18 months in development in order to replace the bulky jar the new Super Seed Pouches from Bait-Tech are just hitting the shops now and FishingMagic were delighted to be able to get hold of some of the very first samples to come off the production line.

Most, if not all, anglers have pre-prepared particles of some description at their disposal, if only an ‘in case of emergency’ supply left in the car or tucked in the bottom of the rucksack. The problem is that cans, and particularly jars, are bulky to carry and store – and take up just as much space empty when you bring them home to dispose of them as you did at the start of the session – albeit you’ve lost the weight!

Enter the pouch, which is easier to carry and store than a jar not only when you are actually fishing but also, if you are bringing home unused particles to use again, in the fridge or freezer. Unlike several pouches we have seen these are tough and unlikely to burst open in transit depositing the contents all over your kit!

The ingredients are cooked in the pouch so there are no preservatives in any of the range and all of the seeds remain coated in their natural, oily fish-pulling goodness and, as you might expect from the company which gained an excellent reputation for their canned and jarred particles, the size and quality of the grains is exceptional.

The range includes natural, oily hemp, a really fiery chilli hemp laced with chilli flakes and a parti mix that comprises ten different seeds and pulses in a mixture of different sizes and colours infused with an aniseed attractant.

Pre-prepared particles made the angler’s life a whole lot easier; these pouches are set to make it even more convenient. Look out for them in all good tackle shops now. The FishingMagic samples vanished into the bottom of Welchy’s rucksack very quickly so we assume we will be getting some on the bank feedback shortly!