Short Term Test

Price: £ 199.95

Length: 12ft
Test Curve: 2.75lb
Material 1: High Modulus Carbon Core
Material 2: Titanium/epoxy Fusion (Titanium particles in epoxy for extra strength which also gives it that silver grey colour)
Material 3: Six Titanium wire strand overwrap for additional strength
Fuji reel seat

Revolutionary Fuji LC (long cast) guides. Fuji claim you can get an increased 15% distance over conventional guides with the LCs
Padded bag
5 Year warranty

I was rather unkind (but truthful) about Grauvell’s Bionic Barbel rod some time ago, criticising the gaudy graphics and the bag that didn’t even have separate compartments. To their credit the company have taken this criticism on board and come a long, long way since then.

This TC carp rod has small, understated graphics on the underside of the rod (actually smaller now than you can see in the photographs) and the rod bag is an exceptionally good quality, padded bag that really does protect the rod from knocks and scrapes.

It’s a good looking, very tough, well made rod that will handle any carp it happens to do battle with, and the action of the blank is such that it will have no trouble casting well over the 100yd mark in the right hands.

The Fuji reel fitting and the Fuji LC rings are a good indicator that no expense has been spared, and the little touches that could go unnoticed (the rod aligning indicator and the hook keeper) help to put this rod up there with the best.


Grauvell are a company that have listened to its customers and acted on the feedback, with the result that they have now produced a quality rod that deserves its quite hefty price tag.

If you’re thinking of replacing your carp rods then take a look at these TCs before you make any decisions.