijacked the quality and level of information sharing will increase.

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
Reaction score
Anyone who has issues can raise them for consideration by the Committee at the BS AGM.
They can also raise them by a telephone call or via the web.

Having been a Chairman of a large 750 angling Organisation in the pastI can tell you it is often a thankless task.

People come and people go from Committees, even more so when the job is unpaid.

Lots criticise, few actually contribute anything. Anyone who has given so much for such a long time selflessly should be applauded.


Fred Bonney

Hear hear.
Even as the Chairman of a club of 30, it's like trying to pull teeth for anybody to do anything.
A thankless task

ED (The ORIGINAL and REAL one)

Instead of just making the BS forum a closed one except for members --why not do away with it all together -- as there seems to be MORE BS business and arguments carried out on forums on
all the other angling sites

Paul. Owens

New member
Feb 16, 2004
Reaction score
Opening question on this thread:

Have the Barbel Society made a mistake by closing their forum.

Answer: NO

End of. :)

Phil Hackett HC/PCPL with Pride

But did ALL your members get to vote on that decision ?
Answer NO!
There?s no democracy structure to it!


Obviously the rule of Pope and Owens is final.

You may all have your say,but dont expect to be able to change anything ,as the 12 disciples all follow their masters voice.

And as for the membership,they are never consulted till after events are voted for by the wise men.

Any commitee men that dare to speak out,usually end up leaving,fed up with bashing their heads against the brick wall.

Witness Truscott,Burr,and Allen,all top men,doing great jobs,all found their positions untenable.



It's the season of goodwill to all men so I'm just going to wish Chris a very merry Christmas and a better informed new year!

Simon Barnard 2

Chris, it would appear from someone who is a member of the BS, but not an active member, that there are a few people who have left the commitee and seem to have an axe to grind, without actually being specific about the issues they have. Can you inform us of the issues you have had so we can make a judgement as oridinary members. Thanks.

Fred Bonney

Phil, 450 registered users of the site, 1400 members of the Society.
Seems democratic to me!
What puzzels me, is why all you people outside the Society seem to be more concerned than those, inside.
If your so worried about democracy,within the Society,surely you must (re)join and, who knows you may well find, you do get a vote.

Phil Hackett HC/PCPL with Pride

Fred correct me if I'm wrong, this is a global open forum is it not?

It is not run, controlled?..dilly deeeeeee by the BS is it?

It's run by the Magica group edited by Graham Marsden is it not?

As an open forum that invites comments from anybody who wishes to make them, on topics posted, I like you or anybody else for that matter, are entitled to comment on them, I?m I/are we not?

The Question I asked was a perfectly legitimate question to ask based on the statement made by the Chair on another thread and the comment made on this thread by Mr Owens.

Which in my view, and I don?t think I?m alone in that view, had the smack of arrogance and conceit to it.

Now you, the BS committee and a majority of its membership may not like people like me asking questions about democracy and pointing out there is little in the way of a democratic structure to it. But under the rules of this site, I?m full entitled to express such views, as you are yours. Its called freedom of speech, which comes through living in a form of democracy. Or in the case of this site the benevolence of a benign editor.

(Note - If you don?t like my views, you could hit the mod button and attempt justify to the editor why they should be removed)

How people read/interpret such information, exchanges and views is up to them in the final analysis.

I did many years ago make my mind up on whether I should join the BS or not.
But the conclusion I came to was, I wouldn?t. And the main reason I wouldn?t was based on my deep-seated and adult life beliefs in participatory democracy at all levels, be those angling clubs, Sports and Social Clubs, Community Organisation, Trade Unions, local and Nt. Governments.

john walker 2

New member
Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
Fred, when that happens i will join the B/S if they will have me but until then i think 1400 x membership fees is quite enough in coffers without the option of voting mate,
i wouldnt even let my buisiness partner loose with that sort of sum without having a
vote on it and theres only 2 partners,
i hasten to add that there is no inference by what i say either just that with the vast amount of cash in membership fees i think the option of voting on who steers and controls the spending of such should be available to the members who pays this money, just an observation from a level headed guy...j.w


I had stayed clear of comment on here until I read that comment from Paul Owens.

That it smacked of arrogance and conceit,as Phil quite rightly said,is undeniably true.

Another words,"we" in the royal sense of BS,dont give a fidlers leaf what you think,and will do as we want ,with or without you.

As for you Steve,a merry xmas to you too,said genuinally,as we have known each other a long time.
However,re the BS,it is a big organisation in Fishing terms,handles ,many thousands of pounds annually,has assets,controls waters,so it is not unreasonable that members or more importandly potential members see that is run in a normal,democratic and fair way,for all to see and uphold.

With greatest respect,I am not a words man,but prefer to do my graft with hands on graft,but am deeply saddened that the fisheries have been allowed to decline in terms of maintenance,and condition,over the last few years.
A few of us gave willingley for years,but a lack of support,both monetary and morally caused that decline.
Each time I made any problems known,I was slapped down by members,and committee members,and in the end withdrew to help other needing clubs locally.

For the record,I still think the BS to be a fine organisation,with many fine attributes and undoutably hard working ,and dedicated officers,but should be aware that they have a responsibility to many,and should be seen as such,and act accordingley.
Happy Xmas to all,including Paul Owens,who should realise that a big audience looks in,and he is indeed a major figure in the BS,and such comments will only inflame folk,particuarly non members,or potential,who will make there own judgements accordingly.

Fred Bonney

As I understand it,any member who has a point to raise can put it before the AGM,this occurs as you all know in all forms of 'business'.
Join up ,put your point to the Secretary,then have all in attendance vote at the AGM.

Fred Bonney

and Phil,I would have expected something less emotional from you!
Knowhere did I, or anybody else state,you can't ask questions,just why are you interested in something you have no part of.
Afterall ,it's only fishing.

Paul. Owens

New member
Feb 16, 2004
Reaction score
Chris, I was not having a go at anybody but just merely answering the first question on this thread:

Have the B.S made a mistake, and my answer is straight-No.

What are the assets you talk of in your last post????