The Carp Channel cameras are  at Farlows Lake  in Buckinghamshire,  a super, feature-filled 28-acre water just inside the M25 motorway with stacks of 20s to go at Ian’s ‘pupil’ for this enjoyable session is self-employed builder Ian O’Cock, and the boys pick a sheltered bay for this lesson in maggot fishing for big carp.


Learn what to look for in cooler weather, pick up tips and tactics for approaching fishing tight to snags, and find out how to get them out of features successfully… well most of the time!!


The boys are into fish within 20 minutes and the carp come thick and fast on bunches of maggots threaded by needle onto a stiffish hair rig. And what’s more the clear water means the mirrors to 20lb-plus have darkened up and are in magnificent condition, and fight like mad too.


On a day when it decides to tip it down all day, both the anglers and the Carp Channel Monthly camera crew of David Hatter and John Dunford deserve a medal for their perseverance above and beyond the call of duty!!


This programme, and many more, are all available here on FishingMagic and free to view in December’s issue of Carp Channel  Monthly  – the monthly video magazine for carp anglers everywhere.


Just click HERE to view and use the arrows to scroll through the playlist….