Few baits have generated as much interest during the last decade as plastic baits and there are few anglers these days who do not at the very least have a few grains of plastic sweetcorn in their tackle box and, to be honest, if they don’t then they really should have! 


Plastic baits - every angler should carry some!

There is, however, much more to the ‘plastic fantastic’ than just corn and in a revealing interview FishingMagic Editor Ian Welch catches up with Chris Hornsby, boss of the innovative company Enterprise Tackle, who started the plastic revolution and who remains at the forefront of the design and development of plastic baits – and indeed other angling bits and pieces – to this very day.


The pair discuss the beginnings of the company, examine the reasons why plastic imitations are frequently more successful than real baits and then look at a few of the ways plastic baits can be used and the latest trends and devolopments in the plastic range.


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Running time is approximately 15 minutes 21 seconds.