Paul Owens resigns

Phillip Court 2

New member
Nov 22, 2006
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Well that is a shock to me Fred and good on you mate for making your feelings known.
I do believe like others that something is seriously wrong in the Barbel Society at the top end and you no doubt have seen it recently. No committee members to my knowledge have ever been voted in by the membership!!!!!
I bet there are many members out there who would love to have a go at changing the backward stance at the top. But the question still stands on how the Barbel Society members would go about doing it. Thanks for any informed replies.Phillip


There's definately a conspiracy at hand as the BS heirachy frantically squirm into ever decreasing corners.
The website is more like it is run by the KGB,DELETIONS ,RETRACTIONS,PULLED THREADS,hardely free speech,closed ,hidden forum,and the veiled threats of membership cards withdrawn.
The same applies if the BS are mentioned in bad light,or anything questioned on that other specialist Barbel website,BFW.
Posters are threatened with the penal colonies should they dare to speak outside of the box of BS enchantment.
The sad facts are that serious energy and passion ,from folk who devoted huge amounts of time and committment to the BS ,has been allowed to go,or even forced,and some of those that have squirmed their way to high office are utterly incompetant ,and puppets to the Papal one ,as one PR disaster follows another.
Maybe the Air Ambulance ,that was called to help a seriously injured official on a botched swim clearing party,should be on
standby .
The papal one reminds me of Michael Howard and Jeremy Paxman sparring,always deflecting ,as he did when bringing up a recent bereavement in the case of Paul Owens on BFW.
It only takes a couple of rotten apples in the barrell to make the cider taste foul,and this flaggon is definately off.

Fred Bonney

So,did I Bully,I've defended to the hilt on this and other sites, and maybe upset a few people..
The fact is, I do defend the principles/philosophy of the Society and will continue to do so.
In fact, I would say, that the majority of what The Pons has said, about the website, is utter tosh.He has been mislead.
I also believe, that there is some good within the Committee.
It's too easy, to pick holes in a Committee, we've all experienced it, in other clubs we've belonged to.
Somebody has to do the job, and it is voluntary.
Another fact is, probably the majority of members, just couldn't give a toss,all they want is their fishing.

Perhaps they're right!

Phillip Court 2

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Nov 22, 2006
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So what are the principles and philosophies of the Barbel Society. There are none, but there are principles and philosophies of the self promoted Committee which only they know what they are.
The Barbel Society may have aims and objectives but not the above Fred. It is also not totaly 'voluntary' as the committee are paid expenses for hotels, travelling, phone calls and other things that make it a pretty good position to be in i would say, plus the power factor which they think they hold over lesser beings. Thanks for listening Fred. Respect. Phillip

Tony Rocca

"The fact is, I do defend the principles/philosophy of the Society and will continue to do so"

Speaking as one who has also returned his card, and there are more, I agree with Freds words above.

Old Ponsy is a bit over the top, must be cos its not long to Santa coming. ;0)

Excitable is Chris at this time of year.

Phillip, Its not as you say at all but you can think that if you like......


Well in fairness,I am genuinally well shocked to read of you and Fred returning your tickets,Tony.
How many more senior foot soldiers are on the march.
I felt a good rant in order,Bamboo,as at least it is not censored on here.
Phil does have a point re expenses and power,theres a lot of money paid into the society over a year and two bit accounts.President Putin and Steve Pope in the same breath ?A poisoned chalice perhaps.Oops ,I feel a little queer.


Lee Fletcher 1


I couldn't believe my mince pies when I read Tony had sent in his card. Mind you, it took me a few posts to actually realise what the hell he was talking about! Now it appears another BS stalwart Fred has also sent in his as well. So the question on my lips is this; ?Is the aircraft in the air already and can we expect to see parachutes falling out of the sky sometime soon?"

I'll go back to that question maybe later because like Pons, a lot out there ain't as daft as they look!

Sincerely sorry to see you go Paul by the way. Pushed, shoved, nudged, urged, and encouraged, whatever. I thought you were the "young blood" required on the BS committee to help the old birds fly higher.

But whoop-de-doo-dah!! Does this all mean parishioners will be leaving the BS church in their droves?? Or at least a trickle of worshiper's leaving by the vestry door? AND! If they do, will we see a rival barbel fishing church get built? It's not as if the same thing hasn't happened in exactly the same way before in Barbeldom?

Greg has it about right though in that the overwhelming majority of anglers out there couldn't give a tramps vest about the BS or what goes off inside it. Most of them don't even know what the BS is!!

