Dave Barham is fishing out of the River Mersey with two target fish on the cards – cod and thornback rays, in this exclusive TV show from Sea Watch Monthly – the video magazine for shore and boat anglers everywhere. He’s uptiding in about 45 metres of fast running tide and is into fish almost immediately, with some quality thornbacks putting in an appearance.

Click HERE to watch-for-free and learn how to handle thornback rays safely and how to differentiate between males and females.  Find out how to hook black lugworm and how to keep lugworm fresh, plus how to tie up Dave’s favourite ‘lugworm sausage’.

Dave’s fishing a 4/0 Pennel rig while the skipper’s approaching things differently, with a carp-style fixed rig. The boys also catch some nice dab and whiting and we find out how and why many skippers are tagging the thornback rays, plus what to do yourself if you land a tagged fish.

As the tide changes they switch their attention to the River Mersey’s cod and the codling using lugworm and squid baits, and they go on to enjoy a great afternoon’s fishing in a highly informative and enjoyable show from Sea-Watch Monthly

You can watch Sea Watch Monthly HERE on FishingMagic