Bob Roberts

Well-known member
Sep 5, 2002
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Dear Guester

You appear to be confusing Fishing Magic with Prime Minister's question time. Excellent today by the way but probably way over your head. The focus was education.

The partizan heckling on here may sound to you like the old H of C but it certainly is not. Consequently to answer any question posed on here is strictly optional.

You are rude to the point of impudence. Your profile is completely blank. As such you are a non-person in my eyes and barley merit the time it takes to jot this response.

Perhaps you might like to join the Barbel Society, they are actively seeking new members and I'm sure you will be warmly welcomed in their forum.

Eddie Street

New member
Apr 27, 2005
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Rocca, here?s something for you and the eleven disciples as Chris Ponsford calls them to consider.
Why have so many hard working committee members left recently? Could it be they could no longer work with a high ranking officer who undermined their positions?
Why is it that they all seem to be saying the same thing that the high ranking officer has got it wrong?
I can?t believe that Chris Ponsford and Keith Truscott well respected men within the society have got it wrong. Both held positions in the society one as secretary and the other head bailiff. Other ex committee men have criticised the high ranking officer why is that? Many are now questioning the co-opting of people on to the committee all wrong are they? Or would you just say the high ranking officer has it right?
Why like a chased fox has he gone to ground again? Is he just trying to ride out the storm? This could be a tsunami the tide has turned. I know you and Fred will defend the high ranking officer but it seems that the bell tolls for your master! The **** is dead long live the ****!!
Oh and a word of warning to anyone thinking of joining the SS sorry the BS don't listen to the tripe being dished out over on BFW by some their only trying to calm the waters of discontent. Of course their posts make light of what is actually happening within the society but the gapping cracks are there. Take my advice and listen to people like Chris and Keith men who have worked with the high ranking officer

Deanis St-Mustel Tamuippot (ANAG) (AKA) Eddie or who ever else you want me to be?


Guester 2

New member
Sep 18, 2005
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Dear Mr Roberts,thank you for replying. Others were asking questions and as a mere lurker I was wondering why these were not answered.
As for PMQ's, like me I'm sure you wonder at the motives of those who don't answer direct questions.
As for profiles,I've already given my reasons but you might pose the same question to Trentrotter on BFW who also seems to have some problems with the Barbel Society.

Tony Rocca

Ray (Eddie),
Why do you address that post to me, you know its wasted.

Bob, Think old Guester 2 has you in a bit of a tangle there.

Bob Roberts

Well-known member
Sep 5, 2002
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Isn't this the problem with pseudnyms and user names?

I've kept off other boards for quite a while now because this one takes up quite enough of my time but when I do go on anywhere it is under my own name.

I've just had to search high and low for my BFW logon details just so I can make it clear that I am not this Trent Rotter chap. And now I'm having to do it on here.

Has the world gone mad?

And now I'll be accused by another pseudo that I'm deliberately keeping this thread going!

Phil Hackett HC/PCPL with Pride

"Infamy infamy,they've all got it infamy"

Kenneth Williams in . . . . . . .

er . . . Carry on - somethingorother to do with the Romans?"

Peter what a corker RATFLHAO :0)
It works on so many levels!

Anybody watching that excellent series Rome on the BBC?

Peter Jacobs

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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In God's County: Wiltshire
Phil, it was Fred's quote I just spiced it up a bit.

Come on guys, only 69/70 posts - geeze, Ron's floaters got nearly 3 times as many posts.

paul williams 2

I hear Ron is marketing pop up barbel pellets......and eating lots of really healthy stuff!

john walker 2

New member
Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
i got a fair few mates whos in the B/S
i aint but can i ask one thing and get one straight answer with no beating round the bush, i have for some considerable time now been thinking of joining the B/S,
my question to help me make this decision is

is the committee and governing body voted in by the members?
no hidden agenda here just a straight forward question i would like answered before i lay cash out....j.w

Phil Hackett HC/PCPL with Pride

Emm?. the answer will be interesting!


Hi John,

Simple answer, no, that is how it was put together and agreed from the start.

There are safeguards in place, in the ten years of existance it has proved to be an excellent system.

Some do not like it, but that's how it is.

The membership is always listened to and an overview taken, no matter what you may read or hear elsewhere, the committee do not all sing from the same sheet, there are at least a dozen individuals more than capable of reading a situation and coming to a decision.

Our structure is probably unique in the angling world, and it allows for things to get done.

You have to remember that the membership is relatively large, there will always be someone who feels agrieved, and they tend to make a lot of noise.
If they had stayed onboard and put those grievances to the committee, they would have been dealt with in a fair and proper manner.

So I've answered your question quite openly and sincerely hope you decide to join.

All the best,



Indeed it is unique!

Clearly built from the foundations set by Karl Marx.

I have to say I am quite astonished that the committee is not elected. No slight on any individual Steve.

Simon Barnard 2

Works for us right now Bully, when it stops working we wil change it be assured of that. And, I'm sure Steve P would agree with that as well.

Matt Brown

Oct 15, 2005
Reaction score
As a BS member I'm happy with the system. There's plenty of opportunity to question anything I like on the BS forum or by phone.

If you were to ask BS member to vote on who should be on the committee, I imagine the same people would be voted in by the vast majority.

john walker 2

New member
Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
Thank you for your Straight forward reply to my question Steve,
its helped my decision, again thanks for replying so prompt and simle....john

Fred Bonney

I must admit I was in two minds about its management.
Being part of the Society for only two seasons has shown and taught me a great deal.
I've met and made myself some good friends AND I can talk to Steve Pope or any of the other members of the Committee at anytime,(well almost,up until 9pm anyway :))on ANY matter that concerns me about the running of the Society.
All in all, the blokes at BS are much the same as any of the guys I have met at Fm fishins.
So,don't listen to the knockers,give it a go,if your interested in Barbel, and see for yourselves..

Tony Rocca

Better to co-opt guys to the Committee who have shown they are up for, and capable of doing, the job than have elected individuals who are not I think.
Seems to work well in the BS anyway.