Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

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Graham Elliott 1

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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

As you said you Now believe you know the water that MG caught the fish can you confirm whether it was in Surrey. Not to much to ask surely.


The bad one

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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

Editor Hatton I don't actually believe this (“I have stated on more than one occasion that Eddie and I have nothing to personally gain in all of this and have absolutely no reason*whatsoever*to be anything but honest. It goes with the job.”) for this reason, your credibility is on the line with many of the readership and wider angling community.

Over many years you have in various medias ran a campaign on this subject. Some time ago before became editor of FM you wrote a piece on it on this site.
Then when you became editor used that position to re-ignite that campaign with a vengeance, which you are still doing!

The issue was a very dead issue consigned to the annuals of angling history, and if I'm blunt, should have stayed that way!
But no, through you're now privileged position and in the best Jeremy Bentham tradition wheeled it out again for another round.
Providing nothing but at best circumstantial evidence in a very belligerent and bombastic way, with no “definitive proof” whatsoever of where those fish were caught.

It might bring a rye smile to your face and brownie points for you to your employers at the number of posts and possible hits to the site this resurrection has brought, but in my view your credibility has suffered badly for it.

A wiser man my have evaluated how much definitive evidence he had and though better to leave the annual cupboard door of angling history firmly shut.
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Ray Daywalker Clarke

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Apr 28, 2007
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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

Philip: it may be that you're a very young man and unable to appreciate the significance and the effects of time, I don't know.
Your posts continue to add nothing of any interest or significance to this debate and this has been the case for a very long time now. Please can you reply with some kind of assurance that your future posts will focus on something different - something interesting, significant, pertinent, fresh....something less repetitive? Thank you, Philip.


Thats a bit rich coming from you, at least Philip isn't changing, who said what, etc etc. You and Eddie have changed your stories round more than once during this debate.

You haven;t given any proof to back up this story, NONE at all, just heresy, nothing more.

You don't like being asked a straight question, and you don't give a straight YES or NO when you are asked.

I don't think you or Eddie know that much about these fish at all, your also going on heresay. If Eddie does know the water, NAME IT. The years have long gone and at least you will give the fm members something to think about by naming the water. Your not going to get anglers running to the water are you.

The fish came from Canada, You or Eddie can not prove otherwise. Maybe you do know the name of the water, and won't tell us, as it's in Canada.

So this thread, along with all the other's are just a Hoax, as is the claim that the fish came from the UK.


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Aug 25, 2015
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Upminster, Essex
Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

As you said you Now believe you know the water that MG caught the fish can you confirm whether it was in Surrey. Not to much to ask surely.


Hi Graham............It is NOT Canadian, but English. I can tell you that it is NOT in Surrey. However, I do hope that you are not going to ask me each County one at a time to eliminate it down to just the one, so any further requests will not be confirmed or denied. I hope you will understand that.

Unfortunately it would seem that despite all the information I have put forward, I find myself, twenty six years later, in the same position as Martin was, in that some readers (not necessarily you ) will not believe the carp were English unless I reveal the location or name the water in question. Rather ironic isn't it !

Out of 13 people who saw the photo, 12 believed it to be English and only 1 said it looked 'foreign' and it is his version that was accepted as Fact.
Rather ironic isn't it !

However, if you read through the articles that Martin wrote, and mine also, you may well spot sufficient clues in order to make a reasonable guess yourself. Good Luck.


Graham Elliott 1

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Dec 12, 2002
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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...


Thank you for the reply. No intention of going through the counties. Simply that I know a lake that was and is wire fenced that held and holds now fish in excess of the weight indicated.

Strictly private.

I have not managed to come to any conclusion of where the fish was or overseas.
I have concluded however that MG was extremely foolish in his way of notifying his capture and his actions did him and his memories no favours.


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Jun 3, 2013
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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

Hi Graham............It is NOT Canadian, but English. I can tell you that it is NOT in Surrey. However, I do hope that you are not going to ask me each County one at a time to eliminate it down to just the one, so any further requests will not be confirmed or denied. I hope you will understand that.

Unfortunately it would seem that despite all the information I have put forward, I find myself, twenty six years later, in the same position as Martin was, in that some readers (not necessarily you ) will not believe the carp were English unless I reveal the location or name the water in question. Rather ironic isn't it !

Out of 13 people who saw the photo, 12 believed it to be English and only 1 said it looked 'foreign' and it is his version that was accepted as Fact.
Rather ironic isn't it !

However, if you read through the articles that Martin wrote, and mine also, you may well spot sufficient clues in order to make a reasonable guess yourself. Good Luck.


