Six FM members won

One tub and two tubes of Lotil Moisturising Cream

To win one of these six sets of Lotil cream (ideal for anglers who regularly get wet hands, followed by dry skin) you had you come up with a witty caption to the photograph below.

The competition was run on the forum where everyone can see everyone else’s entries.

 You had to write a witty caption for this picture
You had to write a witty caption for this picture

The winners, and their captions, in no particular order, are:

” I don’t mind the Klinik smeared around my mouth or the Lotil on my belly, but I pray they put us back before they find the KY jelly”

Nigel (ACA)
“It’s when they start rolling on the unhooking mat, that we’re in trouble”

“Are you sure this is the audition for Broke Back Mountain 2?”

“Never mind barbel Granville, if yon cream takes as many wrinkles out of your bum as it has your face…I will have a half a dozen tubs!”

Les Clark ( not too proud to nick a …
The Gay Barbel Competition had got off to a good a start when both team captains caught at the same time and later run off to set up home together.

Rob Falconer
Ted and Crispin show how to cut a fish down the middle and open it out for the barbecue

Thanks to everyone for taking part.

Will winners please email me your street/delivery addresses as soon as possible.

Prizes will be forfeited if not claimed (by emailing your street/delivery address) within 30 days of this winners’ announcement.

The prizes will be sent direct from the competition sponsor.