Fishing for Answers is a one day conference for policymakers, practitioners, and the angling sector presenting the findings from the Social and Community Benefits of Angling Research Project. The project was funded by the Big Lottery Fund, and ran from 2009 to 2011.

Drawing on three years of quantitative and qualitative research across the UK, this conference will present how angling can contribute to improving a range of outcomes in: health and well-being; the environment; communities; young people; rural areas and angling.

The conference takes place on 31 January 2012 at the Coin Street Neighbourhood Center, South Bank, London, with full booking details provided in the attachment appended to this news item.

Conference Highlights

• Keynote: Richard Benyon MP, Minister for Natural Environment and Fisheries (DEFRA)

• Martin Salter (National Campaigns Coordinator, Angling Trust)

• Substance Research Findings

• Practitioner Presentations

• In Focus: Hear From the Practitioners delivering benefits in:
Health and well-being; communities, young people, the environment, rural areas, and angling.

• Angling ‘Question Time’ Panel

A free CD of all projects reports is provided and tea, coffee, and lunch are included.

The conference is sponsored by the Angling Development Board. The research has been supported by The Angling Trust, Angling Development Board of Scotland, The Environment Agency, Get Hooked on Fishing, The Wild Trout Trust, and the Angling Trades Association.