That one man was Martin's FISHING PARTNER at the time (not a mere acquaintance as Eddie and Cliff were at best at the time) who were fishing together at weekends, called Robin Monday, a man of impeccable reputation then and now.

Martin told Robin (with no doubt or misunderstanding whatsoever) when showing him the pictures he had CAUGHT THE CARP WHILST ON HOLIDAY IN CANADA from where he had just returned.
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Ray Daywalker Clarke

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Apr 28, 2007
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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

However, if you read through the articles that Martin wrote, and mine also, you may well spot sufficient clues in order to make a reasonable guess yourself. Good Luck.


HAHAHA now we are playing Cluedo,

If there are clues, why not name it ??

I tell you why, because it is in Canada, Prove me wrong ??


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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

21st October 2015 post 437 (on the other thread)
In reply to my question …”If you advised Martin to leave out certain details that you knew would lead to the water being identified then you must have been able to identify the water yourself…. Correct ? Do you know the water Eddie ? ..... Eddie Benham replied :

Not correct and, No, I do not know the water.

31st December 2015 post 104 (on this thread) .... Eddie Benham replied :

I believe that I know where the water is, and it's not in Canada. It's in England but I am not prepared to name it.

we have never been evasive, dishonest, economical with the truth or anything else one might consider to be obstructive: this is merely your distant and very secure interpretation.
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Cliff Hatton

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Jul 2, 2009
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Mid Wales
Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

Ray said: "Cliff,

Thats a bit rich coming from you, at least Philip isn't changing, who said what, etc etc. You and Eddie have changed your stories round more than once during this debate.

You haven;t given any proof to back up this story, NONE at all, just heresy, nothing more.

You don't like being asked a straight question, and you don't give a straight YES or NO when you are asked.

I don't think you or Eddie know that much about these fish at all, your also going on heresay. If Eddie does know the water, NAME IT. The years have long gone and at least you will give the fm members something to think about by naming the water. Your not going to get anglers running to the water are you.

The fish came from Canada, You or Eddie can not prove otherwise. Maybe you do know the name of the water, and won't tell us, as it's in Canada.

So this thread, along with all the other's are just a Hoax, as is the claim that the fish came from the UK"


Ray: I have only recently stated my intention to sit back and allow the facts and theories presented to FM readers by Eddie Benham and myself to speak for themselves - unless I felt it absolutely necessary.

Your post (above) makes it necessary for me to ask you to justify your claims. You're clearly committed to establishing the truth about Martin Gay's superb carp-fishing accomplishments so I know you'll be keen to clarify what, exactly, this 'heresy' (sic) is.

Both Eddie and myself knew Martin very, very well indeed, so we have first-hand knowledge of his character: his sense of humour; his likes and dislikes; his very analytical mind; his ability as a fisherman; his love of name it. We knew him very well and, contrary to what Paul Selman will tell you, I knew him every bit as well as Robin Monday. Consequently, both Eddie and myself were in the ideal position to either take serious note or to dismiss any hearsay we heard about Martin.

On the wider issue of the carp and their origins, we have - again - had no need to rely on hearsay because Eddie has a wealth of archive material which (you might possibly have noticed, Ray) has thwarted Paul Selman's stories time and time again over recent months. Only a few days back, Paul Selman gave us yet another of his 'assurances' that "Eric Hodson always believed the carp were caught in Canada" - only to be served by Eddie with a direct quote from Hodson stating the exact opposite.

In addition to this, Ray, we both are in possession of the 5 highly readable Coarse Angler articles written by Martin about his historic captures. These accounts cover the 1989 monster + others and the huge 1990 half-ton haul, the former being written before there was ever any mention of Canada. Large parts of these are reproduced here on FM under the title 'Here's the Evidence'. They are quite legible and they explain in detail the circumstances surrounding the fishes' captures over a total of some 5 months in '89 and '90.
The 1990 articles even include verifiable weather conditions.

So, Ray...Eddie and I are in the position of knowing far, far more than, well, everybody else put together (not a boast - just a fact) and, as I often remind readers, we don't lie.

In your next post, Ray, would you be kind enough to expand on your contention that we rely on hearsay? A great many people read these threads so it is important that the information they receive is sound.

Also, you wrote this: "You haven;t given any proof to back up this story, NONE at all, just heresy, nothing more". In your reply, can you also give us your thoughts on Martin's proven attendance of the 1990 Moor Hall committee meeting at a time when Paul Selman reckons he was in Canada catching his 34lb 4oz fish? And can you also give your explanation as to how Martin was able to take some 15-16 days fishing-leave in Canada between June and August, 1990, from his vital university job? Do these two incidences not constitute 'proof' that Martin made his catches in England? If you disagree, Ray, please make your case when you reply. I know that Eddie will be as interested as I.


