It’s Pisces anti-angling week, 16th June to 24th June. They are, so they say, setting up stalls, distributing leaflets and talking to the media.

The idea is to disrupt angling wherever they can, and although they say they do this through non-violent means, there are many anglers who can testify that that is far from the truth.

So be warned and watch out for them. They are not fussy about what they do to stop you fishing. Apparently, for all their so-called concern for fish they don’t have the same concerns for human life.

The best thing to do if approached is to pick up your tackle and walk away. Don’t get involved in arguments with them and don’t offer violence. After all, we don’t want to sink to the same level as them, do we?

Interestingly, campaigner Max Gastone is quoted as saying: ‘Hopefully, hunting will be banned soon and I would say shooting will be next and then fishing.’

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