Early in December a challenge was issued by the organisers of the ‘Maggotdrowners’ website for an inter-site fishing match.

The format was proposed as three matches, one each in the North, Midlands and South. Competing websites would enter a team of eight for each leg and following a points system an overall winner would be decided.

I have some previous match experience and decided to put my name up for consideration. After consultation with Graham (and a distinct lack of other volunteers) I was made ‘Captain’ of the FM team.

A call was duly issued for other interested parties and to date I have eight stalwart souls prepared to do battle on FM’s behalf.

However, with the best will in the world the nine of us can’t compete in all three legs. Geography alone is proving to be a problem. Those of us from the North would find it difficult to compete in the Southern leg for example.

So I’m calling for more volunteers!

The organisers have eleven teams signed up so far so it promises to be a decent event. The craic should be good if nothing else! It’s not going to be mega-serious so those of us with rusty skills will not feel out of place. Apparently there will be a few decent prizes on offer and there is likely to be a pool for those of us with more cash than sense. All in all it should be good do.

So what are you waiting for, anyone interested post to the forum link below or mail me direct: Phil Hatton.

The honour of our site is at stake!