A Rum Old Week – Allegedly!

IT’S BEEN A rum old week on the site, with Bob Roberts blasting some Barbel Society members for the alleged verbal abuse of an angler who, it was said, had made a genuine mistake and was about to fish where he shouldn’t.

The Barbel Society, to their credit, responded to the allegations and claimed that even the guy who was alleged to have suffered the abuse, claimed that the whole thing was a mountain being made out of a molehill.

And of course the forum has been set alight with claims and counter claims, serious accusations and serious counter accusations. Then we’ve had the usual glut of nonsensical contributions from those who just want to join in.

So we thought this cartoon from Lee Swords is just what is needed to bring a little light-heartedness back into the picture.


We hope both Bob and the Barbel Society can see the funny side of things, as I’m sure they will, but if they don’t then they can just go and *************!!!!
