The Anti-angling Green Party


New member
Oct 25, 2003
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Green Party won't be getting my vote. In my veiw they are a complete waste of time.

Nick Austin 2

Here's mine.... sent a minute ago....

I have just been reading part of your website, regarding your stance on Animal Rights.
I was dismayed to see that you intend to ban angling as part of your manifesto. I find it hard to believe that a party which claims to have the interest of animals at heart could refer to angling as a "bloodsport"... for one thing, fish caught by anglers are not killed, and secondly, angling is a pastime primarily undertaken by people who enjoy spending time amongst the wildlife and countryside that you claim to be protecting.

I would think that you have had some contact with the Environment Agency, and have been made aware of the support it gets from Angling?.. I would also presume that the orgainisation most closely connected to angling (EA) would provide you with all the nessesary information required to see that Angling has played a large part in the sucessfull re-generation of many of our waterways.

Many Anglers counsider themselves as guardians of the waterways, many of us appreciating the vast and diverse array of wildlife, flora and fauna that inhabit these areas. Many lakes have been developed purely for angling purposes have turned into vast nature reserves who's use is not exclusive to Anglers. Bird Watchers & Walkers also enjoy these areas.

In a time when many people are questioning the current mainstream political parties, and looking for viable alternatives, i find it hard to believe that your party can afford to turn it's back on 3.5million countryside lovers with such a floored policy?

Nick Austin.

Ashe Hurst

I sit on Many community forum conservation groups, all of which support the endless hard work of the volunteers who clean debris & litter From the Thames, Cray & Shuttle, not to mention the other Rivers & cannals across london & the SE.

most of these Are anglers or at least support angling as Gaurdians of our waterways environment.

However most of these Forums have strong support for the Greens who in part do have the Environments protection at heart. BUT!

Any party who wants to see Angling out lawed or fased out will not get my vote.

Can any one name any other organisation that will not only clean up our rivers, but enhance and protect the aquatic environment, Carry out regular patrols and report incidents to the EA or local council, stand up to utility companies or developers if prosals seem a bit iffy, carry out education activities and community events to bring about a greater awarness of the local River environment and the Hard work & funding that Anglers provide? Apart from the EA or ACA who will take action.

Dont see the Antis or other conservation groups/parties doing this.

My views will be sent to the Greens and I hope i can explain this to those forums that support the work Anglers do.

Wolfman Woody

GREAT!!! But let them know at

This is terrific, just don't read our comments, leave one here and send you thoughts to the Green Party. Let's get some attitude.

Nick Austin 2

Jeff... i wonder wether many green voters are fully aware of some of their more fanatical views?.

The Monk

On the antis, if the antis are anti angling then it would logically follow that they are pro fish

if this was the case then just ask them to support the ACA and see what the reaction is?

As an ecologist, I would be very concerned about voting for the green party, this is because of their very nature they attract the very extremes of society

Nick Austin 2

That certainly seems to be the case MONK, i mean some of the other stuff on there has fairly widespread implications, like for people who own pets by the looks of things!!!!.... they seem to be fairly confident that they can get votes even though they are not apealing to many people! lol!...

BTW, i wouldn't have realised this if were not for CHEEKY JEFF putting the thread up!

Graham Whatmore

Senior Member
Apr 21, 2003
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Lydney, in the Forest of Dean
I too have just sent off a very scathing email to this green rent a mob. I won't bore you with the contents but it might go some way to changing their minds (lol). I just hope that everyone on this site does exactly that and its better that it is done individually rather than a set text.

jason fisher

i've sent one to richard lee drawing his attention to this thread and suggesting he might like to point out the green parties use of pisces propaganda in their website in the AT. spread the word and all that.


New member
Oct 25, 2003
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I have just sent an email to the Green Party, I won't go in details what I wrote.

A bit confused here it is the same green party????? that started a policy about killing fish in Germany a few years ago?

Bryan Baron 2

Well-known member
Nov 6, 2002
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We should get all the high profile anglers to stand for election. John Wilson for Prime Minister. Matt Hayes could be Foreign Office. Local anglers could get together and we could play them at there own game. If nothing else they would wake up to the fact that we are a group to be heard and not ignored.

alan strickland

New member
Feb 15, 2003
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I sent this messae on friday
I have voted green in all the elections in the last 6 years and intended voting green in the forthcoming euro election,but today my angling club made me aware of your policy on angling(AR412)
As you can guess you will no longer be getting my vote,also as every angling message board ive read is now making all anglers aware of the green partys policy i wouldnt count on the thousands of votes from anglers you got in the past!!

jason fisher

As a life long angler and possible green voter i have read with distress your policy AR412.
as a reaction to this clear intention to get my one recreational activity banned i will not now be voting green under any circumstance and what's more i have drawn up a flier that i am going to pass round all of the fishing tackle shops in the oxford area to be displayed in their window clearly stating that a vote for green is a vote for the abolition of angling.

Andrew Miller

I too e mail the Office of the Green Party. I don't think I can write as well as the way some of you can on paper but as least they know they lost as least 5 votes if not more when I told my friends and family

Ron Troversial Clay

Just sent a reply in the same vein as yourselves.

Come on guys get emailing.

The Monk

I`d be a bit careful here, you could cause them to reconsider their marketing strategy and revert to an angling ban in a secret agenda

jason fisher

they are not going to change their policies no matter what we do it is the type of person that they are peta supporting, vegetarian, guardianistas at the helm.