CARP (Cyprinus Carpio)


There are three main varieties of common carp:
1) Common, which is covered with regular scales.
2) Mirror, which has large, irregular scales.
3) Leather, which has no scales at all.
Then there are further sub-variations such as linear, scatter-scaled, fully-scaled mirror, etc.
The carp has two sets of barbules, four in total, on its mouth

British record

59lb 7oz


Very adaptable and can be found in most waters


Move around in small to medium sized groups. Feed at all levels, from bottom to surface

Preferred Habitats

Anywhere where there is food and they feel comfortable and safe

Best Feeding Times

All times, but dusk, through night ,and dawn are favoured

Natural Food

Molluscs, invertebrates, worms, slugs, vegetation.


Males 3 – 4 years, females 4 – 5 years

Spawning Times

May to July

Preferred Spawning Areas

Dense weed, lilies.


100,000 to 200,000 eggs per kg of body weight.