Lisa Catches a Fish Bigger than Herself!

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WHEN ANGLING LEGEND John Wilson took his daughter Lisa fishing in Scotland for common skate, she managed to reel in a 190lb winner – heavier than herself!

Lisa and John were fishing the saltwater lochs of the Scottish highlands when the impressive catch was captured on camera for Discovery Real Time’s stunning new series, ‘John Wilson’s Dream Fishing’.

Lisa, 34, is not a regular angler and admits she has very little experience with a rod, apart from the odd fishing trip with her dad as a child. The back-breaking event took Lisa over an hour and a quarter to reel in the giant skate, that was sitting on the bottom of the loch 500 feet below. Not having the same strength as her father, she had to take frequent breaks in between reeling in the fish. Once the catch was measured and weighed, it was put straight back into the water.

Lisa Wilson
John and daughter Lisa and the 190lb skate

‘John Wilson’s Dream Fishing’ tackles some of the most demanding fish species, ranging from giant common skate and powerful conger eels, to blue sharks and even the legendary Mekong catfish. The series also features a variety of beautiful and wild fishing locations across the British Isles and abroad.

‘John Wilson’s Dream Fishing’, premiering on Discovery Real Time, October 27th at 9pm, combines an impressive variety of fish species, with a diverse range of unique angling locations around the world and top tips and techniques from the UK’s favourite angler. This brand new programme is a must see for anyone who likes fishing, from amateurs to professionals alike – not to be missed!