THAT 400lb Catch from the Trent

Guester 2

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Sep 18, 2005
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Apologies my finger slipped. I meant facilitate.
Would you please post contact details of the publisher.

Phil Hackett disability bad speller with Pride

You know I?ve been around specialist angling the best part of 40 years, over that time I?ve seen many threats of legal action for liable and/or slander by many anglers. Without exception none have ever materialised?? now I wonder why?

Well in truth, and as I think our resident contributing solicitors will say ?its cost.? You don?t get much change out of ? million quid for a case to go to full trial. Now you might win and get those cost paid by the loser, but you?ll have had to find the money in the first place to pay your legal team their ongoing costs.

Now how many on here could afford that sort of money? Very few I suspect!

What would make it interesting is, if someone did bring a case against A another and all the private correspondence would be discussed in open court?.ergo placed in the public domain. Then we?d all see who is being economical with the truth wouldn?t we!

So bring it on is what I say, then those hiding behind anonymity and not revealing personal correspondence would be shown in the light they deserve.

Peter Jacobs

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Dec 21, 2001
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In God's County: Wiltshire

It could be a simple error in spelling, maybe the erudite gentleman meant "vacillate" which means ;to sway through lack of equilibrium, as his post seems to do just that!

Second thoughts it could be a simple typo error inasmuch as what he meant to type was; facilitate . . . . . . . but then that is not your job either as editor.

Either way, the contributor seemingly just wants to stir the pot, somewhat.



Managing Editor
Feb 23, 1999
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By the way, you'll have to reveal who you are Guester 2, if you write to him, as he will ignore an anonymous email.

Not that I don't know anyway.

Ron 'The Hat' Clay (ACA-Life Member)

The press release regarding the 400lb catch of mixed fish from the Trent was issued by myself, as Chairman of The Don Valley Specimen Group, on behalf of and with full endorsement of the DVSG.

It makes no suppositions; it is merely a factual summary of events. No private e- mails have been circulated, though the recipitents have contributed to the press release accordingly.

This press release was forwarded to Angling Times for verification before release.

Allegations have been made on Fishing Magic that we have deliberately misled people. As can be seen from the press release, this is patently untrue.

Guester 2

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Sep 18, 2005
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Thank you for the e-mail address.

I have no problem with him or you knowing my identity.

In response to Mr Hackett,I am not threatening anything.

However certain people were named in the press release and other comments were made on now deleted posts.

What they and DVSG do is do to them but if the editor and publisher are prepared to leave the press statement and comments on then fair enough.

Steve Ralph

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Jun 30, 2006
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Well there you are Chris Pearson you must be a liar because Ron 'The Hat' Clay knows what he has been told is the truth he was there after all so knows the true facts of the situation

Regards Steve


Managing Editor
Feb 23, 1999
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I most certainly am prepared to leave the press release on as I have yet to read anything that convinces me it isn't true.

All I've heard so far are personal insults and insinuations about the DVSG members and not a word of categorical denial of what has been alleged.


Managing Editor
Feb 23, 1999
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You still don't get it do you Steve. It's not just Bob saying it, it's not just Ron saying it, the whole group are saying it. And some of them were there.

Not one of them has come on here to say they disagree with any part of the press release.

Chris Pearson

Thank you for clarifiying that you indeed were the author of the Press Release.
Now you are again stating that it is a factual summary of the events BUT confirm that you haven't actually seen any of the the e-mails before sending your statement to The Angling Times.
How do you then know it to be a factual summary without any evidence,unusual for you that Ron.

I would suggest that without delay both Greg and Matt either send you all the e-mails from me and their responses or give me permission to send mine to you and when you are then in receipt of those responses you issue a retraction here and in the AT.
How does that sound then?
Best regards,

"Some of them were there"
Really,they were bloody well camoflaged if they were :)

Steve Ralph

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Jun 30, 2006
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Graham I get it all to well
Mr Clay said It makes no suppositions; it is merely a factual summary of events.
How the hell does he know all he knows is what he has been told.

You said the whole group are saying it. And some of them were there.
Wrong the only person from DVSG that was present when Adam caught the fish he caught was Adam so how can the DVSG make a statement of the facts when they wernt there

Or do I still not get it

Regards Steve

If I told you something would it gospel and would you do an article on it and state it to be the true facts or would you just require a little bit of proof

chub angler

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Oct 6, 2002
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All these ego's, they were asked not to publicize, they and their half witted mates publicized a catch, with pictures I believe.

They deserve all that's coming to them.

David Wass

This whole episode could have been avoided if the "No Publicity" rule had been followed by the anglers in question.
Unfortunately, for some anglers it is not enough to just go out and catch anymore, they seem to be on some fishing ego power trip which means they must promote themselves and their captures to all and sundry by whatever means they can to try and impress.
Adam and Matt knew the rules and with the history and hassles surrounding that bit of river I can't believe their stupidity, or is self promotion that important!!

With Regards


Steve Ralph

New member
Jun 30, 2006
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Oh finally 2 posters that understand what no publicity means

But Dave Wass I think you have really hit the nail on the head with your post

Regards Steve


Managing Editor
Feb 23, 1999
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Tony, "Graham,...Only the captor Adam was there."

Sorry, my mistake.


Managing Editor
Feb 23, 1999
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This no publicity rule needs clearing up.

If the captor wanted to publicise his catch as coming from 'the middle Trent', and did not publish a picture that revealed the location as Hazleford, how did he break the rule?

Nigel Connor(ACA ,SAA)

Steve, I am tempted to agree with David on the narrow issue of the breach of the rules with the caveat that the HPS have still not posted as to precisely what their no publicity rule, albeit unwritten, entails.If it's no photos then why did Chris P apparently take one for Adam?

There has also been no answer to the other key issue as pointed out by Graham as to why pressure was put on Adam by individuals in the HPS to wrongly attribute the catch to Collingham.It has been suggested that private e-mails between the parties would show the full circumnstances of this absolving the HPS.In their absence, or even an explanation of their contents, it appears that those individuals were wrong in applying that pressure.

That is my fairly simplistic reading of the situation on the facts revealed so far.

I have studied dispute resolution techniques .If someone pays my train fair to Doncaster and provides me with a hard hat, I'll gladly help out!