My card stays where it is though. Partly because I haven't a clue where I've put it and partly because I'm desperate to carry on fishing at Sutton-by-the-Seaside. And partly because my proposal goes before the BS AGM next year to have a "tripod only" bank so I don't have to look at these ridiculous contraptions any longer.



Tony Rocca

Some words were written over on the BS about your inability to get on.

No doubt they will sort it in usual manner and you will be able to participate in the next "spring watch".

Lee Fletcher 1

Dear Tone,

Apparently, and I say "apparently" because I'm only guessing, Lord Barbeldom read my comment about not being able to post, so got Simon to email me to sort it out. Which he did, and it has, well, when I get around to doing what Simon suggested. So it "appears" that Lord Barbeldom might just be missing me after all?

Are you part of the flight crew starting to circle so the big lads can make their jump??

A lot of people are going to look very silly when it all comes out, which it will of course.

I'm just glad I'm normal. (smiley face)



Paul. Owens

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Feb 16, 2004
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Well I for one don't think that The Pons is too far off the mark really. If you do post something that the committee don't agree with then you could at least expect a phone call from one of them and yes the post can get deleted or you are asked to edit. I believe others will back me up on this.

I for one would like to see elections to the committee from the membership, but some on the committee are too scared to stand up and be counted afraid of being ousted and replaced by a better person.

I for one would have looked forward to being either elected, re elected or beaten in an election. If I were beaten in an election and a better man replaced me then that would be good as it would make the society even stonger, and that would benefit the whole membership. the new man would then recieve my full backing. Every two years would be a good term to be in office.

Unfortuantely elections are never going to happen, new rules have recently been added which effectively stitches up the whole issue, and unless about 90% of the membership turned up at the AGM then no rule change can happen.The same goes for proposals. Now we all know that this will never happen. However if there were no membership then there would be no committee.

The B.S. is very good in principle but unfortunately at the moment one or two on the committee are spoiling things and holding the whole society back.

I personally only know of 2 people that are going to rejoin next season and that is only to fish one of their waters. I wonder though how the rent will be paid with a lack of members to pay it???

Fred Bonney

Well, I have been well truely proved wrong.

Would you believe it, a number of threads have disapeared due to a technical problems?
Say no more,apart from, very craftily done, just the way I would do it.


It needs a man to stand in front of the Tank,ala Tiannemen Square,the crowd to start walking to the wall,Berlin style,or like when Maggie left Downing street.

The old Guard are still there,like Kruschov,Breshnev,Amin,with a few puppets,the vibrancy is no more,the pomposity and lack of humility is.

Yes ,I agree most members dont give a stuff for the politics,and even less for the running of it,the reasons for joining are to fish the waters,have a social once a year,attend the odd regional,read the mag,and support the best principles of the BS.

Admirable and fine,but the BS from great beginnings and stated objectives grew fast,then just stopped,and now is on the slide,because fundamentally the powers to be failed to listen to others,and just stubbornly failed to adapt to the changing face of Angling,the huge growth of stillwaters,and nosesdive of large matches.

In a time when Carp Anglers are turning to Barbel Fishing in droves,Matchmen the same,the BS should be 10,000 strong,but instead membership continues to fall,regionals are poorly attended,that must tell you something.

A few of us did have that passion and honesty,and vision,but found the concrete to thick ,the wall of silence from on high too much to bear.
Tho old Politbureau are still there,like Leonard Bresnev being wheeled out,drugged to the eyeballs,waving his hand at the loyal subjects,alongside some other new UZI weilding henchmen,vying for a place at the top.

Rob Egan

New member
Mar 24, 2006
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Hi all,
The Pons has such an eloquent way of stating the truth, I have also returned my membership card, and will not under any circumstance rejoin.


Matt Brown

Oct 15, 2005
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Flippin' 'eck. I'm gobsmacked at those returning their cards. You must have very serious reasons.

I do believe people outside the BS have a right to know what's going on as many of us are potential BS members and the BS aim to represent barbel fishing as a whole.

Phillip Court 2

New member
Nov 22, 2006
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Perhaps they will use the ?5,000+ raised from the public auction for research to fund their venues after the members fail to rejoin. By the way, what has happened to that money as it does not seem that it has been allocated for any research projects? Perhaps Steve Pope or another B.S committee member can explain. I see they have removed all questioning threads to the committee from there website also, so something is up. Thanks. Phillip

hugh middleton

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Aug 15, 2003
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Matt,there are more cards to be returned yet.

Some within the BS (just!)would also like to know what is going on.

Matt Brown

Oct 15, 2005
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Hugh, that's plain to see. I don't want to get into this too much, but I am very curious as to what's happening and why.

I really think people like Paul are exactly what the BS needs.