Tale of Two Pike

Over the past week great mate Pingers had a very large pike on a two pound dead trout, fished on a drop-off,...

Let’s Kick That Can Forever…

I love this modern phrase, even though I’m not exactly sure of its meaning? I’ve been guessing it is simply acknowledging a...

Enoka’s First Grayling

On Monday just gone Enoka’s first grayling came from a tributary of the Wye and fell for a Squirmy Wormy, if that...

‘The Concentration that comes with Age’

I noticed these words in a recent post, and they got me thinking hard. Is it too far a leap to suggest...

Go, Get A Grayling This Winter

This is NOT another potboiler by a writer trying to sell an article. This is a plea from the heart that if...

Is Angling going to the Dogs?

My piece on ‘Concentration, Patience and Acceptance’ drew howls (there might be more puns coming) of laughter from those close to me...

The Letters of Reverend E C Alston

Part 1 I assume that one of the pleasures of collecting, or even handling, an item of vintage fishing...

The Tench Timetable 00:01

The great advance made this century for tench fanatics is that we are now allowed to fish for them before the traditional...

Passion for Barbel… A Wye Afternoon

I count myself very fortunate that I have a clutch of young fishing pals because I like to get down with the...

Passion for… Carved Fish

The heyday of the carved fish, generally Atlantic salmon, ran from the later Victorian period until World War II. In part, this...
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