Neil Jupp
P.O. Box 350, Warrington

Telephone (01925) 411774
Fax (01925) 411774

10 December 2001Up until last Sunday morning fishing was steady but not hectic on numerous waters, with plenty of small fish being caught along with one or two big ones. However, since the heavy frost of Saturday night, form has took a nosedive.

As sod’s law would determine Sunday morning was when the Club’s Fur And Feather match was scheduled and the match took place on the Cyanide stretch of the Sankey Canal, where bites were few and far between.

Needless to say fish were extremely rare with only a dozen caught in the whole match. Nevertheless, the match was great fun just for the spirit in which it was fished, and as always the friendly banter and jokes this festive match always generates. To save embarrassment, I will not quote the weights of catches, just to say that the match was won by Barrie Holbrook, second was Phil (joke a minute) Larkin with Eddie Philips coming third.

It will be this coming weekend before we can expect any improvement in form, and that will be dependent on the weather of course. Initially seek the waters with a bit of depth and use very fine terminal tackle and small baits, due to the clarity of the waters following frosts.

Work by officials to prepare for forthcoming work parties is now taking place in earnest. Materials have to be acquired, often purchased if donated materials cannot be found. If you have any materials which you believe would be of use to the Club, please contact Ian Nicol on 0151 228 3984.

M. Gater has pointed out that there are still one or two vacancies for water keepers, and would be glad to hear from any member wishing to find out more about the position, and he can be contacted on 01925 228 3984.

I can be contacted on 01925 411774.


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