According to a report on Ananova the anti-angling campaign could be set to escalate if the fox hunting ban gets through parliament.

The campaign group PETA – People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals – are set to launch their anti-angling campaign in a couple of months, using computer generated pictures of a dog on the end of a line. Apparently, the campaign idea started when a former angler caught a fish with a hook already implanted in its cheek and thought it odd that people are happy to do it to fish but wouldn’t dream of doing it to their dogs. He promptly wrote to PETA and the campaign plans started from there.

Concern that the campaign will take hold soon is mounting, because hunting looks like it might be banned quite soon. PETA is a well orgnaised campagining group and they will start to look around for the next issue to go for. Angling appears to be it.