PIKE (Esox Lucius)


The pike is the largest natural predator found in the UK. It has a perfect natural camouflage and will blend in well with weeds from where it ambushes its prey. Its colourings are a combination of green, yellow and grey on its flanks with a silvery sheen overlaid. The dorsal fin is set to the rear, close to the tail, and directly below is the anal fin, providing very powerful acceleration from a standing start. The head of a pike is long and flattened, its mouth equipped with a fearsome set of needle-sharp teeth. The roof of its mouth and its tongue are also equipped with teeth. The pike is able to consume prey up to 25% of its own body weight.

British record

46lb 13oz


Found in most waters, be it rivers, lakes, ponds, lochs or streams. Pike are adaptable and one of the most widely distributed species in the UK.


Solitary fish but will at times feed in groups, usually close to spawning or main feeding areas.

Preferred Habitats

They ambush and hunt from reed beds, sunken tree roots, weir pools, depressions or slacks and creases.

Best Feeding Times

Generally dawn and dusk.

Natural Food

Fish, including smaller pike, small mammals and worms.


2 – 3 years, male and female.

Spawning Times

March to May

Preferred Spawning Areas

In dense weed beds such as Elodea or Phragmites.


15,000 to 30,000 eggs per kg of body weight.