Another Bloody Tangle! by Peter Bishop
Another Bloody Tangle! by Peter Bishop

Another Bloody Tangle!

  • by Peter Bishop
  • Published by SportsBooks
  • Humour – The trials and tribulations of an incomplete angler
  • 223 pages
  • ISBN: 1899807 28 4
  • Available from SportsBooks Ltd
  • £ 7.99
Former radio journalist and football reporter Peter Bishop took up fishing at an early age and never mastered it! This book is about his love for the sport and the various and hilarious adventures that occurred along the way.

How he once nearly caught a hippo; how the Queen Mother’s ghillie thought he was the ‘Bishop of Birkenhead’ and called him ‘your Grace’ throughout the day.

After finishing the book he won his first ever angling match only to drop the trophy when it was presented.

This book takes in mildly erotic teenage fumblings in Ireland, infestations of maggots and the close camaraderie of anglers everywhere.

Peter Bishop lives on the Wirral and was once programme editor at Tranmere where he shared a love of angling with one-time Prenton Park manager and former Liverpool legend John Aldridge. Peter also worked for Radio Merseyside.


I don’t know what I expected when I first opened the book, but I do remember having a feeling of dread, for there are not many anglers who can truly write good humour. The usual problem is that most people write about personal adventures that seemed hilarious at the time, but unless you were there, and know the characters involved, the story just isn’t funny.

I’m glad to say that this book by Peter Bishop is not like that. It’s a well written, funny book of various adventures that Peter has experienced throughout his fishing career, although it could be argued that he frequently careered off course on more than one occasion!

Many of the mishaps he experienced have happened to all of us at some time or other, and that makes the reading of them all the more enjoyable as we relive our own faltering steps through our angling lives.

An enjoyable, funny book that was worth every penny of its cover price of £ 7.99. Treat yourself to a good laugh and buy it.