The carp fishing circus

Bill Maitland

New member
Mar 24, 2003
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I'm more confused with every thread, I think after reading this I will be more determined than ever to keep my locations and catches to myself and close mates.

Dave Rothery

tell us where they are, and we'll ensure they stay secret ;)

The Monk

yeah no problem Bill, we wont say anything, start a new secret thread entitled Bill Maitlands secret fishing locations!

Stuart Bullard

Of course the carp fishing circus exists, and I think Gary is correct in his observations that it is acceptable for carp, but castigated for anything else.

I just wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that a) specimen carp hunting has been going on for much longer? b) their sheer size makes them a more obvious target?
c) As a result, the big 'uns soon became well known (i.e. not many uncharterd waters) d) do they live longer so by default are targetted more often?

I know for a fact that many people fish the RMC stretch of the River Lea for the very large chub, and every year 7lb'ers are landed. Now you are not telling me this stretch of river has numerous, uncaught 7's, yet every time someone lands one it is treated as such.

I have no issue people fishing for known fish, of any species, its just not my preference. And if, collectively, we cast aspertions on it, then we should beware of further accusations from noddy outfits like PETA.

Budgie Burgess

Can you now see why it confusses me so much!!!!!Ive had a right old scrap with me self and tried to get my head around it!

1.The "cicus" exists in carping but it is so accepted as the normal logical way to target big carp that it doesnt exist!I have no problem with this.

2.The "Cicus" exists as much in all other areas of specimen hunting (now theres an old term!)It is not acepted the same and is far more damaging.I dont like it but can to a degree understand it.

3.The worst of the "circus" is undoubtely in Piking.It is not acceptable for all the reasons all ready stated on this thread.I relly dislike this one but out of them all can uderstand the logic behind the rush to catch before it gets killed reasoning if not the mentality!Bizzare!

Out of interest Colling/Conningbrook wasnt a great kept secret.More that none of the "names" would believe it untill we had caught them all several times!!!! Carp anglers will react on the slightest snippet of info or suggestion of a big fish,established names wont!

And if anyone who knows me posts the fact that in the 80's I told Yorky Forward that he was talking Sh1T about the place when he asked me if I was interested in running it I will kill them DOH!!!!


What about in the 80's when you told Yorky Forward that he was talking Sh1T about the place when he asked you if you was interested in running it

Dave Rothery

budgie said "what, run a lake full of imports? what'll happen if someone catches it at a record weight and then they find out??"


Budgie Burgess

Best undo your Xmas presents now cause your both dead!Ummmmm Yes my prediction about the brook was nearly as accurate as my prediction on Bough Beech! "Waste of time!Ken will have moved all the best ones!" Not very suprising that I havnt won either the pools or lottery yet!

Andrew Miller

To catch a 30lbers+ carp it is fairly easy (even thou I yet to catch a 20lbers!!!)and it seems to me there are many area locally to catch them... To catch a 20lbers+ pike is a wow fish but is relatively hard so pikers are more inclined to visit an area where there are known big fish.It make the trip more worthwhile knowing there is a big pike there. That why these limited trout water pike trip are pretty pricy because they know pikers are willing to part with their money knowing there a chance of catching a monster even though it still pretty hard to catch them