Civic Centre St. Albans Herts. AL1 3LD
(Box Office 01727 844488)

Celebrity lectures with John Wilson and Bob James

Monday 15th April at 7.30 p.m.

Tickets £ 6.50 (concessions £ 4.50) Informal cabaret layout (unreserved seating)Verulam Angling Club members £ 1.50 off (with VAC card)Alternative discount – buy Adult tickets for this evening plus “Fishing Matters Too” (June 12th) at the bargain price of £ 10.00 per person (no other concessions apply)

Despite a following of over 2 million devotees across the UK (more people than those attending professional football matches each week!), the ‘gentle art of angling’, in all its many forms (by sea, river, lake or stream) still retains an enigmatic air of mystery. It remains totally incomprehensible to those unconverted few that prefer to stay in bed on a freezing, wet winter’s morning rather than braving the elements to seek out and deceive a scaly quarry on a muddy bank-side.

However, since the advent of specialist magazines and newspapers, satellite- cable and digital TV and, more recently, the Internet, this one-time, humble, low-key hobby has grown beyond all recognition since Izaak Walton’s early, 17th century treatise!

At the forefront of this aquatic revolution are our two guest speakers for this first-of several, celebrity fishing lectures here at The Arena:

John Wilson is, perhaps, best known for his part in the popular, groundbreaking documentary series for Channel 4 TV, ‘GO FISHING’. Not only a successful tackle dealer, photographer, author, round the world fishing holiday operator, regular contributor to Angling Times, as well as other magazines, and an expert ‘all-round’ angler, John is also a great ambassador for angling. The boundless enthusiasm for his sport (coupled with a real concern for conservation and appreciation of the countryside and its wildlife) carries effortlessly across the TV screen to all his viewers, whether committed fishing fans or not.

Adding his not-inconsiderable watercraft and life-long angling experience and expertise, Bob James perfectly compliments this evening’s proceedings and its subject matter. Another great champion for the preservation of the countryside’s waterways Bob, now actively campaigning on behalf of the A.C.A. (Anglers Conservation Association), also acquired a reputation as a television angling celebrity following his collaboration with top carp specialist and colleague Chris Yates in the fascinating and evocative B.B.C. series ‘A PASSION FOR ANGLING’ (circa 1992). Another ‘all-rounder’, he also contributes regularly with articles in Angling Times and Improve Your Coarse Fishing magazine.

Whether you’re a dedicated rod and line convert, or just curious as to what is this endless fascination about sitting beside a piece of water for hours ‘waiting for a bite’ you’ll certainly be in for a unique evening’s entertainment! And this is no catch!

‘FISHING MATTERS TOO’ will be on Wednesday 12th June 7.30 p.m. with DES TAYLOR and TREFOR WEST. Details closer to the time.