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Jun 3, 2013
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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

I never reckoned Martin was in Canada when he was attending a committee meeting of your club, I have never said this, it is another of your made up stories. I didn't care about the later captures we were interested only in the claim he made of THE DAY I BROKE **** WALKERS RECORD.

Can I ask Cliff/Nobby if Eddie actually knew Eric Hodson?

I knew him very well and we talked often. He was born in the street I lived in.

Sometimes what people say in public is not what they believe in private for political reasons, and Eric knew the fish were Canadian.

Martin told the very tight knit Fred Wilton group the carp were caught in Canada.

His own family living in Kingston Ontario where he stayed say he caught 'lots of big fish' there.

Yet you two still fly in the face of reality.

By the way Eddie, Martin told me he caught the fish in Essex near his home, so why the which county nonsense?

Here is James N, who you both said was lying. He had no reason to and was telling the truth;

I've just been sitting in their garden having a couple of beers and I knew his son was interested in fishing so told them that I would take him out one day soon. The conversation switched to carp and he told me about how many years ago, back in the 80's, when he was a kid his uncle came to visit him from England. His uncle was an avid fisherman and took a trip to Lake Ontario for a walk along the shore by Lennox power station (near Kingston, Ontario) which had a warm water outflow into the lake. My neighbour told me that he remembered his uncle walking into the house after the walk and he was white and visibly shaken stating he had just seen lots and lots of massive carp, nothing like he had ever seen before. He immediately went to the local hardware store and bought some tackle and went fishing for them. He spent the rest of the holiday there and caught lots of big fish. He then said that a short while afterwards his uncle put some pictures in the UK press and there was some furore about them but my neighbour didn't know why.

As he told me the story I thought it sounded familiar so I asked if his uncle was Martin Gay. Sure enough, his uncle was Martin. At this point the others sitting with us said my face was a pictured as I realized the implications of what he had told me and they were all really surprised when I told them about the uproar / mystery of what had happened in the UK. My neighbour said that he didn't know about the pictures however he spoke very highly of Martin and said he was a fascinating and very nice man.

I know that it doesn't prove that the fish were definitely from Canada but it does prove that he caught big fish from a warm water outlet over here just before the pics went public.
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Cliff Hatton

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Jul 2, 2009
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Mid Wales
Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

Lord Paul: Martin was responsible for the university's spending and budgeting - is this not what a bursar does? If not, I've got the job title wrong!


To Paul Selman: as I've said repeatedly just recently, if Martin was staying under the same roof as his relatives for two and a half weeks and had been witnessed returning home 'white and visibly shaking' after seeing some big fish, JamesN should be able to report that Martin's nephew, Nate, ALSO saw his uncle come home beaming with joy after catching some of those big fish: you can't have one without the other.

So far, I've seen nothing to suggest, prove or even support your oft-repeated claim that "Martin's own family says he caught carp from the warm water outlet" etc etc. As far as I'm aware they've said no such thing; furthermore, I doubt that any member of that family - including Nate - has any idea this argument is going on, after all, James is very protective of them, isn't he?


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Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

If a promise of secrecy has been made to a friend do you keep that promise for all time or do you consider that after a reasonable time has passed since the death of the person you made the promise to that you are able to reveal the secret?

Lord Paul of Sheffield

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Apr 26, 2004
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Furkum Hall, Sheffield
Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...


university spending and budgeting is done by the each head of a university department - each department has a budget and the head of finance along with the procurements department and Management accounts team - reporting to the university executive group

Or at least it is in the university I work for - and I worked in the finance department for a good few years before I've moved to my current position


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Aug 25, 2015
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Upminster, Essex
Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

21st October 2015 post 437 (on the other thread)
In reply to my question …”If you advised Martin to leave out certain details that you knew would lead to the water being identified then you must have been able to identify the water yourself…. Correct ? Do you know the water Eddie ? ..... Eddie Benham replied :

Not correct and, No, I do not know the water.

31st December 2015 post 104 (on this thread) .... Eddie Benham replied :

I believe that I know where the water is, and it's not in Canada. It's in England but I am not prepared to name it.

Hi Philip..........You are quite correct I did say that I believe that I know where the water is. However, you appear to have overlooked my blog number 721 dated 20.12.2015 part of which follows.

Finally, Crow, you finish by saying that there is a post on this thread that needs some consideration....'that Eddie has NO IDEA where this secret venue might be situated'.

