The ATr report:

The competition gets underway on 20 July on the River Yare in Norfolk and to date half of the qualifiers for the competition, which carries a £10,000 top prize (subject to entry – based on a sell out of all qualifiers), as well as other big money prizes are now sold out with waiting lists in place.  There is, however, still time for anyone to apply for any of the other qualifying matches.

The Angling Trust will honour the ‘three people to go through’ rule to the final for every qualifier, even if they’re not fully subscribed with 60 anglers.

This is a very big year for this new competition as the first one was always going to determine what happens in the future, and the Angling Trust is delighted with the response and support from everyone who have applied so far.

Mark Lloyd, chief executive of the Angling Trust commented:

“We have been overwhelmed by the enthusiastic and positive response to this new addition to the Angling Trust match calendar from anglers.  I hope that this competition will encourage more anglers to remember the joy of fishing rivers in competition and for pleasure.  While there are many problems with fish stocks that we are tackling through our campaigns and legal action, there is still lots of excellent river fishing in this country.”

Match organisers and clubs are invited to contact the Angling Trust if they have venues suitable for hosting 60 peg matches in the future.  Please contact Sandra Drew, Competitions & Events Manager, Angling Trust on 0115 9061 301 or email

For full details about the Angling Trust RIVERFEST 2013 competition, together with a list of tickets sold and who’s competing click HERE