Korda Maggot Klips

  • Sizes: X Small, Small, Medium and Large
  • In packs of 10
  • £ 2.99 per pack
Korda Say
Korda’s Maggot Klip has been specially designed for the easy attachment of maggots. The clip style means that maggots can be ‘threaded’ onto the point quickly and easily without the need for using any additional needles. The small eye can be tied to the hair, or attached to a Korda Micro Ring Swivel for further rig permutations.


These clips have certainly taken the pain out of hair-rigging maggots. I used to dread threading them onto a hair with a needle, casting them in a for a nice barbel and having the maggots sucked dry by minnows in next to no time and then having to do it all over again. It put me off using hair-rigged maggots as the effort wasn’t worth it when that happened too many times. Now, with these clips the job is quite easy and there is a size to suit whatever size bunch of maggots you want to present.

The only negative is that they’re not particularly sharp. Most of the time you can get away with it and not burst too many maggots, but do what I do and get that stone or diamond file out and touch up the point.

An excellent product.