Well NOW I do have some idea where

But the problem is Crow, that if I told you I knew, and if I took you there, (that's not an invite for a trip to Canada by the way), and if I showed you the actual swim where Martin caught his carp, how would you know it was the actual swim or even the actual lake ?

There would be no proof, only my word, and would that alone be good enough ? Probably not I would say.

Philip, with regard to previous references to Kayaks, you asked the following.

It would be nice to get a straight answer. Was there anything in the background of the photos that could have been Kayaks.

Yes or No ?

Also in my blog number 721 I tried to give you a yes/no answer which you were so keen on.
Hi Philip.................

Quite right it was me that said it was your theory, which is how I saw it. The reason for not giving you a yes or on answer is that it is very difficult to do so and I think this may be why Cliff has not responded.

The 'objects' we saw were difficult to make out as they were stacked behind the fence and although visible it was not possible to identify them as anything in particular, so, as I have already said, anything would be a wild guess. As I recall, the 'objects' were stacked in a pile but did not reach the top of the fence, but (I think) about halfway up. They were not on a trailer or anything like that, just in a pile.

In view of the fact that I, Mac and Cliff, could not identify the objects, then I would say that Kayaks could not be ruled out, but it could have been canoes, sailing boats, surf boards, tree logs, timber of some kind, building material for a wooden hut, anything really.

You also said.

As well as the bits he is omitting to tell us. For example, the presence of a stack of Kayaks in the background of the unedited photos.

This would probably indicate a Kayak rental or club was operating on the water.

How many lakes in southern England have a Kayak club on them ? Can’t be many can it… and it would sure narrow the search down as to which water it was. Conversely I hear they are allot more popular abroad …Canada for example, it’s a Kayakers paradise isn’t it.

Of course the other possibility is that some passing Kayakers rowing round England just happened to be at the same lake as Martin Gay & stack their boats in the exact same spot at the exact same moment a record Carp was having its photo taken. Who knows, maybe they unrolled the grey chain link fence at the same time to stack them behind

So the question of if Kayaks appear in the unedited photos is very relevant to this thread indeed.

Terry Brady, the Environmental Advisor stated "I can't imagine that kayaks have ever been leaning against our fence at the outfall channel. In the 18 years I've been working here I have never seen anyone kayaking here. The water is just too big, and usually rough. I see the lake all day because my office overlooks it".
Still, what would he know, he's only worked there for 18 years.


Peter Jacobs

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Dec 21, 2001
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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

is this not what a bursar does? If not, I've got the job title wrong!

The word "Bursar" stems for the Latin Bursa which simply mean "Purse"

A Bursar's activities can cover a whole gambit of activities form simply administering the universities income via fees and grants to actually managing the entire budget for the University.

Different universities define the role, well, differently.

Ray Daywalker Clarke

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Apr 28, 2007
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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...


I said all you have is heresy, and this is why i said it.


1, You have NO PROOF of where the fish came from

2, You have NO PROOF of the fish weight

3, You and Eddie have changed what you said


It doesn't matter if you were a good friend of Martin, you could have been his Brother, it makes NO Difference, you have NO PROOF

Times of meetings, who was there, who said what, it doesn't matter, you can not Prove where the fish were caught, CAN YOU.


As you said, you were a good friend of Martins, you claim the fish is historic (which it isn't), how strange, people can't remember what was in the background, of such an historical catch. 25 years ago or not, with such a catch, you would remember.

And that Answers everything you asked, Straight to the point, NO nonsense.

Shame you and Eddie can't do the same.
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Jun 3, 2013
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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

Cliff Hatton
To Paul Selman: as I've said repeatedly just recently, if Martin was staying under the same roof as his relatives for two and a half weeks and had been witnessed returning home 'white and visibly shaking' after seeing some big fish, JamesN should be able to report that Martin's nephew, Nate, ALSO saw his uncle come home beaming with joy after catching some of those big fish: you can't have one without the other.


This is what his family said to James N: My neighbour (Nate) told me that he remembered his uncle walking into the house after the walk and he was white and visibly shaken stating he had just seen lots and lots of massive carp, nothing like he had ever seen before. He immediately went to the local hardware store and bought some tackle and went fishing for them. He spent the rest of the holiday there and caught lots of big fish.

As usual, you read what you want to read Cliff/or is it Nobby?

This is my last post here on this subject. It is a complete waste of time trying to correct a fake distortion of carp fishing history led by two bigoted individuals who have introduced no new real evidence whatsoever.

The only historic aspect of Martin's Gays catch is that it was the first time a known angler tried to hoodwink the angling public via the angling press into believing a catch from abroad had been achieved in the UK.
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