With the weather being absolutely perfect for barbel fishing I decided to sneak out on Friday night for an over-night session on my local Warwickshire Avon. In fact the conditions looked so good I even predicted I was going to catch on my Face Book page, but little did I realise how good a night it was going to be!

Earlier in the week I had an evening on a new stretch without a touch, so rather than potentially waste the ideal conditions on a stretch that might not hold any fish at present I decided to fish an area that I knew well and that could turn up a good fish or two.

Arriving at 19:30 I had my first bite just after 20:00 from a small chub and then as the light began to fade the barbel moved in and it was steady action until I decided to get my head down for a couple of hours at 02:30. In that time 12 barbel put in an appearance, all in the 4 to 7lb range, I would guess mainly males still shoaled up after spawning. I was more than happy with this, as it was my largest single session catch of barbel from the Avon.

I only managed to get a couple of hours sleep as the rising sun was shining straight under my brolly, so I decided to get up, put the kettle on and have another couple of hours fishing before heading for home.

Although the fishing in day light was quite slow it did bring two bites, the first from a lovely 5lb 4oz chub and the second from this clonking barbel of 13lb 9oz.

Most of the fish, including the ’13’ fell to two 10mm Dynamite Marine Halibut pellets drilled and fished on a hair to 3ft of 10lb Nash Fluorocarbon and a size 14 Mustad hook. I fed 2 pints of 6mm Halibut Pellets and half a gallon of hemp with the catty and added a six inch PVA stick of mixed pellets liberally coated in Source Liquid and another secret attractor that I have been testing.

I think from now on 13 is my lucky number!

Dr Paul Garner

Check out Paul’s website and blog at www.drpaulgarner.co.uk